Much depends now on the Spanish judiciary to demonstrate their commitment to enforce the laws of the land in Spain with regard to the protection of offplan purchasers, as was the sole purpose of Law 57/68.
There appears over the years to have been much turning of blind eyes by all too many within the real estate industry, the banks and legal profession for that matter, or some may say ignorance in this regard. So the educative process is vital to gain any resolution for those who have had their rights denied........
So long as judicial rulings remain inconsistent or unenforced however, the longer it will take for Spain's real estate industry to recover, as no-one will be able to say hand on heart that consumer interests are protected in Spain if existing laws are not adhered to. It's up to everyone to keep this issue high on the agenda and to fight for their rights.
As Keith has observed this law 57/68 appears gradually to be gaining recognition in the form of case wins/settlements by those who demonstrate a solid legal case against the Bank (with effective evidence) and are represented by those well practiced in this specialised field. But it appears to be very slow progress to date and great patience is required in the interim (more's the pity!!!).
Let's see what happens in the critical year ahead with ongoing claims against the Banks. But in the meantime it's essential to keep the educative process going, and Keith is doing his bit remarkably well and with great dedication via his postings and petition.
Let's see if the Spanish judiciary recognise and respond to everyones' understandable concerns and vulnerabilities in this regard by resolving cases according to the law of the land. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak. As Goodstich has understandably pointed out however, the odd case win here or there will not restore confidence. This law has to be enacted CONSISTENTLY.
I hope everyone can remain positive and focused on the legal fight ahead and support Keith with petition evidence. And I for one hope that those of us committed to this legal fight against the Banks will gradually restore some faith for others to follow suit. But I completely appreciate any misgivings as things remain at present. One step at a time however.
Stay strong eveyone and keep your eyes peeled on this ongoing educative process and look out for successful case wins against the Banks, with return of monies I might add, as a case win without enforcement is insufficient!!! (ever the optimist! ).
This message was last edited by ads on 06/02/2012.