Selling surplus solar electric in Spain ?

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15 Oct 2012 3:04 PM by steve&hayley Star rating. 33 posts Send private message


I'm trying to find out how I can get a solar system that I can sell excess electric back to the grid like you can in the uk
I hear you can do this
Does anyone have a link or any info please

Thank. You

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15 Oct 2012 6:30 PM by mr.kevin Star rating in Costa Blanca. 189 posts Send private message

mr.kevin´s avatar

I have been looking into this myself, I am afraid it is not possible to sell excess electric back to your supplier at present. The government are looking into it but are still to decide.

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16 Oct 2012 3:59 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I remember being told by a supplier of equipment in 2000 that the Government were 'just about' to implement the facility !!!!


I moved two years later from a villa to an apartment, so not a problem for me now.

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16 Oct 2012 5:01 PM by tamaraessex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

tamaraessex´s avatar

 I looked into this too, as my roof is perfect for it.  I have solar hot water and solar electricity in the UK where I have very little sun, so it seems mad not to have it here.  But, as people have said, there is no pay-backl system here.  Having said that, the installation prices are cheaper than they are in the UK, as there are more suppliers here and they've been doing it for longer.  My little cousin was installing solar panels inland from Javea about 25 years ago.


 Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.

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16 Oct 2012 5:30 PM by steve&hayley Star rating. 33 posts Send private message

I've since been told I can get solar power and any excess goes as a credit to use at night the aim is to get a zero zero meter reading
I'll now see if there is an installer that does this system, as it seems to be the best one around.
Thanks for your info everyone

The search continues

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29 Dec 2012 1:27 PM by lifeingalicia Star rating in Galicia. 4 posts Send private message

lifeingalicia´s avatar


so far the "net balance" part of legislation remains in the drawer (no money in it for the government).

What is law is "autoconsumo". Thus you can install up to your conected power (e.g. 4800Watt / 25A) panels and converters (must adheare to regulations e.g. switch off when the power fails)  and simply plug this into your sockets.

You use what is produced and any excess is a gift to the grid.

I have 760Watt installed and will install another 1Kw shortly. The present install covers my base load and we use dryers and washingmashine when the sun shines. With the latest micro-converters it is simple, safe and versatile as one can install one or more panels wherever there is an ideal place  and add whenever one wants.

So far I have absorbed the rises in energy prices and actually slightly lowered my average usage.

In future any excess I produce will be switched intelligently to the bathrooms underfloor warming and potentially I may install a small heatpump based air con and I can pump more water into our extensive gardens.

If one factors in all taxes like IVA and the 5% energy tax standing charges etc. one looks at about 20 Eurocent per Kw/h (4.8Kw connect and 4800Kw/h year usage).

So at about 2€ per installed watt (solar) I get a payback of about 7 years, better if prices keep climbing.

(1Kw/p eff:~ 70% ~6 h/day at 360 days ~0.20€ kwh =~ 300€ / year = payback ~7 years)

Spains electricity has risen 65% in the last 5 years.......

I'll keep adding panels....... 

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29 Dec 2012 7:04 PM by GuyT Star rating. 516 posts Send private message

 hi, lifeingalicia!

let me understand this - you are able to run dryers and washing machine from  .76 kW of panels? can you tell me the make of the machine - as i've never come across one needing under 2.5 kW and would like to buy one. i use a .75kW array just to turn over a lazy submersible pump.

btw, where in galicia? I love it, can't stay away. 

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30 Dec 2012 9:46 AM by lifeingalicia Star rating in Galicia. 4 posts Send private message

lifeingalicia´s avatar


no, I'm grid connected so the solar supports usage.  6 - 700Watt from solar and rest from grid.

It covers the base loads during daylight - motors starting is always a problem - thus grid connect solves this.

Slowly there is some interesting excess management evolving - switching remote sockets etc - 

I'm near Monforte / Orense check for lifeingalicia on the net we also rent out a house here......

So long

PS. If you really wanted to you could switch the heating element in a dryer or connect it differently or use a transformer for it thus running it at 50% or buy one with a low heat setting (1250W) but it would take longer....


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30 Dec 2012 10:29 AM by GuyT Star rating. 516 posts Send private message

lifeingalicia,  thanks - it makes sense to me now.

Wow! What an awesome website you have. I'd never even heard of Ribeira Sacra and we visit Orense a couple of times a year - mostly to call in at Cea and fill up the car with Pan de Cea, which we then deep freeze.

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30 Dec 2012 11:28 AM by lifeingalicia Star rating in Galicia. 4 posts Send private message

lifeingalicia´s avatar

 thanks for the kind words.

Drop by next time you are here.

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