The Comments |
You are spot on - boils down to expectations/standards & cost.
Hope I never need to use them !!
Right on Robert. Earlier this year I posted a breakdown of airline costs and it clearly showed Ryanair to be one of the most expensive with their hidden costs. I can't find it now though, which is a shame. My family from Leixlip, Co Kildare socially engage on occasions wirh Mr O'Bleary and I still can't help thinking of him as a farmer. Before someone berates me about my reference to farmers, I was merely referring to the dichotomy and the life he now leads. Life can sometimes be stranger than fiction!
If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey
I know exactly what you mean. The cute hoor mentality/attitude.
Robert, we speak the same language hoor indeed that he is hahahahahahahahahaha
If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey
Is anyone old enough to remember the pre-Ryanair era,when the airline cartels ruled the skies and fares were astronomical? I certainly do .Ryanair revolutionised air travel,bringing air travel within reach of the great unwashed such as myself,offering low fares and forcing the cartels to reduce their fares to compete .In so doing they caused upset to some and it is clear that some people are implacably hostile to the airline,for, no doubt ,an interesting variety of reasons
Cove Roberts has pointed to the essence of the relationship between Ryanair and its customers.It is essentially a game played according to certain rules,a battle of wits-if you do not learn this at an early stage,you are likely to emerge wounded.If you are smart and well-organised,you can travel cheaply and without incident on Ryanair,but you must approach your dealings with the airline with caution and above all read the rule book set out in very clear English on its website
On the issue of safety Ryanair has an unblemished record and is subject to all appropriate regulations and has satisfied the regulatory authorities.I place my trust ,not in Ryanair,but in these serious people for whom an air crash would be a professional and personal catastrophe,I would add that I doubt that Ryanair pilots have any lesser will to live than pilots of other airlines.On the issue of wheelchairs,in the small airport which I use to access Spain,I regularly see wheelchair users transported on to plane and I have never seen them treated with anything other than immense courtesy,patience and good humour by Ryanair staff- Icannot,of course,claim that this treatment is always afforded by Ryanair staff
In recent days I have booked a return flight to Spain with Ryanair for January,cost €55.67,all included.The fare for the same flight,comparing like with like in all respects with a mainstream airline would be €110.98-smallish money,in both cases,but large difference
I remember the days before Ryanair. I was 27 when I first set foot into a plane in the late 80s. For my kids, now in their early teens, flying is almost routine. Now here is where the planning thing goes out the window, at least as far as taking advantage of cheap fares are concerned, because with kids and school holidays you are basically a hostage.
I flew with Laker Airlines in the 60's - Sir Freddie was the pioneer of cheap air travel but unfortunately it all went bust in 1982, which left space for Rudeair in 1985 to enter the market. Many say Laker's demise was largely due to the bigger boys and their bullying tactics in the boys club! Ryanair of course came much later. Sir Freddie was the real pioneer, rest his soul.
This message was last edited by Foxilady on 21/12/2012. This message was last edited by Foxilady on 21/12/2012.
If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey
I love this site, it's so informative. I've learnt that British Airways flies first class to Spain (even British Airways doesn't know that), I've learnt that a 45 minute turn around of aircraft at Alicante is dangerous if Ryanair does it but not if British Airways does it.
Now, if someone can just let me know which days Cathay Pacific and Emirates airlines operate the route from East Midlands to Alicante I'd be ever so grateful. I don't mind paying an extra 20 or so quid if a nice steak dinner is included, honest.
Bob, I wasn't saying I use BA to Spain, I said
"hmmm not sure I can accomplish that - will stick to BA and Emirates and drive to Spain lol."
Meaning I use BA and Emirates to fly to various other destinations, and I drive to Spain as I have said many times on my posts.
If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey
No explanation needed Foxi i understood what you meant, another example of people on here not reading posts properly. And thanks for pointing out who it was that really pioneered cheaper air travel. I also flew with Laker, excellent airline that it was. You didn't go into the political scandal but touched upon it when you mentioned BA and their bullying tactics, which of course caused the demise of the airline. After Virgin sorted out BA's dodgy tactics they wont be to be claim this time if Ryanair go bust, we can only pray. I do remember that posting by an ex traffic controller confirming that Ryanair were cutting corners and not taking enough time to carry out safety checks, also they continually argued with ATC when they were requested to join a stack. I consider ATC an organisation solely concerned with the safety of all air travellers and it makes me wonder what the priorities are when pilots argue with them. Is cost considered more important than safety?
This message was last edited by MetGB on 22/12/2012.
One cannot deny Ryanair brought down the cost of air travel. But now, flying is such a terrible experience and expensive again but with a cheap and crap service which shows how living standards in Europe are collapsing. If you fly budget airlines in India and Asia it is like flying first class in Europe... Great government legislation such as the minmum wage has destroyed great services that we used to receive such as at garages getting a free service when you refueled and the attendant would fill your gas.... At the airport, people carrying your luggage for you... Packing your bags. Carry to car. Free. Building s were built in the UK which show elegance and style. Now they are as cheap as possible, ugly and all the same! Sorry. Rant over.
Let's get deeply into debt. 
Out of personal preference, we always fly easyjet to Malaga and have never had an issue with them.Punctuality has been good, although fares are probably slightly higher than Ryanair.
After a flight to Brindisi some years ago on Ryanair as no one else flies there from the UK, I vowed I'd never use them again. The outbound flight was 30 minutes late and no apologies or any other information was given, and the return flight scheduled for 22:30 was over an hour late resulting in a return to Stansted at almost 3am. Again no apologies were provided, and not even a coffee was offereddespite the late hour.
In comparison, following some airport problems, we had an easyjet flight from Nice to Luton cancelled, and a Rynair flight to Gatwick was also cancelled. easyjet provided overnight accommodation, vouchers for taxis to and from the airport, and we were reimbursed 25 euros for an evening meal. Contrast that with the Ryanair customers who were left to fend for themselves, not even a complimentary coffee.
I personally don't, and won't use Ryanair but realise that many people are comfortable with what they get for their money.
"On the issue of safety Ryanair has an unblemished record and is subject to all appropriate regulations and has satisfied the regulatory authorities"
If in my 70 odd years I have ever seen a dubious statement this is it.
I would advise anyone thinking of flying Ryanair to take a look at the web page of Aviation Herald.
The following link will take you to items concerning "Ryanair emergency"
No it won't, I'm not allowed to post that.
On the web page of Aviation Herald insert the words Ryanair emergency in the search box and sit down before you read the results.
Obviously at the height of summer things get much worse.
O'Leary actually threatened to sue Aviation Herald, obviously when the penny dropped that they weren't frightened of him he backed down. What a clown!
_______________________ I do not object to folk who want to talk about Brexit, this is a free world
Ryanair are an absolute nightmare to fly get exactly what you pay for...a bum on a seat with zero customer service....flying from Ireland and Northern Ireland your choices are exceedingly limited as to who you can fly with....I would much prefer to pay the extra and fly with BA. On a recent flight with Ryanair I heard a passenger ask if we had 'landed or been shot down' .....the majority of their flights are like this and it is an absolute blessing to get off their planes!!
12 Months' Keyholding with weekly checks, just €99!!!
I have no problem flying with RyanAir. Have used them for the past 13 years. (1 p and Free Flights in the early days)
One thing that I have noticed of recent is that they seem to have moved UK away from Spain
It used to be, this flight will take 2hrs 25min
Now it is This flight will take 2hrs 45min
Is this so that they can play that God awful fanfair On landing.
I don't mind being a few Minutes late so they don't have to play it..
dA dA dA Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer another on time flight. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
_______________________ JB
If the flight takes longer it can be about fuel economy. Overall we don't mind using Ryanair. They are certainly a lot cheaper than any other airline.