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Can anyone help please. I unfortunately parked in Marbella on 11 Sept in a parking bay with Blue Lines.I forgot to put coins in the Parking Meter and upon returning later to my Car , had an Electronic Boletin de Denuncia for 50 Euros under my windscren Wiper.I have checked on the Internet under my NIE and Registration no and can find no reference to this fine yet.How does one find out,if this is a legal fine and how do one pay it. I believe if the fine is paid within 30 Days,a discount of 50% is applied.
Thank You
Hi Nigel,
11th Sept last year I presume? I think you can check at your local ibi rates offices none payment of a fine can carry an embargo on your bank accounts, you dont say if you live in Spain or the UK,
Hi Goldi
It was 11th Sept this year ,I live in Spain and drive a Spanish Registered Car.I do not understand why Sanchez says "that my Spanish Insurance Company should be able to sort out this fine for me."
Solve this to find the answer
My first is in doze but not in daze
my second is in hot but not in hat
my third is in body but not in bady
my fourth is in gate but not in late
my last in let but not in lot
what am I because i know the answer
Sorry to everyone who has replied to my post I meant to say 11 August 2011 is when I got this fine. How long willit take for FInes to register against your Details on the Internet and also receive a notice in the post.
Thank You
Dont know if they will for sure; could depend on who issued the fine.
If it was the GC then almost certainly it will reach your records eventually, but if it was Marbella Council or the policia local probably not. After all parking offences in the UK don't get sent through DVLA; I dont suppose it's that different here.
Correos seem to be the appointed payment points for a whole raft of things out here.
hi foxbat I actually have a time machine for rent.
I reckon it could solve a lot of problems.
I use it all the time.
Only thing is due to a thing called the TIME PARADOX it wont let you place a winning bet.
I received a parking fine in Benidorm because I parked down a street and just walked off without getting a parking ticket. A dutch friend I know who has lived in Spain for years told me to just chuck it in the bin. Any parking fines from the Ayuntamiento he said, ignore. I did not pay it and I never heard anything, that was back in 2008 though, dunno whether anything has changed since. I would not have though so.
hi all,
I need your help please, a friend of me travelled to Spain for a vacation, and he rented a car there. he parked without having a ticket (without patying), when he returned he found a fine of 90 Euros on his car. He's now in Jerusalem, he wants to pay the fine. as we know, if he pays withing 20 days he will get a 50% discount, is that true? how can he pay the fine online??
Thanks in advance
_______________________ JB
Can anyone give advise, i have just received a parking fine for 200 euro's from Spain for a hire car i rented in September ! Do i have to pay it?
I don't think you need to pay so much fine for renting a car.
Can anyone give advise, i have just received a parking fine for 200 euro's from Spain for a hire car i rented in September ! Do i have to pay it?
You probably rented the car with a credit card so the hire company will most likely take that sum, plus any further charges, when they get the fine as the owners of the car.
Can anyone give advise, i have just received a parking fine for 200 euro's from Spain for a hire car i rented in September ! Do i have to pay it?
Sounds excessive, 200€, for parking, you sure it was you? after all you wouldn't have got it direct, the hire company would have, and if they haven't paid it straight away has this fine doubled, trebled even?.
I have just been done for speeding in Northamptonshire, and i have never in my life ever been to Northamptonshire, turns out the guy that read the number plate from the camera couldn't make out the car number plain enough, so he tracked the car make / colour, and my car matched a similar number plate on the same car make and colour, so they told me i was speeding in a place i had never been to, by the time i had sorted it out the fine was up a few hundred pounds.
I would double check everything if i was you.
Baz I have just been done for speeding in Northamptonshire
In my town in Spain if one gets a parking ticket when parked on a parking meter, it can be paid by putting the money with the ticket in the envelope provided and 'posting it' in the box on the parking ticket machine. If one does not pay 'fairly quickly' the amount jumps (from I believe around 6 euros, it was 300 ptas when I got my only ever ticket about 15 years ago) to considerably more.
( I cannot comment on what happens in other countries ).
I bet you wouldn't be putting 200€ in an envelope and putting back in the parking meter though, thats why it all seems over the top, like maybe the hire company said stuff it and now it's risen in cost they want it back.
Don't talk about parking here now in the UK, a very large shopping centre near me charged £100.00 for over the time limit by 6 minutes, Mrs B got done £45.00 for 2 minutes over in a small Suffolk town car park, warden must have be hiding until the time up, one Daughter got £45.00 for stopping to get a bottle of milk in Sainsbury, Aldi / Lidl / most shopping car parks now give you about 2 - 2 1/2 hours to shop or pay up, anything up to £60.00, i dropped a friend of at hospital and paid £14.00 just for a couple of hours wait.
We are not called "Rip of Britain" for no reason now.