Dear Ads,
I wish you well on your search for the brave new world of common sense and simple justice for the citizens.
it is long long overdue.
unfortunately I think you will first have to get rid of the bewigged vultures that run the system.
the human rights act has not done it and is in discredit so we need a citzens justice act, where his/her interests are always paramount, the vultures are supposed to take this sort of thing into account...........equity.
I have recently been trying to understand the legal question of a simple right of way to avoid dispute.
I have purchased three law books on land and its transactions only to discover that this simple easement is so confused by even the most senior judges in the land, producing opposing conclusions...........and that of course after feeding themselves with prodigous amounts of human resources.
we have had posters who say the lawyer is unnecessary in Spain, simply make an agreement and take it down to the notary to effect.
is this a path for your question perhaps or does everything have to go through the ridiculous "ritual dance"?
This message was last edited by normansands on 05/10/2011.