Driving back to calais

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22 Jul 2012 10:45 PM by goodwin Star rating. 33 posts Send private message

I am driving back to Calais in August and would like to know the quickest route back.
As I will be traveling with a pet I would like to stay one night in Spain and one night in France possible on a vineyard or similar.
Any suggestions


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22 Jul 2012 11:08 PM by gerrryuk Star rating in Mezquitilla, near To.... 179 posts Send private message

gerrryuk´s avatar

 where are you driving from?

I suggest you look at google maps & ask for directions giving the necessary instructions. It is brilliant I use it all the time.

Do unto others as you would want them to do to you. I am always willing to talk and converse to ladies or gents in a sensible way.

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22 Jul 2012 11:14 PM by goodwin Star rating. 33 posts Send private message

Hi Gerry

I'm driving from almoradi, thanks I will look on google maps

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22 Jul 2012 11:25 PM by gerrryuk Star rating in Mezquitilla, near To.... 179 posts Send private message

gerrryuk´s avatar

 Hi Gooders,

Google says up through Barcelona, so I suggest you put in Almoradi to Perpignon (as that spelt right?) then add vineyards. It will tell you vineyards in Spain.

Then Perpignon to Calais again adding vineyards. You will then get all the vineyards in France, just select the ones on your route.

It's a long way, wish it were me I love driving, especially as you have "company".

Do unto others as you would want them to do to you. I am always willing to talk and converse to ladies or gents in a sensible way.

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23 Jul 2012 9:11 AM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message


I use Michelin maps (on line) to plot my route as they have many options as to which type of driving you like. They also quote the price of the tolls which is  useful information. I will be going up the west side of France via Valencia, Zaragoza, Bordeaux etc. Friends who bought their dog with them always use this route.

When I go in August my 1st night is going to be just over the border in France about 1 to 1.5 hours south of Bordeaux and then second night around Le Mans area. Hopefully reaching Calais in the afternoon of day 3. The journey will take about 20 hours driving whichever way you go but the route I use has much lower tolls

Good luck


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23 Jul 2012 10:10 AM by Fighter2 Star rating. 236 posts Send private message

To confirm the advice of Steone..I have also done this trip many times and the west side of France is nicer, easier and cheaper.

No tolls in Spain unless you decide otherwise and cheaper tolls in France,the journey is much easier and stress free with a Sat Nav and they are now really inexpensive at below €110.

It's a great way to get to the uk as is the Santander Ferry to Portsmouth or Plymouth.


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23 Jul 2012 10:31 AM by maddiemack Star rating in Grantham, Lincolnshi.... 194 posts Send private message

Careful if you're using your satnav driving through France...along with the new laws stating you must carry a couple of breathalisers with you, you can't have a satnav in the car if it picks up speed cameras.  Another money-making scheme! The link below gives you all the advice you need...



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23 Jul 2012 10:44 AM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message


You are right about sat navs with static speed cameras on them. However I understand that tomtom have got round this by listing 'danger spots' such as steep inclines etc and speed cameras.  They dont tell you exactly what the danger is but it is easy to tell. Well done tomtom. With regard to the breathalisers although you must have 2 in your car of which 1 must be unused!!!, foreign plated cars will not be fined until November but 'locals' will be fined straight away. I think the fine is €10 to €15 so its no major deal.

Barry I aggree that Bilbao/Santander is a much easier drive from the Costas the price they are charging is astronomic. In August they wanted over £1100 for a return ferry whereas going accoss to Dover was under £100. You pays your money and take your choice

Safe driving




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