The cheapest funeral plan going!

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18 Oct 2011 12:00 AM by Patrick Vine Star rating in Cox, Alicante. 42 posts Send private message

There are many funeral plans from around 4,000€ for a simple next day cremation or the transportation of your remains to the U.K. for about 11,000€. There is a plan that is little publicized because it is a plan that does not does line the pocket of those that wish to make a profit out of those who want to make life as easy as possible for loved ones when their own life comes to an end.

I am a religious person and I try to make my Christianity as practical as possible. I think this is one way of being practical in helping others. My body will help doctors, dentists and other health professionals such as nurses and physiotherapists advance in there understanding of the functions of the human body & it will help cut the expense created around the funeral business. I have been struggling with the idea that my body will be used  for medical studies after I am dead if I donate it to science, but the other options are being eaten by bacteria and worms or my flesh being consumed by the flames. Not such a big deal when I believe that I will no longer need my body & I will not be here.

All throughout the studies the deceased persons body is treated with upmost respect and once the studies have come to their end the body will be cremated and the family will be given the option of having the ashes returned.

Besides being used to teach medical students and others in the medical profession, the bodies donated to medical schools are also used for medical research in the development of new surgical procedures, such as arthroscopic surgery to develop new, plastic surgery procedures including reconstruction of skin for burn victims, surgical approaches to various internal organs, and many other procedures

Recently I have been in contact with the Spanish Anatomical Society of Alicante and they have informed me that there is a great demand for bodies to be used in the advancement of medical knowledge. The process of donation is very simple and free. The S.A.S.O.A. has arrangement with funeral directors to collect the deceased person and transport them free of charge to the university and once the research has been completed they with also proceed to cremate the remains free of charge.

To start the process you will need to receive and fill in a form that will be sent to you and it is best to have someone very close to you witness it. Once the form is returned to the society they will send you a card that you should keep on your person.

There is a 24 hour phone number to be able to contact the society at any time.

A important consideration is that your desire to donate your body needs to be communicated and family members need to be informed so that after your death there is not place for misunderstanding and other arrangements made.

The only condition is that you do not HIV positive of have hepatitis in which there could be a danger of infection. This  service is available in most if not all of the provinces of  Spain. You should contact any medical university facility in your country for there conditions if you live outside Spain.

For more information please contact me.


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19 Oct 2011 11:58 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

                        a good tip, although I have heard of instances where the hospital refused to take the body.  I believe it was because the person was too old and thus the cadaver would be of little use.
So be prepared, you may need a 'plan B'
I had to pay for the funeral of a brother some years ago. I was advised by the coroner's officer to 'shop around'.   The quote I accepted was half that of the first, for that same funeral, same number of cars, the plot, the priest etc.
Incidentally,   Repatriating a cadaver is expensive, but taking / sending (by post) the ashes is very cheap. The weight would usually be no more than 3 kg and there are no regulations which forbid it.

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19 Oct 2011 10:03 PM by Patrick Vine Star rating in Cox, Alicante. 42 posts Send private message

I have spoken to the society today, age is not a problem. People who have suffered ailments are also welcome. The only drawback is if the deceased was HIV posative or had heppatitus. If the deceased remains are very bady burned then they might be rejected as well.

My wife works in a retairment home where many of her clients take this option. Age has never been a problem there.




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20 Oct 2011 8:57 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

This may be useful to those interested in this:-

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21 Oct 2011 11:25 PM by SMYTHIE Star rating. 145 posts Send private message



This message was last edited by SMYTHIE on 22/10/2011.

This message was last edited by SMYTHIE on 22/10/2011.

This message was last edited by SMYTHIE on 22/10/2011.

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07 Nov 2011 5:02 PM by alan63 Star rating in Orihuela. 50 posts Send private message

alan63´s avatar

Great information Pat,

a guy close to where I live had nothing planned and passed away leaving a big mess for his wife to sort out. The funeral people wernt very understanding to say the least. I think at the funeral they had to make a colection to pay the fee so they would release the body.

Im all for saving a bit of money & being of benifit at the same time. I tryed to ring the number on the link and it is a fax. Have you got a number thats correct?


Just enjoy life!

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09 Nov 2011 7:16 PM by Patrick Vine Star rating in Cox, Alicante. 42 posts Send private message

Sorry not to have left contact details.

The phone number for the Alicante area is   ** EDITED - Against forum rules **

If you have any problems in commincating with them just let me know.


This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 1/13/2019 1:34:00 PM.


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10 Nov 2011 8:51 PM by alan63 Star rating in Orihuela. 50 posts Send private message

alan63´s avatar

Usual proble.......

I no Speakie de ingliz.

Just enjoy life!

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10 Nov 2011 10:02 PM by rod Star rating in Uk and Spain. 468 posts Send private message

Whats the problem if you are 50 and over a 20 pound a mth plan will take care of the expense no underwriting you just have to live 2 yrs after inception

Anyone who dosent have the cash or take out a plan is a fool leaving it for the relatives to pick up the tab

A hole in the garden and a bin bag is just talking crap

This message was last edited by rod on 10/11/2011.

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12 Nov 2011 5:43 PM by angell Star rating. 31 posts Send private message

I have been thinking about this for some time and as I am now 84 it seems time is getting shorter, How does one get the form and would the same form apply in Marbella?   The web page that you quoted was just thank-you's for past donations.

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13 Nov 2011 10:09 AM by Patrick Vine Star rating in Cox, Alicante. 42 posts Send private message

If you click on that page it takes you to the main page:-

I think they will inform you about the malaga area.




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06 Feb 2012 3:25 PM by rob88 Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

 Unfortunately there is a lot more to it than simply applying. It can be a very confusing subject that can on occasion lead to disappointment and additional heartache. If anyone would like more information then please call me on 698217927. I deal with this subject on a regular basis.


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13 Jan 2019 12:55 PM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar

I have now been considering a funeral plan since the 2 girls selling them at the supermarket accosted me.

I asked, what happens to your plan and money if the plan provider goes bankrupt? No answer.

Having now done some research the answer is ‘’tough luck’’. If that is the case, is there a need for either a government or industry compensation scheme. Why do we always wait for the disaster to happen first before prevention?

When will we ever learn? Pension funds, Investments, Bank PPI and all the rest.

Where is the headline warning on a funeral plan ‘’YOUR MONEY IS AT RISK AND YOU MAY GET BACK NOTHING’’ nowhere.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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13 Jan 2019 2:26 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1221 posts Send private message

angeleyes1, I think you'll find loads of "headlines" about the risk of such funeral plans. Quite a few warnings in the UK press about some being "ponzi" schemes where they use money from new purchasers to pay for previous plans, the amount of commission taken, families being left with expensive bills as the plan doesn't cover the funeral and so on.

Just Google warning on funeral plans and you'll get loads of hits.

So saying, it seems the done thing among the Spanish as most have funeral plans and carry the card in their wallet which was also the norm when we lived in Cyprus.


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13 Jan 2019 3:04 PM by Weescottie Star rating. 37 posts Send private message

I worked for a large well known medical company that sourced cadavers for training purposes, if you think your body will be treated with respect and dignity I’d think again. It was such an eye opener, get your funeral plan in place now.

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13 Jan 2019 3:43 PM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar

Thank you mariedav. I wasn’t really referring to Spain, most of these parasite funeral plan companies seem to originate from the UK. I was not aware they were that bad  "ponzi" schemes. What does it take to get the authorities to outlaw them before we are all robbed of thousands and disposed of in the street bin upon death? Another scandal waiting to happen.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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13 Jan 2019 5:40 PM by acer Star rating. 1537 posts Send private message

If you're in good health you'll get a far better deal from a UK Life Insurance Company - without any side issues about insolvency or diappearing with your cash etc.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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13 Jan 2019 6:11 PM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar

I agree acer 100%. But why are the authorities turning a blind eye to these thieving cowboy companies?

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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13 Jan 2019 7:29 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1949 posts Send private message

Why would anyone consider taking out a funeral plan at the age 85 the chances of you paying enough in for the burial would be slim ...why not just save up in the bank doing it this way would insure that all the money you put in would go towards the burial...think about it.

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14 Jan 2019 9:14 AM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar

Windtalker you are absolutely correct in a perfect world. But what about the old vulnerable who gets bullied into taking an overpriced risky non secured funeral plan. Gets mugged in the supermarket by the canvassers, then thick skin bully salesman won’t leave her home until he takes her to the cash point. The police will say it’s a civil matter and the authorities will say ‘’so what’’.

Recently there was an ITV documentary ‘’TONIGHT’’ showing what a scam and unsecured risk they are. Sadly the authorities don’t seem to give a toss. I don’t know why.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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