Yet another thread hijacked by the "hard done by" generation!!!

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12 Aug 2012 6:37 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Want to post about the baby boomers taking it all and leaving zilch for the next generation...well, the political activists can do it here.

In different degrees every generation has had it´s difficulties BUT the generations who really suffered were, and  still are ,those who lost their youth because of wars.

Jobs maybe hard to come by now but anyone with application can do something and without the fear that today might be your last .

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12 Aug 2012 8:25 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 Here Here floella.  My Grandad went off to Burma to fight in his early twenties, and when it was over had to pick up his career again from nowhere.   No real support either - he used to say a demob suit and a couple of quid.  Post traumatic problems - not even recognised.  

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12 Aug 2012 9:04 PM by TamaraEssex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

TamaraEssex´s avatar

 Great thread - thanks for starting it Floella.  Perhaps the moaners can sit here and moan, and leave the other threads to actually answer the question or point originally put!


 Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.

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13 Aug 2012 1:39 AM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 I have come back onto this site after a busy few years, and I remember it as being really informative.  I am sad to see it has been hijacked by people who are not really interested in Spain at all, and only seem interested in a gigantic ego trip.   When I first used the site threads were hijacked by really negative posters who had had bad experiences in Spain, but at least they were about Spain.  

Maybe we should just be Eye on Me - cos that is what it seems to be turning into.

I suppose I am part of the hard done by generation but I don't see it that way at all.   So much to enjoy in life - 

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13 Aug 2012 6:46 AM by Daniels Star rating in Waterlooville & Pent.... 220 posts Send private message

I live in Saudi Arabia and visit the UK and Spain (more time in Spain than UK) and use EOS to catch up on Spanish news, to find out what's going on, whats happening and happened. Not to read rubbish about who did what to the country 20, 30, 40 years ago.

I find it hard to understand the hard done by generation, this generation will be even more hard done by if they don't get off their ar*es and get on with making a living and something of their lives. The Eastern Europeans are in the UK finding work and making a go of it because they want to work.

The hard done by's will be much worse off in years to come. They need to get real and get on with life. Every generation, past present and future has had and will have tough times, it's what life is all about. Make the best of what you have. Live your life; we're only here for a short while make the most of it.

Just my opinion


This message was last edited by Daniels on 13/08/2012.

May be tomorrow.......... Always better today!!

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13 Aug 2012 10:22 AM by maggiepat Star rating. 16 posts Send private message

13 Aug 2012 10:31 AM by TamaraEssex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

TamaraEssex´s avatar

 Roly - yes I've seen the change too in Eye on Spain.  Although I haven't posted much, I've been reading it for several years and it used to be easier to find the factual information I was seeking.

Also - just look at how the Blogs section has been taken over by requests for new homes for dogs!  Also quite a few blatant sales blogs (there's a really annoying one about pools).  Trouble is, Justin does a fab job but the site has become so big it's out of his control.  He couldn't possibly check all the blogs and all the threads and remove the irrelevant stuff.

It would be a shame if all the good stuff got hidden though :-(


 Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.

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