Should We Move Back to England ????????

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05 Jul 2007 9:41 AM by noelandwilma Star rating in Loughborough/Porto F.... 86 posts Send private message

literally : ' good bye and can he falls under a hole', see what I mean about translations!

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05 Jul 2007 9:44 AM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


is that   'goodbye, go and jump of a cliff?'

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05 Jul 2007 10:25 AM by dunner Star rating. 9 posts Send private message


Nothing wrong with Welsh, Celts are great.(They have a Culture)

I am Spanish and have lived in Austrailla for a time.


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05 Jul 2007 10:35 AM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar
Well, that explains it Dunner!  You  must be yearning for culture, living in Oz!!  Doesn't mean to say you have to take it out on all Brits, though!  And, by the way, the Welsh are also classed as Brits - and I'm a Scot, also classed as a Brit!  HOW long have you been in Oz??????

This message was last edited by Pitby on 7/5/2007.

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05 Jul 2007 10:44 AM by dunner Star rating. 9 posts Send private message


In oz to long maybe???

Thats why I tend to speak my mind.

Why dont you Scots & Welsh have your own Passports then you wont get tarred with the English.

You would also have a better sense of your own identity say like the Irish.

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05 Jul 2007 11:01 AM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar
The last time I looked, Dunner, we had European Union passports - s**t, does that mean you get "tarred" with the English too????  Or are you one of the extremely fortunate who now hold an Australian passport, the documental path to heaven in the outback?

It's okay, you don't need to type a response, just shout from there and I'm sure we'll hear you here in Dubai as well as in North Yorkshire!!

There is no document that could instill a better sense of identity in me - I already have a life!

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05 Jul 2007 11:17 AM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


isn't the Dunny, a toilet in  Australia?...........just wondered if there's a link?

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05 Jul 2007 12:26 PM by dunner Star rating. 9 posts Send private message


Your country may have an electric mix of cultures but they are other peoples not yours ,your people cannot intergrate.

Adecuadamente ese la llegada simplemente preciosa, de una nación de personas con poco o ninguna cultura.

Como dije soy español que vivió en Australia y no en un ozzie.

Nosotros español abrazamos todas las culturas a diferencia del británico que se esfuerzan en todo el mundo e interfieren con la estructura de cada país que alguna vez invadieron.

Justamente para acabar este flujo de ejecución yo ora que la mayor parte de la aversión mundial a usted el británico, usted es una parte arrogante de basura no es extraño que la mayoría de naciones quieren para B--- la majadería fuera de usted.

Adiós y qué bien.

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05 Jul 2007 12:27 PM by noelandwilma Star rating in Loughborough/Porto F.... 86 posts Send private message

is dunner an 'er' verb i wonder? might be an irregular verb 'to s**t'

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05 Jul 2007 12:41 PM by noelandwilma Star rating in Loughborough/Porto F.... 86 posts Send private message

What an arrogant and bigoted person - and he says we are unable to mix - what a cheek - you may notice that the conquistadores are not mentioned, nor is the inquisition.

We all have a history, Brits, Spanish, everyone and there are some things in our past we are not particularly proud of. One thing I have learnt through life is that no-one can change what has happened, only learn from it and move on.

Time to shake hands with other nations and move on, if we are not able to learn we all risk becoming bitter, arrogant and bigoted.

Even the Aussies, who have turned Brit bashing into a national sport, are eager to come to the UK and by all accounts enjoy their time amongst us. It might be, dunner,  that your view has been coloured by a bad experience, get over it and move on.

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05 Jul 2007 12:53 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


........oh well that confirmes  the dunner = dunny link!  Lets be thankful that though every country/website has their share of  dunny's posting,  the vast majority  who post on here from all countries are reasonable non racist people with their brain in gear!

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05 Jul 2007 1:14 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar

Who is this Dunner?

And why is he being allowed by the moderator to be so abusive?

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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05 Jul 2007 1:31 PM by JPD Star rating in Hull, East Yorkshire.... 391 posts Send private message

JPD´s avatar

A very strange person, I would say Karensun! We are British, - English, Dunner. Sorry you have a bad impression of us. There are good and bad in all countries. Its such a shame you have this chip on your shoulder! Ooh there you go good old fish ,chips and mushy peas! Cant beat it.

Have a lovely day, Dunner.

John and Trish

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05 Jul 2007 1:50 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar


I have a morning in bed & miss all this. You tell him/her, people of EOS !


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05 Jul 2007 2:03 PM by dunner Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

Well done everyone at EOS

Havent had so much fun in ages, woke you all up didnt it.

Nothing personal greenstitch44.

El adiós mis Amigos

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05 Jul 2007 2:17 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


mushy peas eh'

that reminds me of a weekend my wife and i had in Mablethorpe many years ago........yes yes,  i don't know either?

anyway, we ended up in fish and chip cafe, and ordered fish and chips, but my wife asked for GARDEN PEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!, the generously proportioned lady owner, looked at my wife and said  '' Do ar  loook posh'' mushy peas it was.

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05 Jul 2007 2:23 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Love mushy peas   


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05 Jul 2007 2:31 PM by JPD Star rating in Hull, East Yorkshire.... 391 posts Send private message

JPD´s avatar
Aahh! Up ' ere in  Hull ('ull) mushy peas are posh!!

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05 Jul 2007 2:33 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar
Dunner, you have a really strange way of getting your fun.

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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05 Jul 2007 2:42 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Doesn't he/she, Karen ?(Glad you got back safe to your hot sun & chilled Liria, BTW ) 

As for waking us all up .......... I slept in this morning. I was dreaming someone came & cleaned my windows & I was giving him stick as I'd never asked him to. (Hubby cleans them every two years ) It was so real & the  guy was wearing one of those curly joke wigs !! Read into that what you want, ha ha.


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