I live in Saudi Arabia and visit the UK and Spain (more time in Spain than UK) and use EOS to catch up on Spanish news, to find out what's going on, whats happening and happened. Not to read rubbish about who did what to the country 20, 30, 40 years ago.
I find it hard to understand the hard done by generation, this generation will be even more hard done by if they don't get off their ar*es and get on with making a living and something of their lives. The Eastern Europeans are in the UK finding work and making a go of it because they want to work.
The hard done by's will be much worse off in years to come. They need to get real and get on with life. Every generation, past present and future has had and will have tough times, it's what life is all about. Make the best of what you have. Live your life; we're only here for a short while make the most of it.
Just my opinion
This message was last edited by Daniels on 13/08/2012.