The Comments |
I use Olive and pay 160€ per tonne,you can get Orange for about 75 per Tonne but the Olive burns a lot warmer and longer,about 5 logs from 5pm untill midnight and it is still glowing in the Morning.
That comes from Algorfa.
I think its a man/caveman thing,having to tend the fire,i am just the same...cant leave it alone,it fascinates me....suprising really after being in a fire and suffering second degree burns last would think i would stay well away!
still here after all these years!
My Guy here in Mijas charges for OLIVE logs (the best wood for heat)120e per tonne about 2.3 cubic meters.
He also stacks the load in my garage and leaves a bag of kindling at no extra cost.
_______________________ If lucky, there is another day.
we have a modern house on the coast, but have installed a log burner, I don't let the wife near it (mans work) although I do let her join me with a glass of wine in front of a fire,(like I could stop her) We have to specify only small logs as it burns too hot. we pay 50 euros a van load and lasts about half the winter. We lived in coin before with an open fire and used approx 2 ton a year was cold in them thar mountains. enjoy your winter
Where on the coast are you, News? Would you say your more-modern coastal house is better insulated than the one you had in Coin? (I doubt it!) or is it really just that much warmer on the coast compared to inland? (It's been a few years since we looked at the area around Coin but I remember it as being quite 'hilly' with the towns and villages nestling in between the hills). My only problem with a wood burner is the fact that I can be very allergic to wood smoke. Does the wood you burn give off much smoke/ a woody smell? (That's the only way I could think of describing it!)
Instead of a log burner we have installed a wood pellet stove.
The pellets cost €4.50 per 15kg bag. A bag lasts 12 to 15 hours depending on the weather if the lounge temperature is set to 22/23C.
Its lovely to wake up to a warm house as the fire is set to light automatically at 08.00 and go off at 10.00 and lighting again at 16.00 until 24.00.
The fire keeps the whole house warm if you leave all the doors open as the output of the fire is fan assisted.
Back in the UK I have a log burner on my narrowboat. The heat from this is distributed throughout the boat by a ECOFAN. This clever device uses no electricity. It uses the heat from the fire to operate a fan. Without it you tend to sit round the fire to keep warm. With it you tend to go outside to get cool. I would certainly recommend it for a spanish house which are very difficult to keep warm because of the lack of proper insulation.
Hi, I have 2 houses, one being in Mijas & the other inland at Iznajar & I can confirm the logs cost much more inland, which must be down to the density of people living in these areas.
In Mijas, I mostly burn olive, which is delivered & stacked at my home for about €115 for a very large trailer full (which will maybe last me for about 3 months if im lucky)
I did make one mistake a number of years back though: a Spanish neighbour of mine spoke to me about some firewood he wanted to sell. Well, my Spanish is not good, but I normally get by OK, but on this occasion - I thought he said €35, but what he actually said was €350 (I thought he meant a few sackfuls).
Anyhow, I had agreed to buy all of the wood that was subsequently delivered to my house. Now, luckily, I do have a fairly large driveway as there was rather alot more wood than I had planned for > it took us over 4 years to burn it all. I have no idea of the weight, but the picture of the wood being delivered at the top of this posting is roughly half of the size we received !
It was a good mistake to have made (financially that is), but I do remember having to stack it all to start with and yes > muscles ached for days. He mentioned again recently that he will have another load soon > but this time I will be more prepared.
_______________________ All the very best,
Telephone: (0034) 699752919
the house we live in now is very well insulated (at least through the walls where a hole drilled produced expanded foam). providing that the door is sealed correctly on the log burner there should be vey little smoke. Coin is a fairly big town and we had a lovely old house in the town, big double doors, centre court yard with mezanine floor, but very cold in the winter. We are now in benalmadena so things here don't get that cold, although the rain can sometimes make it a bit miserable. enjoy your winter fire
I think you are in the wrong side of Spain come up to the Costa Blanca it is one of the healtiests places in the world to live, and the cost of living is a lot cheaper, and the climate is a lot better, I tried down south first and now I think Alicante is by far nicer.....
But where on the Costa Blanca are you ob123? We stayed in Almoradi, a little inland from the coast, from November to beginning of April during the winter of 2009/10 and we were fffffffreezing for several weeks over the coldest period. However, this was probably because we stayed in a Spanish villa (no insulation) with one of those open-plan loung/diner/kitchen affairs including stairs that create the perfect environment for all the heat to escape upwards!
Flick switch on air con 5 mins warm
Flick switch on air con 5 mins warm
You get the idea
Sorry missed important step out Phone LOG man tell him to leave it this YEAR
This message was last edited by rod on 19/11/2011.
We are down near Cabroig beach I was swimming all last Week....superb place to live
No I am not jocking, did you know that the Tempreature of the water only drops a few degrees in the winter Caobroig is a stunning beach it was 22C, there was more people as well in the water, you still get 28 Oranges for €2.50 and a lot of older people who suffer from different pains in there body in Torreivieja all the pain goes with the salt in the air, they say it is the healtiest place in the world to live..... have I you convinced come up to Paradise.
Yes, ob123, it really is a beautiful beach. We spent several days out there when we stayed in Almoradi. I just couldn't stop taking photographs!
Happiness is...loadsa logs...
Victoria :)
Chicken wrangler and NYT bestselling author of 'Chickens, Mules & Two Old Fools' and the Old Fools series.
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
Personally I prefer this picture

Torrevieja is a healthy place to live, it has a micro climate and normally great weather. In Winter you need to have your shutters open to catch as much of the sun as you can to warm up the house. When the sun goes down then it quickly becomes an igloo, no insulation and very draughty. I can heat up the lounge quickly but then when I want to eat I have to run the gauntlet of the stairwell to reach the kitchen at back of house. Have yet to find a heating system to cope with this ice trap as I live in a three storey house.
On a weak moment I booked a 3 week trip out in January, I'm even finding it cold here in UK. Think I'll sit surrounded by my blankets and make the foolish man who suggested the trip do all the ice expeditions for food and drink. Mustn't eat or drink too much though as the cloakroom is out there too. 
Log burners sound great but don't think it will solve my problem.