Holidays in Spain the easy way....

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16 Mar 2012 12:00 AM by ob123 Star rating in Southern Ireland. 191 posts Send private message

Hi There folks I live in Spain most of the time, I am about to start a new buiness called Easy Spanish Holidays what I do is I arrange your apartment, put Milk, Bread, Water, and even put a rose and flowers on the beds, I pick you up at the airport when you arrive and take you to your apartment I call every second day and check that you are happy with everything, and then when you holiday ends I will bring you back to the Airport, no fuss no problems I have a new car as well for your comfort . I would like you to comment on this idea will it work or is demand for this kind of Holiday.....

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16 Mar 2012 7:05 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 posts Send private message

Hmm not sure.  Who do you envisage will use this service?   If you are an owner, you usually like the freedom of a car.  And as for the getting the apartment ready, we already pay a regular payment to a key holder.    My sons might be interested in having someone pick them up and drive them but I can't really see  a market amongst property owners??  I could be wrong - and good luck anyway. (I would be a bit concerned about the pick up at the airport...... taxi service?  Registered??)  



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16 Mar 2012 7:31 PM by ob123 Star rating in Southern Ireland. 191 posts Send private message

Well I think this might be for the people who are not used of travelling, and would feel more secure with this service, I would also include arranging a bus tour for them, now regarding the pick up at the airport I see what you mean about the taxi men may not like this but I would wear a red tie or a red shirt and the Holiday makers would know who I am. you see when you are in Spain long term you need something to keep you going for the good of the mind, I love Spain so much but something to do would be great, there would not be much money out of the job, but I like making people happy, Thanks for your opinion anyway.....

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17 Mar 2012 8:27 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Sorry Orb but you seem to embarking on a totally illegal course.
Re the taxi service. Unless you have specific insurance then your vehicle would not have third party cover when you using it for hire. And of course your passengers would not ne insured.
You also have problems of the  illegality of running a  business, probably without the necessary paperwork, of servicing apartment.
I could go on but I guess you get the idea.

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17 Mar 2012 9:52 AM by ob123 Star rating in Southern Ireland. 191 posts Send private message

I have already inquired about the taxi service and the Insurance company said that I needed to upgrade so I would have to do that, I already pay tax in Spain so if I get up and running everything would be above board, again thanks for all your help because it is these letters decide for me will I go for it or would irt work....

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17 Mar 2012 11:33 AM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

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It really amazes me when people cannot see that they are being wound  with all the comments about the dressing up and perhaps you could add a red nose and funny shoes as well

 You may want to have a look at the Torrevieja Forum and papers regarding airport collections or the local papers with the stories of the number of people being arrested for this and their cars crushed

There is no such thing in Spain as Taxi or Hire & Reward insurance for private unplated and unregistered cars, you cannot legally collect people at the airport, you cannot easily get a taxi licence and  I know this because of the business that I have in Spain and I do not collect people from the airport as you will not be insured

All you are talking about doing is what every professional keyholding company already does, advertise, put in a welcome pack in place for an arrival, arrange the airport collection using a licenced company and genrally look after the renter while they are here plus we also provide a very comprehenisve guide. which gives al the necessary information on the area, shopping, restaurants, golf, beaches, childrens activities, days out, spas and much more

Sorry I do not want to be rude to people but surely a little qualified research on this topic would be easy

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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17 Mar 2012 12:01 PM by ob123 Star rating in Southern Ireland. 191 posts Send private message

I see and understand what you are saying and will cosider all my options, but there are some people who like to be spolied for the duration of there holiday and that is the type of thing I am going after, your company sounds very good, but there is no one out there who are on a 24 hour call for the clients and that what I am trying to do, if the want to go to the beach I will take them, going out for a meal, taking them for a tour of the local area, help them with the shopping, take them to the market and I also will provide a trolly for the items the buy at the market, regarding the Insurance I rang them and they told me the could upgrade the insurance for hire or reward, so I wonder did the tell me the truth, I will not start this new venture if I am breaking any law, I have a meeting in a few Weeks with the Police and see what they say, also I will go to the Town Hall and they might give me advice, again the buisness will not make much money but you need something out here to fill in the time, I have a great pension from Ireland don't need money but I get bored a little sometimes, anyway thanks for all your halp and does that change your view on the prodject...

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17 Mar 2012 12:15 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

I am sorry but again one of the key things is that a good property management has to be available 24 hours, they have to be because people getting locked out, pipes bursting and electricity going off has no respect for normal hours

You can have as many meeting as you want but the facts are that you cannot runb people around shopping, to the beach, to airports for financial gain without a taxi licence and a vehicle that is registered with an operating licence and you will not be able to get this

If you could qualify for a taxi licence you would have to buy an existing one, so so if you have you a spare €30k knocking around, if of course anybody is selling one, you will be wasting your time but perhaos as yiu have plenty that isn's a problem for you

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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17 Mar 2012 12:21 PM by growler Star rating in Birmingham & Benejúz.... 164 posts Send private message

Happy St Patricks Day to all..

I'm not sure who's winding who up here. The taxi rules are already well publicised and are basic common sense usually prevails, but lets be honest here.. who wouldn't be averse to paying an unlicensed friend/neighbour €40 in cash as opposed to €80 to a licensed taxi driver? I have and I'm sure I will again.. there you go I've said it.. "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" etc etc!  That said, the wearing of a red tie wouldn't add any kudos for me anyway!

Inspectahome (Roy I think?), I'm detecting a bit of "good cop bad cop" here.. the property guide linked site and it's various affiliations don't appear to conform to regulatory requirements (company reg numbers, reg office addresses etc). Your comments are more or less on the ball but you could be a red tie wearer for all we know!


Kind Regards..Pat

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17 Mar 2012 12:25 PM by stillgoin Star rating. 161 posts Send private message

 ob123 if you are looking for something to do to occupy your spare time why not try some voluntary work

i am in a group that gives free conversation classes to spaniards who wish to improve their spoken english

it is run by the local council and is therefore all above board

great way to meet people learn about the area make freinds

i have heard of similar groups in other areas it  may even help you learn spanish


This message was last edited by stillgoin on 17/03/2012.

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17 Mar 2012 12:46 PM by ob123 Star rating in Southern Ireland. 191 posts Send private message

I will consider everything you have said on your reply including learing the Spainsh English, but that last note gives me a little hope, paying 30K for the licence would be no problem but I would never get it back as the profit margin would be to small in this buisness, so I will think again about what you all said and then make the final decision, I still think there may be loop holes in the laws in Spain that would favour my buisness, any more comments......

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17 Mar 2012 1:00 PM by stillgoin Star rating. 161 posts Send private message

 if you do set up a business you would have to pay your social security payments think its 275 eu a month another big hole in the profits

like yourself i dont need more money but have thought about setting up a business but it does seem to be very complicated markets are week and everything seems to be taxed in some way so looks like little chance of any profit

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17 Mar 2012 1:25 PM by ob123 Star rating in Southern Ireland. 191 posts Send private message

Even it was a break even situation I would go for it, I walk miles everyday drink coffee and chat with the wife but there is something missing, I tried golf but the teacher said I was a hopeless case, a lot of people have dogs they say the reason is to keep them from going insane, so you see Spain is a superb place to end your days but inleness kills me, they say it is better to wear out than rust out, so that is the reason I am trying to get the buisness up and running, I suppose the only way is to but the licence and take a chance, my pension is over 700 a Week so even it the buisness folds I will survive......

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17 Mar 2012 1:34 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Inspector I agree with most of what you say.
 The only problem I have with you is that say you are a ‘property management company.’  If that is so,  that should involve the necessary requirements for letting a property,  obtaining permissions, paying the taxes etc (you said go to an accountant). Thus I think you are offering ‘something less’ that a ‘property management company.’
As for Orb. I think you have rose tinted specs. Whilst people often would choose to be pampered by the services you want to provide, in Spain, unless there is a law which says ‘you can do something’ then you cannot.    To believe otherwise may cause you considerable problems.

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17 Mar 2012 1:57 PM by ob123 Star rating in Southern Ireland. 191 posts Send private message

Ye I see what you are saying, regarding the properties I am letting they are my own I bought them really cheap on the last few Months there is super value there at the moment, so I have the everything in place, but the paper work is the problem and I want to work within the law of Spain I have a accountant there as well as I pay income tax so everything is really in place, but I think some of those comments ye have made could put me off a little.....

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17 Mar 2012 3:42 PM by wend691 Star rating in Lincoln & Rojales (C.... 178 posts Send private message

My husband and I have rented a few properties in Spain before deciding to purchase. Our expectations

- clean, well furnished property

- close to amenities

- close to the beach

- and importantly, an information pack which gave us details of taxis, bus routes, recommended restaurants, interesting places to visit, where to buy food etc etc

The last point above is key - we would not have wanted the owner / manager of the property to be at our beck and call. One of the joys of going on holidays to different areas is exploring the area ourselves and spending our time relaxing in the wonderful weather Spain provides .... Im not sure whether what you are proposing to offer is something that will have high demand.

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17 Mar 2012 4:26 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

Please read my post agian as it clearly says that we refer the onwers to a specialised company that deals with all of the legal requirements for renting, including the licences,tax,  creating the legal contract  and obtaining refrences, because I do not believe that a conpany can be an expert in everything and believe it is always better to use an experts

As far as legality is concerned I operate self employed in Spain and have a number of businesses and therefore you don't actually have a registered company number but have operated legally now in Spain for more than 9 years, and years on this forum as an advertiser, contributor and specialised author

If you include the NI contribution, accounting reporting and extras you need to be earning a minimum of around €500 per month before you wi start making any money, which is why there is such a big black economy, plus charge IVA on all transations as there is no threshold

I always get nervous when people start saying thing like looking for loopholes in the system

The key to mangement is exactly as described by wend, to be available when needed and guve giood advice

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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17 Mar 2012 4:30 PM by ob123 Star rating in Southern Ireland. 191 posts Send private message

I myself with on many family holidays and the one thing I always said was that for the first few days we found it difficult to get to know where everything was, and then a few Days before we came home we could find everything, one time we went to Florida and spend 3 hours trying to get back to our hotel from the Epcot centre, so that is why I thought of the service to make it easy for the holiday makers I would do all that for them,.....

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17 Mar 2012 4:49 PM by stillgoin Star rating. 161 posts Send private message

 one thing i have never seen here is a special transport service for the disabled perhaps it may be easier to get a permit for this as you would not be competing with anyone

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17 Mar 2012 5:33 PM by ob123 Star rating in Southern Ireland. 191 posts Send private message

I will do more research into this prodject and see what the outcome will be, all your opinions I have taken on board and let's hope that I can get the dream alive, it will keep me busy and that blank mind will get back to life, I just love everything about Spain so cheap compared to other Country's and the quaility of life is much better and I think you would live longer there anyway, but you need a little something to keep you going,...

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