Non resident tax

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06 May 2012 4:45 PM by itsshreck Star rating. 17 posts Send private message

We have owned a static caravan in Spain for two years, we recieved a letter the other day of our solicitor asking us to pay143.00 euros for non resident tax.

I have spoken to other non residents on the site who have owned propertys for a few years, they have not recieved any letter and they have never paid non resident tax.

I do not rent my property out i am only there 3 times a year, can someone please tell me do i pay this money to my solicitor or not, or if this money is due surley i should pay to the tax man and not my solicitor, bacause on the letter it said 3.00 euros tax and 140.00 euros annual fee inc iva

I have seen on the internet that there is a SP form that needs to be filled out



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11 May 2012 9:28 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

If you own property in Spain then you have to pay non residents tax. I assume that a static caravan counts as a dwelling and I,m sure if I am wrong someone on here will correct me.

The tax is based on the cadastral value of your property, and it doesn't matter how many times a year you stay there, it is classed as a second home, that is why you have to pay the tax.

You have 3 options, either pay the 140 euros for the lawyer to fill the form and submit it on your behalf, or obtain and fill in the form yourself which costs nothing, or do as I did and get an independent company to do it on your behalf for which I paid around 60 euros  this year, (because it was my first year of paying the tax), then it goes down to around 40 euros a year.

As for the other non-residents, if and when they try to sell their caravans they will have to pay any unpaid taxes plus fines on top.

If you need information about the company I used let me know.

Hope this helps

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19 May 2012 10:29 AM by alan63 Star rating in Orihuela. 50 posts Send private message

alan63´s avatar

I got a friend to do this for me, he gets the tickets from the tax office. tells me how much has to be paid, I transfer the money to him then he pays it all and gives me a recept of payments made directly from the bank to the tax office. He charges me 75€ per property. I had a whole lot of unpaid years to catch up on and he did the whiole lot for 75€. my solicitor was quite a bit more expensive.

Just enjoy life!

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19 May 2012 10:46 AM by alan63 Star rating in Orihuela. 50 posts Send private message

alan63´s avatar

I think the amount of tax you have to pay has something to do with the rateable value and in my case is a vey small amount every year.


Just enjoy life!

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19 May 2012 6:25 PM by alan63 Star rating in Orihuela. 50 posts Send private message

alan63´s avatar

I just looked through my emails, Abaco have offered me a 89€ service (they are lawyers) normaly 140€. you have to go to there office, Patrick came to my house. I think I will stay where I am thanks Abaco.


Just enjoy life!

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21 May 2012 10:19 AM by Nicky71 Star rating in Orihuela/Sussex. 37 posts Send private message

Nicky71´s avatar

The 40€ a year sounds good whats the company that do that? do they come to you home too.

How much does Patrick charge & how do I get in contact with him?



Cheers Luv

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22 May 2012 7:42 PM by alan63 Star rating in Orihuela. 50 posts Send private message

alan63´s avatar

WOW, 40€ is cheep, Patrick charges 75€.

Just enjoy life!

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22 May 2012 8:32 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

 The 140 that Abaco charges is not just for filling in your tax return.  They also ensure all other taxes are paid, any problems with builders, utility companies etc are all dealt with.  Completion of the correct forms for the UK tax man and so on.  That 140 is for all representation throughout the year, not just the income tax.


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22 May 2012 8:37 PM by alysonwenham Star rating in blackpool, england. 83 posts Send private message

I use  Brilliant service - £25 per property if you take the forms in yourself, but they will do it for you but don't know the price.


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23 May 2012 7:47 AM by El alamillo Star rating in Nottingham & El Alam.... 221 posts Send private message

 Hi Bob. I also pay approx 140 per year to my Solicitor have paid him for the last 11 years.

It gives me peace of mind that I am dealing with a trusted company.

What ever I throw there way there advice is always free.

They also store all my original legal documents. Escatura and wills.

They sort my Non Resident Tax

They have even sorted out my car road tax. No charge.

One other thing is that I live next-door to a Spanish solicitor. He is always helpful

I received a €3000 fine some years ago for a non-application of planning. Yes you can get and they do hand out fines if you do not apply.

When handed to my neighbour Antonio managed to get the fine reduced to €700 and that included any fees.

My advice is getting it done right and right first time.

This message was last edited by El alamillo on 23/05/2012.


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23 May 2012 4:58 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Just a couple of points:
The original of the Ecritura is always retained by the Property Registry, so your solicitor is looking after a copy only.
The same applies to a Will, the original is with the notary whom you signed in front of.
And, the cost of making out a tax return for a Resident or paying the non-resident property tax is usually about 40 / 50 euros (plus the tax) it’s a job of about 5 minutes, once you have supplied all the info, but I have on a couple of occasions paid well over the top too,  as on those times it suited me to get in with the accountant.

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23 May 2012 8:17 PM by El alamillo Star rating in Nottingham & El Alam.... 221 posts Send private message

Thanks for reminding me John.

I ment to say Master copies of each.

I know if I looe my copies I know where to get a no problem Copy from.

As I say peace of mind.

Being non resident I am not always over to do tax or other things when thay are due.


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24 May 2012 1:57 AM by Nicky71 Star rating in Orihuela/Sussex. 37 posts Send private message

Nicky71´s avatar

What happens if I just dont pay the non residence tax? It dosent seem to be something they are chasing me for!

Cheers Luv

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24 May 2012 8:19 AM by El alamillo Star rating in Nottingham & El Alam.... 221 posts Send private message

 Not a problem until you come to sell. All non payment of tax has to be paid. You will also receive a fine.


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24 May 2012 9:14 PM by Nicky71 Star rating in Orihuela/Sussex. 37 posts Send private message

Nicky71´s avatar

I had a friend who sold her apartment, nothing about a year ago. She tok¡ld me that nothing was ever metioned about this tax. I do take your point I imagine that the conservatives will realy be trying to rake the taxes in.

Cheers Luv

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25 May 2012 4:50 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

According to:
The Spanish Tax Authority has sent out 300,000 letters since the end of 2011 to resident and non-resident property owners  who have not made a tax return,   so maybe those who think they can ignore it and it will go away, may be in for a shock.

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03 Nov 2012 10:02 AM by Nicky71 Star rating in Orihuela/Sussex. 37 posts Send private message

Nicky71´s avatar

I used Patrick after all, a very personalised service, he came to my home explained everything and did it all for me, past years of unpaid taxes, all the forms, went to the tax office etc.

Now that Iverecently become a resident will I still have to pay 2011 and 2012 non resident tax?

Cheers Luv

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04 Nov 2012 3:14 PM by andyintorre Star rating in Costa Blanca. 104 posts Send private message

 nicky what was the reacton of the tax office when you declared the missed years?

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04 Nov 2012 3:26 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Good question! How about all the resident ex pats  who have spent years out here, and now are frightened that  their right to health care will be affected and apply to be tax registered in Spain-how do they explain all the years of non payment to the tax office?  back payments should bring in a few quid for the hacienda!

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04 Nov 2012 4:19 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I was chatting with a tax accountant a few years ago about people not having declared off-shore income in previous year, His view was that the Hacienda would not ask.  However, if they came chasing you then the outcome might be different.

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