Kindle in Spain

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26 Nov 2011 12:00 AM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message

Hey, has anyone out there got a kindle. Firstly. I understand you download books from Amazon, but can this be done from Spain? Someone told me it was a problem if you live here?


Any help or advice would be appreciated as I want to get one for Christmas,





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26 Nov 2011 6:50 PM by scubamike Star rating in Murcia province . 218 posts Send private message

scubamike´s avatar

If you buy a Kindle in Spain you get the American version and can only download from Amazon,com. in dollars and the books tend to be more expensive. If you have an address in UK you can have the UK version delivered and registered there but you cannot download books from unless your credit card is also registered at a UK address

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27 Nov 2011 12:56 PM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message

thanks i will try and register to UK address and use it in Spain

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28 Nov 2011 10:04 AM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

We both have Kindles (3G) registered to our UK address (by a UK credit card).  We download all the books we might need before we go, but the main reason we use them is that we can have our daily paper for £8.99 per month instead of the 9.5 (ish) euros per week it costs us in Spain to have hardcopy.  Since the Kindles are linked via one account we can can both have individual copies and also share books at no extra cost.  Also the "old" version will email and surf the web (within limits) for free!  Our son-in-law who lives in the USA has no problems when he brings his Kindle to the UK.


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28 Nov 2011 10:14 AM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message

thanks for that. So I can buy and register the Kindle to my father´s address in UK, with UK credit card. download the books from anywhere and use kindle in Spain?

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28 Nov 2011 10:29 AM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

As far as I am aware.  We have never actually purchased a book when in Spain because we make sure we download our reading before we go, but you can certainly access & download things from your account.


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28 Nov 2011 10:36 AM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message

28 Nov 2011 5:55 PM by JulieW Star rating in La Herradura, Costa .... 68 posts Send private message

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Thank you xetog, youw information has been most useful.





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28 Nov 2011 7:07 PM by D_B_S Star rating. 178 posts Send private message

My Kingle is in a drawer somewhere.

Before buying try the iPAD2 much better screen and I find it easier to use although I still prefer a paper book. A bit more expensive but you can get the newspapers and other mags in real time. Or if wanted some music.





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28 Nov 2011 7:44 PM by JulieW Star rating in La Herradura, Costa .... 68 posts Send private message

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Thank you David




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28 Nov 2011 7:45 PM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message

28 Nov 2011 8:25 PM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

Whether you use a Kindle or an iPad is a matter of personal preference.  for me cost: Kindle 3G/Wifi £150, iPad about £500. Kindle data download free, iPad £3/mb+.  Battery charge on Kindle 1 week to 3 weeks depending on use, iPad a few hours. The Kindle can easily be read in strong sunlight, the iPad cannot.  The only areas I can see where the iPad is superior is that it's in colour, but I buy it for the reading, not the pictures and apart from the data cost the iPod's download is free, whereas the KIndle is about 30p/day for the newspaper.  I am not sure what you mean about real time.  I get my newspaper at about 07.30 in the morning, which is fine for me.


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28 Nov 2011 8:59 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

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 The new Kindle Fire is now on sale in the US at $199 (approx £130).  It should be available in UK next year so might be worth waiting for.  It has internet access and you can also store movies on it as well as books.  It has great write ups in the states.  The only downside is that it is wi-fi only and not 3g so you have to be in range.  It's no good popping over to the States to get one as they only work in the USA and you need an American credit card to buy anything.

Looking at the reviews, although it says you can put films on it, you wouldn't get many as the internal memory is only 8Gb.  There's also no camera like the iPad has so, if you are into video phoning, you are out of luck (no microphone, either, so you can't use it as a phone).  It does have the advantage of having a colour screen, though.

Might be worth waiting for, though.  You can read reviews on it simply by googling Kindle Fire.

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29 Nov 2011 9:33 AM by mobailey Star rating in San Cayetano. 460 posts Send private message

mobailey´s avatar


we both have kindles and live in Spain all year round, we bought our kindles from USA ordered on Friday and delivered Monday afternoon!!  We now go onto and order our books from the English site where there are also many free books and they are downloaded within minutes sometimes seconds to our kindles here in Spain they are paid with by our UK credit card



Mo&Bryan & Why not see if can we help  

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29 Nov 2011 10:09 AM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message

That is interesting, thanks .. so do you need to register your kindle to a UK address, or simply pay for it with a UK credit card, then download from in Spain?



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29 Nov 2011 10:10 AM by scubamike Star rating in Murcia province . 218 posts Send private message

scubamike´s avatar

Agreed but your UK credit card must be registered at a UK address

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29 Nov 2011 10:36 AM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message

Ok thanks, so your kindle can be sent from USA to Spain, paid for with UK credit card (registered to UK address) and then set up via your wireless network in Spain?

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29 Nov 2011 10:37 AM by mobailey Star rating in San Cayetano. 460 posts Send private message

mobailey´s avatar
Hi again our credit card is reg' in Spain but is a UK card and we have no problems


Mo&Bryan & Why not see if can we help  

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29 Nov 2011 10:59 AM by scubamike Star rating in Murcia province . 218 posts Send private message

scubamike´s avatar

I use uk to buy books etc for delivery here to Spain and gifts to Uk. My credit and debit cards are with a UK bank and the registered address is here in Spain. As soon as I try to buy e books on Amazon a window comes up directing me to informing me that due to publishers rights I cannot purchase e books in Spain through

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29 Nov 2011 11:02 AM by JulieW Star rating in La Herradura, Costa .... 68 posts Send private message

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All really useful information, thank you.




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