As part of our agm agreed overall security plan for the community, we installed a number of CCTV cameras on gates, garage areas and vulnerable areas of the complex.
This has been a success and problems on the community have reduced, now that owners are aware that vandalism and damage caused by them or their tennants will be billed to them or the evidence handed over to the police.And visible signs around the perimiter fencing have warned off chancer theives and gypsy's.
Last year we had an issue with one or two owners letting their dogs use the community gardens as a toilet late at night when they thought nobody was watching.
A couple of extra cameras were therefore installed in the gardens, the particular owners were notified that if this continued they would be charged for the clean up, the problem stopped overnight.
We have always notified all owners that the CCTV system was in place for their safety and their properties security, only 2 or 3 of the committee have access to the recording system including the president who is UK based and sometimes uses it to monitor the work being done on the community in his absence.
We have now decided that to make the community and gardens even safer a few cameras need to be upgraded and a few more added to the system to cover all the gates, portal entrances and garden areas, where damage occured last summer due to Ball games, which are not allowed in the gardens, but kids are kids!
It was also raised at the last AGM that the community needed CCTV to protect itself against any potential claims from sufferers of accidents happening inside the community, a film of people running around the gardens and pool and falling over and breaking a leg is a lot easier to fight and reject, when they claim they just tripped over a sunlounger or hosepipe!!!
However, following the unceremonious "resignation" of one of our committee members, who wasnt allowed to get her own way, we have received a constant stream of complaints from her questioning every decision the community is making, monitoring all accounts on a monthly basis, asking to see employee timesheets, bills for purchases etc etc, in effect she has become a pain in the butt for our administrators, but has yet to find any fault. However with our AGM looming she obviously has a master plan to try and disrupt the meeting and has been campaigning for proxy votes for the past month, this is not really an issue as she has shown herself to be more of a problem than an asset, and is not getting the support she expected.
Her latest move was to request the following be added to the agenda for the AGM - it arrived a day late, so will be covered in AOB
I hereby kindly request that the following item be included in the official agenda for the AGM of May 2012:
· Data Protection Laws with regard to CCTV
This request is based on the additional CCTV cameras that have been installed over the last year and the Spanish and European privacy laws governing these.
Our request for help is: without instructing our lawyers to establish and present a case based on the safety and security aspects for the community, which will cost us time and money, has anyone any knowledge of the Spanish data protection laws and how these are applied to CCTV monitoring. Does she have a point, are there any rules/guidelines we need to follow, any records we should or shouldn't keep, official notification notices for owners and tennants in Lifts and noticeboards.
I have read up on the UK aspect of this which is still saying CCTV cases both in the UK and Europe have still not being contested for breach of privacy laws so presume same will stand for Spain, but i would hate us to be the first community to have to defend this if our wealthy owner decides that they really do want to challenge this for the hell of it.
can anyone offer any advice to us please?