Tax resident

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08 Jan 2013 5:39 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

 See your post on this subject on Nov 22nd! I reiterate, I sent the R105 a long time ago and was refused, and referred to their International branch. I only tried again with the R85 because you  rang Barclays and was told they WOULD pay gross on receipt of the R85-why will you not admit you were wrong on this occasion?

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08 Jan 2013 5:43 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

If Barclays do not want now to stick to what they told me, please don't blame me. Its not my bank and in fact I have had such a poor opinion of them for many years I would never bank with them (This is my opinion)
This is not my opinion, but HMRC info (
Q7. I have a bank/building society account in the UK. Will tax still be deducted from interest if I am non resident in the UK and can I claim repayment?
A7: From 6 April 1996, where you are treated as not resident for the whole tax year, the liability to tax on interest from a UK bank or building society is limited to the tax deducted at source, if any. However, this is provided that the account is not held in connection with a trade, profession or vocation carried out through a branch or agency in the UK.
If you are not ordinarily resident in the UK, you can apply to receive future interest without deduction of tax by providing your bank with a 'not ordinarily resident declaration' on form R105. However, please note that not all banks choose to offer the facility of gross interest to non-residents, so please check with your bank first.
If you would like to make a repayment claim for tax already deducted, certain non-resident individuals can claim the UK personal allowance against income liable to UK Income Tax. If you wish to pursue such a claim, the relevant claim form R43 is available.
If you do not wish to claim personal allowances, or your personal allowances are used against other sources of UK income, then you may be due tax relief under the terms of any Double Taxation Agreement between the UK and your country of residence.




This message was last edited by johnzx on 08/01/2013.

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08 Jan 2013 5:48 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

It's there in black and white, in your post of 22nd November, but for some reason you won't admit the info was wrong. Yes they should accept the 105, but they don't have to.

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08 Jan 2013 5:49 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Campo please see my last post.


(if you want me to admit I should have put R105 instead of R85, OK, but I was passing  on what your bank told me.)


This message was last edited by johnzx on 08/01/2013.

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09 Jan 2013 1:12 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Just to add the confusion.
If one’s UK bank will not pay gross interest, (as for sure Nationwide in UK will not)  that of course does not absolve one from declaring all the interest in their Spanish tax declaration,  as one cannot ‘chose’ to pay the tax in UK. 
However,  the UK bank which will not pay gross,  will stop  20%.   if you notify the HMRC that you are tax resident in Spain, they will refund 8%, but will keep the 12%. If your Spanish accountant / gestor understands, he/she can off-set that 12% against any tax liability in Spain.  If you do not pay tax in Spain ( I normally do not) then of course you lose it
(This is info from HMRC, so please don’t blame me anyone, if you think it is wrong)



This message was last edited by johnzx on 09/01/2013.

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09 Jan 2013 3:27 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

HMRC know my position; I do declare my savings interest and my accountant deals with it. It is unfortunate that Barclays will not pay gross, but I have tried all I can.

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09 Jan 2013 4:34 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


I just called Barclays to try to discover why they are giving you a different explanation re interest paid gross, to the one they gave me.
The manager to whom I spoke (confirmed my long standing personal dislike of the bank) when said he could not understand why anyone who did not live in the UK would want to have a bank account there,  other than to illegally avoid paying tax.    That is:  He believes all such individuals, including Barclay's customers,  are dishonest. !!!
He would not accept that HMRC have a form R105, the sole function of which is to permit those who are not tax resident in the UK to prevent  tax being stopped at basic rate.(   "Application for a not ordinarily resident saver to receive interest without tax taken off)
I understand why you have problems with them:   You and other overseas customer have my sympathy



This message was last edited by johnzx on 09/01/2013.

This message was last edited by johnzx on 10/01/2013.

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10 Jan 2013 1:55 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Today , before seeing this post, I  phoned Barclays; one man said about using R85, and I corrected him, saying that it is for UK based residents only. After a long wait I was passed to someone else who said about R105,and that they would accept it. I then explained that I sent this form to them in June2010, heard nothing, except a phone call from Barclays international, which I did not want.I then followed up with a letter in May 2011, stating they were sorry for the delay! they explained that if I wanted to keep bank accounts in the UK I would have to have the interest after tax had been taken out.As things might now be different, I am going to make one last application of R105.

Has anyone out there sent 105 to Barclays and been successfull?

The attitude of the man who spoke to you was appalling and he should be reported. There are many, like myself who have standing orders made, pensions paid into UK banks, etc not because we are tax dodgers, but because it suits us.

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10 Jan 2013 2:15 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

I'm not trying to defend the attitude or service of Barclays which sounds pretty grim but I wonder why you don't consider a sterling account with Barclays International if you want to keep a sterling account with Barclays? This could receive your sterling pensions etc, pay standing orders and pay interest gross. I don't know how the savings interest rates differ between Barclays on shore and offshore but It seems the easiest and less frustating option or perhaps I'm missing something?



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10 Jan 2013 2:37 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

My house is for sale, and I will(eventually) be returning to the UK. I don't want the hassle of changing accounts. There is no reason why Barclays should not pay interest gross on my UK accounts. As I live in Spain I cannot change to a different English bank, but when I go  back I will change to someone  more customer friendly.

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10 Jan 2013 3:12 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

H Campo, 


I tried yesterday and now again today, to make an official complaint online. Surprise,  the system was was down both days !!!!

Best of luck with your next attempt with the R105.




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10 Jan 2013 3:15 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

 We had the same problem with Halifax (the bank that gives you extra - hassle, that is)

We had savings with them for many years, registered for gross interest. Their staff have always been ignorant of the R85 / R105 issue. We have had constant problems with them over this issue for years. Finally last year they decided that they would no longer pay gross interest. Except, not every member of staff was aware of that. They eventually referred us to their "international" department, which turned out to be Lloyds Offshore. They told us Lloyds could arrange everything for us. Except they didn't tell Lloyds that, because they couldn't move our account, Halifax had to do it. Except that Halifax for some reason couldn't work out how to make the transfer either, saying we had to go into our "local" branch! 

To cut a very long story short, we are now with Lloyds in Gib, which is still within the UK banking system to the extent that we can have monies (private pension for example) paid into the account as if it's a normal UK account, plus we can make free transfers to our Spanish bank, which is a bonus. We don't, however, have a cheque book or debit card, so we keep an old current account with your friends at Barcalys for the odd occasion that it is, as you say, convenient. The fiasco we experienced with Halifax, by the way, resulted in them compensating us for lost interest, as well as about £500 for stress and inconvenience etc. In these times of low interest rates for savers, it really is more lucrative to set your bank a task you know they will fail at, and then claim compensation!

I think we may have veered off topic a bit. Re: the R85 / R105 issue though, suffice to say that knowing the "rules", or knowing what people in positions who really should know better say, is not the same as knowing what happens in the real world. Same goes for most things.

As a post script, I tried years ago to open an account with Nationwide, but couldn't because I was not resident in the UK. Imagine if Spanish banks wouldn't accept non-resident account holders.



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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13 Jan 2013 1:40 AM by camposolian Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

 the only difference with uk banks is which one has the best parking facilities all the same these days either half an hour going through security questions or a trawl through the internet for half a day cynical an exageration but banks here in uk not that good anymore 

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