Storms in Southern Spain

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29 Sep 2012 7:21 PM by geofb Star rating. 19 posts Send private message

I see that 10 people have died and hundreds are affected by storms in southern Spain, we have a small holiday house in Camposol , Mazarron, can any one tell me if their properties have been affected

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29 Sep 2012 8:27 PM by Sarah Chester Star rating in Yorkshire and Isla P.... 28 posts Send private message

Sarah Chester´s avatar
Reading Murcia today news it seems that the properties are all ok but the bridge has been closed so residents on sectors C and D are unable to leave by car. It is accessible by foot. We have a home in Isla Plana so if anyone has information on there it would be appreciated.


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29 Sep 2012 9:54 PM by Sarah Chester Star rating in Yorkshire and Isla P.... 28 posts Send private message

Sarah Chester´s avatar
Can't seem to pick up the message. Can you try to resend it please.
Many thanks.


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30 Sep 2012 12:37 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 From La Voz de Almeria for those interested in the region:     Unfortuantely the missing woman's body has been found, or at least a body has been found.

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30 Sep 2012 4:30 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

The bridge is likely to be out of use for 6 weeks to traffic. Ok at moment for pedestrians. A temporay road has been create near the pig farm, comes out at El pareton. Some of it is gravelled, the rest hard mud, so probably best for 4x4s, but at least a way out. some house s suffered a bit of water under doors, in underbuilds etc, but nothing like the poor folk down south.At its height, the rambla was a raging, roaring torrent, spectacular to see. Go to YOUTUBE, type in  camposol rambla, there are 3 videos which give some idea of it, but to actually witness it was amazing!

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30 Sep 2012 6:51 PM by geofb Star rating. 19 posts Send private message

I have just read that the relief road through the farm is now open, albeit gravel and mud, has anyone used it yet and could a normal car drive through?

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01 Oct 2012 3:54 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

It's more suitable for 4x4s, but all cars are using it, with some difficulty.though.  The surface has been churned up due to the amount of traffic, although a digger has tried to stamp it down.reports of selfish drivers not giving way to those coming up the hill, speeding, causing spraying of gravel. Reports of people stealing fruit en route! Talk of  another, more permanent route via c and the pig farm. Big meeting going on at council today. If you are a member of the CRA you can join the forum and see latest news. Go to if not a member, there should be news there.

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01 Oct 2012 5:52 PM by geofb Star rating. 19 posts Send private message

The other side of some brits, selfish driving and stealing fruit from someone who tried to help them!!!!

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02 Oct 2012 10:35 AM by carmol2 Star rating. 13 posts Send private message

Given that Murcia/Almeria regularly suffer brief but devastating storms in autumn thanks to the Gota Fria, does anyone know where we can acquire some lead flashing for the roof?  This simple material seems to be unknown in the Murcia area, with the result that the roof leaks in every Gota Fria, resulting in replastering and general clearing up.  Inquiries to locals have met with complete puzzlement and an assertion from others living in the area that 'they don't use lead flashing in Spain'.  Surely to goodness the stuff must be available somewhere (let me guess..Madrid!).

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