I'm worried for Spain

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09 Dec 2011 1:57 PM by bob.dunford6 Star rating. 49 posts Send private message

 well it now has happend as i was saying it would all along.David Cameron has rejected thr Treaty of Germany..which would have ment every body in Britain paying another tax.at 3 % to save the eurozone.The three main parties in Britain, Conservatives.Liberal.and Labour ,All told Cameron before he left to go to the Meeting in Brussels .That if we were pushed into Signing.We would ask the People of Great Britain. If they want a Referendom.It seems that Ireland has joined us .And Germany are going to get rid of 10 EU Countries who are in Debt.So all along i have been saying, And asking the Finacail Companies what they think will happen.Has all Happend.

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09 Dec 2011 2:22 PM by rod Star rating in Uk and Spain. 468 posts Send private message

Bob rang David last week told him he should do as you said he must have taken it on board

Well done bob

Why dont you apply for a cabinet job we need clever people like you running the country


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10 Dec 2011 1:09 PM by BHTHE Star rating. 15 posts Send private message


I think that what the world has forgotten is the money that the British as a collective generate.We re-built Europe together with the rest when it was flattened, now these economies are doing OK they want to tell the UK how to do things.

Spain will not be bailed out by the UK as they have stolen by corruption from British investers who are now simply turning their backs on Spain's problems. We ran a thriving business in Spain for 10 years and caught a local(born in Spain from UK parents) stealing from us.

The courts in Tarragona simply changed paper work, ect, and wiped us out, we do have paperwork evidence of this.

Spain is not able to grow into a civilised country while they think nothing of doing these things at the highest level.

You can all rant and give opinions but the cold truth is Spain does not give a sh-t and has no intention of changing anything.

The UK should defend its citizens as the passport promises and maybe David Cammeron has begun the process, we cannot support corrupt countries and should stop all investment to Spain, we generate a huge amount of money in the UK and will always do so.We still have many counties in the commonwealth and trade with China and India ect.


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10 Dec 2011 2:50 PM by D_B_S Star rating. 178 posts Send private message

I thought it was US money that was used to rebuild Europe - but I'm no student of history.

As for not playing by the rules, Moats, Duck Houses and John Lewis Kitchens spring to mind from members and ex-members of the UK Parliament.

And as for the UK citizens are there really 1M+ unable to work through disability.

If the PIGS are to be bailed out it will be with German and other non Euro money from the East.

Glad I'm out of it.





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10 Dec 2011 3:12 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

Didn't the Germans try to take over Europe once before?  Or did I dream this?  The UK debt to Europe is higher than Spains and we have a much more favourable rate of interest as well.  We also have had our fair share of corrupt scumbags/liars and cheats running our country for a very long time!    I would like to see the UK split from Europe entirely, we still have other countries to trade with.  We managed before 1973 and we will no doubt manage again.  Draw a line under the whole disaster and start again I say.


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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10 Dec 2011 5:39 PM by TheGuru Star rating. 35 posts Send private message

Lets become the next Switzerland I say the French and Germans hate us anyway

Well done Dave

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10 Dec 2011 6:01 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 posts Send private message

 Europe certainly was not rebuilt with UK money - Churchill said that Britain came out of the war morally great, but financially bankrupt!!    



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10 Dec 2011 6:24 PM by D_B_S Star rating. 178 posts Send private message


do you mean UK or Spain - the thread is about Spain!

If you mean the UK are you really sure?





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10 Dec 2011 6:30 PM by SMYTHIE Star rating. 145 posts Send private message

 pse dont fret dbs its always the same,  wander all over the place - get nowhere


This message was last edited by SMYTHIE on 10/12/2011.

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10 Dec 2011 8:31 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 posts Send private message

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I think we have good reason to be worried for Spain. Merkozy's plan is simply to tighten the rules which means permanent austerity for Southern Europe while Germany prospers.

If the Euro is to survive they need to use German money to pay off the debts and there is no sign that Merkel is planning to do this. When the austerity becomes to tough to handle Southern Europeans will realise there is no way out other than to leave the Euro and default on their debts.

That's when we'll see real hardship - and our property will suddenly be valued in a junk currency!



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10 Dec 2011 10:32 PM by Jerry Star rating. 74 posts Send private message

The comments dont really address the interdependence of all EU countries for trade as well as inter bank lending. It seems pretty clear now that 26 of the 27 countries will go ahead with the new treaty to support the Euro in solidarity. The Financial solidarity pact will require a strict discipline from the countries including Spain in order to get the short term funding needed. Given whats happened, this can only help long term and If successful, it is likely to be the best outcome for all of us. Ireland will stick with the Euro though a referendum could be frought. Britain has gone its own way and good luck to it,

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11 Dec 2011 12:34 AM by SMYTHIE Star rating. 145 posts Send private message

 who cares wot can we do????????????

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11 Dec 2011 1:28 AM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 posts Send private message

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I am not a professional so this is just my opinion. Interbank lending has been hit by the belief that the Eurozone is unable or unwilling to take the necessary action. We will all suffer from the effect on trade of a collapse of the Euro. These are the effects of the current crisis not the cause.

The fact is the single currency was an experiment which has not worked. No one is prepared to pay to fix it. The UK is not alone in acting in its national interest - the German\French solution is to protect themselves and let the rest sink or swim.

I agree with SMYTHIE that we can't do anything to fix this and I am not qualified to give financial advice to other forum members but I don't agree that there is nothing we can do. I am working to minimise the damage to my personal finances which will be caused by Spain dropping out of the Euro. 



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16 Dec 2011 4:41 PM by bob.dunford6 Star rating. 49 posts Send private message

 can i send a attachment to eyeonspain which i think all our expats would like to read.if so how do i send it in

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16 Dec 2011 6:54 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

Bob, email it to our info@ address and we'll upload it to the site for you.



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20 Dec 2011 4:49 PM by bob.dunford6 Star rating. 49 posts Send private message

 I have sent a attachment to info@eyeonspain.com.but it has not been shown yet it was from the newspaper sunday times 18/12/2011.which headlines was whitehall euro help for all expats.it seems their has been a big meeting in whitehall about pensioners and workers living in spain.and what problems they might have when the euro collapses.this newspaper clipping i sent to talk radio europe,and they had a long discussion on it this morning tuesday 20 /12 /2011,they went all away through it.they said they think that it is not if it collapses but when.hoping this will keep you in the picture.

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20 Dec 2011 5:54 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 posts Send private message

 Hi - it is the article from the Sunday Times which I copied and pasted on Sunday in the thread called 'expats to be rescued f rom Spain and Portugal' or something like that.   I don't think the article said that there had been a big meeting in Whitehall - but have a look on the thread.  There were some interesting comments!!!



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21 Dec 2011 5:08 PM by bob.dunford6 Star rating. 49 posts Send private message

 high brian the newspaper curtting i sent to talk radio europe read whitehall meeting -euro help for expats.to evacuate.then went on about the meeting.were they stated that the euro is sure to collapse.

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21 Dec 2011 5:16 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 posts Send private message

 This is what the Sunday Times said.  I would be interested in any other article since this story does not seem to have been picked up anywhere else in the UK.


18th December:   THE BRITISH Foreign and Commonwealth Office is drawing up plans to evacuate thousands of British expatriates from Spain and Portugal in the event that their banking systems collapse, reports the Sunday Times. 

The number of expats living in Spain has increased more than sixfold in the last decade with emigrants nows making up 12% of the population.

According to the paper, Foreign Office sources said it was planning for a “nightmare scenario” with thousands of penniless Britons sleeping at airports with no money and no means of getting home. 

Among the contingency plans being discussed are sending planes, ships and coaches to evacuate expats.

It comes as credit rating agencies warn that the deal struck by EU leaders this month may not save the single currency from further turbulence and possible collapse.

The Treasury confirmed to the Times that plans to give emergency aid to Britons if eurozone banks collapse were being prepared but refused to give details.

The paper added that a senior Foreign Office source said the plans were being drawn up to deal with a worst case scenario. It is drawing on experiences of other mass evacuations, such as during the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel where the UK sent warships to evacuate expats from Lebanon.




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21 Dec 2011 5:33 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

Here is a Telegraph link to read



If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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