Keeping your car in Spain!!!!

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20 Mar 2012 12:00 AM by eac Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Hi, I moved to Spain in January. I have a British car, still registered in Scotland, tax expired on 31st January, MOT'd till May. Should I register the car here. get the MOT done here and - is there car tax here? I've asked some of the people I'm working with but none of them drive and none of them seem to know. What happens if I drive back to Scotland in the summer for a holiday?

Thanks for your help


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20 Mar 2012 3:38 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

If you have been here or intend to be here for three months then you are obliged to register on the EU Foreign Citizens Register.
Once you have done that in effect you cannot drive a non Spanish registered vehicle. 
You say you have moved here, then that applies now to you.
And yes there is a road tax / ciculation tax for Spamish regstered vehicles.

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20 Mar 2012 8:27 PM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar

Here we go again...

If the UK road tax has expired the vehicle is illegal throughout Europe and cannot be legally driven anywhere.

DVLA (Continuous Taxation Branch) will already have issued Notification of Fines for non-payment.

You can renew the road tax on-line, but the new certificate will be sent to the last registered UK address for the vehicle. You will have to pay any fines before they will issue the certificate as well as the normal renewal fee.

The Spanish equivalent to the UK MOT is an ITV inspection and has no validity on a non-Spanish reg vehicle, in other words it's not worth the paper it's written on for a UK reg car, unless you use the ITV cert as the first step in registering the vehicle onto Spanish plates.

If you attempt to drive back to Scotland with the vehicle in it's current untaxed condition, the NPRS cameras will flag up your vehicle as soon as you leave the ferryport always assuming the customs people at the port don't get to you first.

Once the UK MOT expires you are in deep doodoo, because, as stated, a Spanish ITV has no validity; the vehicle, if it is still on UK plates, must be returned to the UK for MOT Testing however you will not be able to legally drive it there unless you have renewed the road tax in the meantime.

If you have an accident or are stopped in Spain or in France with the vehicle in it's current untaxed condition you will meet with serious problems with the Guardia Civil Trafficos or the Gendarmes leading to a hefty fine and possible confiscation of the vehicle.

In answer to your question re Spanish road tax... yes there is, but its only charged on Spanish reg vehicles.

In your position, in the short term, renew the UK road tax online, and ask the people at your old address to forward the certificate when it arrives. Then start the reregistration process.




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21 Mar 2012 12:41 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

As far as the UK is concerned. You can drive a vehicle to an MOT centre provided you have made an appointment. Thus you can land in say Dover and drive anywhere in UK to the MOT you have BOOKED.  (unlesss someone tells me the law has changed).
(this is unlike in Spain where if the ITV has expired the vehicle must be taken by grua)

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21 Mar 2012 11:16 AM by Jimbofinn Star rating in Chiclana De La Front.... 225 posts Send private message

Jimbofinn´s avatar


Your reply is technically correct except for one point.  Your car needs to be taxed before you can drive it legally on a UK road (unless the car is a foreign import (on foreign plates) at which point you must register it at the port of entry, or if not possible you are allowed the ONE journey to get it registered/ and taxed).  Bear in mind that if there is no tax then an insurance company may declare your car to be uninsured should you be involved in a collision.

The best advice is that given by foxbat in the last paragraph.


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21 Mar 2012 12:07 PM by stillgoin Star rating. 161 posts Send private message

 according to the uk police website john is absolutely correct

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