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10 Jul 2007 12:00 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi All,

Last night i witnessed my first bull fight as the festival in Algorfa is in full swing.

Although i have been in Spain for some time now i have never felt the urge to attend as my thoughts on blood sports are that they are unecesary.

Last night i took in the atmosphere as i sat and watched the "baby bulls"(if they are babies i wouldn't want to meet the parents) chase some of the local lads around a ring,with one side of the bullring completely empty and the other side packed to the rafters we found ourselves sat in the full glare of the sun,(that's why the spanish get there early!) after a while the whole ring was full and they brought in the first bull.

I was very pleased to see that albeit a little annoyed the bulls were not actually harmed as the junior matadors only have the cape and no swords,a much fairer fight i would say.

I was amazed at the atmosphere this creates and the bull did actually manage to throw a couple of lads over the barriers,much to my amusement.

If anyone is in Algorfa or plans to visit i will try and post the programme for the coming week.

My 4 yr old daughter is dancing on wed night so if anyone is there and wants to spoyt me i will be the proud dad will the big smile on his face.

08:30 hours:

Rockets will fire to signal the beginning of the Procession in Honour of the Virgin Del Carmen accompanied by the Choir Rociero AGUITA CLARA. On arrival we will celebrate with a Rociera service.

Following: a breakfast of sardines and beer prepared by Nautica Torrevieja.

During the morning we will have music and children's entertainment and for all a Giant Paella to enjoy.

The great MASCLETA will be organised by Pirotecnia Fernandez.

19:30 hours: Return of the Ntra. Patrona la Virgin del Carmen accompanied by the Rociero Choir and all the followers, back to the Village Church.
22:30 hours: Dancing with the great music group ROCKING BLUES SHOW from Almeria.
Venue: village Square.

Monday 9th of July

19:00 hours: Baby bulls will be released into the bull ring for the brave and courageous people of the village to enter.
22:30 hours: Spectacular "CITY OF SUN" from the association Trovera.


Tuesday 10th of July

20:00 hours: VII ALGORFA WALK, the walk will start from the Village Square up to the urbanisation La Rellana (La Finca), there will be prizes and refreshments for all participants. Starting from: the Village Square.
22:00 hours: Fitness workout (registration at 21.00 hours). Venue: the Village Square.

Wednesday 11th of July

11:00 hours: CHILDREN'S AQUATICS, water party. Venue: Village Swimming Pool.
22:30 hours: Dancing Festival, by the Dancing School of Algorfa, choreography by Ma Jose Muñoz. Venue: Village Square.


Thursday 12th of July

22:00 hours: Eating Together, the Fiesta Councillors invite us along to a BBQ and beer, all this and the famous music group COSTA. Venue: Council Sports Ground.


Friday 13th of July

22:00 hours:

Concert by the Union of Music and Culture Algorfa and the Choir Santa Cecilia.
Venue: Village Square.
24:00 hours: Concert by the famous international Argentinean music band PIMPINELA.
Venue: Football Ground.
01:00 hour: Disco in the Barraca Popular.












Saturday 14th of July

10:00 hours: Super battle of remote control tanks, super exhibition and public participation.
Venue: Village Square.
14:00 hours: Dinner of the Virgin del Carmen Pensioners Association in the salon Charlot of Benejuzar.
Starting from the Council Sports area going in the direction to the La Finca Golf Urbanisation (8 laps) a total of 64km.

20:00 hours:


Setting off rockets in order to celebrate our traditional offering of flowers to our Patrona La Virgen Del Carmen. Leaving from the Village Library and accompanied by music.

To continue with a Church Service.

24:00 hours:

GREAT POPULAR STREET PARTY, with a spectacular music group, THE WORLD FAMOUS SHOW.


Venue: Algorfa Village Park.

24:00 hours. Disco in the Barraca Popular


Sunday 15th of July


20:30 hours:

Carnival procession with floats, music with groups of different categories prizes given for most original.
23:00 hours: Various performances and Ma Carmen and her dolls.
Venue: Village Square.

Monday 16th of July


08:00 hours: The dawn of our Patrona will be announced with the ringing of church bells and firework rockets.
11:30 hours: Collection of the Queens and Princesses accompanied with music from the Algorfa Brass Band to the Ayuntamiento where the Town officials and the Fiesta Councillors accompany them.
12:00 hours: Church Service in Honour of Ntra. Patrona la Virgen del Carmen (parroco)

21:00 hours:

March and silent procession with the statue of the Ntra. Patrona la Virgen del Carmen Procession led by our Queens and Princesses, Town Officials and Fiesta Councillors.

Towards the entrance of the door to the Church the Fernandez surprises us with an extraordinary fire work display.

23:00 hours: Dance by Universo Latino in the Village Square, where it will be announced the winning floats from the carnival and the Best Street Awards.


Tuesday 17th of July


We will celebrate each one of the mulberries as it is.


We hope you all enjoyed yourselves, thank you to everyone in the village for your participation.


_______________________ still here after all these years!

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10 Jul 2007 10:50 AM by susan s Star rating in Essex. 39 posts Send private message

Hello Georgia,

Glad to hear you enjoyed the baby bulls.Won't be out to Algorfa until Saturday but we have organised our tickets for the WORLD FAMOUS SHOW!!!! As we are right by the disco Saturday will be an all nighter! last year the music went on until about 8 the next morning.

Hopefully we will see you when we are out .


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10 Jul 2007 11:25 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

I'm always pleased to hear the bull got the better of the person goading it. It's a cruel sport, bullfighting. I saw a video that turned my stomach.

Glad you are enjoying fiesta, Georgia.


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10 Jul 2007 11:58 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi Morerosado,

The bull fight last night was a bit like a "PC" version with the matadors and the bulls on the same terms.

Much more fun if you ask me,i have never been a big fan but it is such a tradtion here that i would never put it down,the matadors are so highly revered here and elevated to hero status.

Although i would never go to watch any animal be slaughtered, if the Spanish wish to do so then it is  there freedom of choice,i have learnt in my years here to except and integrate with the traditions of my new found home,you will never change the way of life here and i am not sure anyone should try.

Take this wonderful country for what it is both good and bad and it should steer clear of the problems facing the UK at the moment.

Hi Susan-our paths may cross at some time,i will be the proud dad with a big smile on his face on wed night.



This message was last edited by georgia on 7/10/2007.

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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10 Jul 2007 3:40 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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I'd never enjoy watching bulls, baby ones or otherwise & men together, Georgia. It may well be tradition but it's wrong in my eyes & in the eyes of many. Tradition doesn't make it right. It's not because it's Spain, I'd think it terrible anywhere, same as our tradition of fox hunting.

I was reading this which one of our own forum members put in another forum and I was reading the many messages. They mostly make interesting reading.

I once was in a forum where someone posted videos of bull fighting at the largest bull rings throughout Spain. I wasn't knowledgeable then about exactly what happened at a bull fight & I was traumatised. After many forum members had watched these horrific videos they all turned round & changed their views on bull fights. I didn't keep the videos as I never want to see them again otherwise I'd have put them on here.

Each to their own, I guess.

I know how proud you'll be of your little daughter tomorrow night. You seemed a doting dad when we were looking at your kids photos in frames in your office. Bet she'll be as pretty as a picture.


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10 Jul 2007 4:09 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi Morerosado,

I totally agree with what you are saying,i too find any cruelty against any animal barbaric and when i was in the Uk did champion the cause to get fox hunting banned,that's why i was there last night under the condition and assurance from a Spanish friend that there would be no harm done to the animals,i would have been the first to walk out,beleive me.

The point i was trying to make and this is only my opinion, is that although we are members of the EU and have the freedom of movement,we are still to a certain point visitors in this country,even with residency we have to respect the culture and beleifs of the masses,whether things are right or wrong we must understand that we are in a foreign land and possibly here for the reason that maybe our own country has lost the values of which we crave.

I for one left the UK when i fell out of love with the country,i was one of the most patriotic people you could meet,the national anthem would make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and i was very much a royalist.

The reasons i beleive that Britain stopped being Great is that we pander to and let people ride roughshot over a once great nation,the religion in Spain is Predominanly Catholic as it is a Catholic Country and nobody is trying to alter this,could you say the same about the UK?!

As you know i will be very proud to watch my daughter dance the Flamenco in the parade,but i would not expect the dance acadamy to have Morris dancing on the curriculum.

I know i have rambled on and i know you will take this the right way as i value your contribution and friendship,but we sometimes need to remember that we are here to integrate and not overthrow.

I choose not to go to the fights but in the same token i would never try to stop anyone else going or moan that it should be replaced by a nice country fayre with strawberries and cream.

I know you will take this the right way but if i have offended anyone else ,my apologies,just my thoughts.



_______________________ still here after all these years!

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10 Jul 2007 4:28 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Let's just agree to differ on this one. (Thanks for your email.) You can buy the beers in September & show us around Algorfa. 


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11 Jul 2007 12:12 PM by susan s Star rating in Essex. 39 posts Send private message


I've just seen the photos of the spinning last night....was that you in the very tight lycra number????why do you carry a gun? or were you just very pleased to see everyone?


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11 Jul 2007 12:28 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi Morerosado,

It will be a pleasure to show you around,although after you left the town last time the local restaaurants all seemed to have to restock their wine cellars! so i will save up for when you are here again! maybe it should be more,more,more(hick!)rosado.

Hi Susan

No,not guilty skipped last night as it will be a late one tonight!!

Some of us have to get up in the mornings you know!

That was a stand in last night as i am bursting back onto the scene tonight,i have my flamenco routine spot on and am raring to go!

By the time you get here i should have managed to drink all the beer!!

I will take some piccys and will try to post them on here in the morn..... afternoon tommorow,there might be all of my daughter but i am sure you will get the gist of it.



P.S. did you hear about the fire in the Fontana apartments that was caused by the barbecue and empty boxes,what fase are you on?

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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11 Jul 2007 1:02 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Only joking about the fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats the quickest pm i have ever received.

Just wanted to find out who's couch i could sleep on!

And where do you leave the spare key again?



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11 Jul 2007 1:22 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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"Hi Morerosado,

It will be a pleasure to show you around, although after you left the town last time, the local restaurants all seemed to have to restock their wine cellars ! So I will save up for when you are here again ! Maybe it should be more, more, more (hick !)rosado."

Cheeky sod, Georgia. (I'll give Ambasun your real ID if you annoy me, remember ! ) 

I'll have you know I never once saw double on our last trip.   Now, maybe my alcohol tolerance is getting better or I just controlled myself. ( I'd like to believe it's a bit of both.) Seeing as I spent a lot of my holiday in your office where I was only given agua I couldn't be knocking the old vino back elsewhere at the same time now, could I ? Oh, & DO cut down on those fags, PLEASE ? BTW I corrected your punctuation, put some capital letters in & spread the above quote out somewhat as you're getting worse ! Stop watching the Spanish chicks walking across the junction & concentrate on what you're typing !

NB: For anyone watching thinking SHE'S a handful, isn't she (meaning moi) you'd better believe it !


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11 Jul 2007 1:23 PM by susan s Star rating in Essex. 39 posts Send private message

I was thinking about all the items that could have been damaged flat screen plasma tv ,top of the range dvd all that Gucci,D&G and Dior in the wardrobe.....don't know how the insurers would feel about the claim!

Spare key under the mat as always....

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11 Jul 2007 2:32 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi all,

I know this should be in the classisfied section but here goes.

I have for sale the following; plasma tv,top of the range dvd and assorted designer clothing(although authenticity looks a bit suspect,origin probably Basildon Market).


I will consider myself told off!

I did cut down on my ciggies when you were here as it was dangerous will all the fumes to have a naked flame anywhere in the vicinity.

And by the way i d..............

Have to get back to you there is something nice outside that has caught my eye.....


_______________________ still here after all these years!

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11 Jul 2007 3:02 PM by susan s Star rating in Essex. 39 posts Send private message

I've just called the police in Algorfa as I suspect that someone has gained entry to my property and carried away some very expensive items following a fire.The police have said that the usual suspect is a local estate agent who dupes innocent victims by gaining their trust via the eye on spain website.

georgia do you know anyone that would fit this description? I need to file the claim with my insurance company as I need the cash quickly!! as I am on holiday next week and have to pay for it!

PS I'll have you know that Basildon Market do some very nice items of clothing ( your choice of label)


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11 Jul 2007 3:10 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Susan, Georgia would blame Gillespie, I assure you.


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11 Jul 2007 3:32 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Spot on Morerosado,(is that spelled and punctuauted ok and is my Grandma correct?)

It was that Gillespie chap, never trusted him,i am with the police at the moment and will give them all the details as soon as we have loaded this tv in the back of his car!

Never trust an estate agent,the only people lower than that are the people that work in FS.

You must have called the insurance people already as they have just come out of your house with a pair of abbibas trainers and a dulce and gobbana handbag,must be for evidence!

If your short of cash Gillespie told me he found some down the back of the couch!


_______________________ still here after all these years!

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11 Jul 2007 5:51 PM by Gillespie Star rating in Costa Calida Area. 608 posts Send private message

Gillespie´s avatar
Blimey!! Here I am, head down working like a little trojan and have been grassed up by another Estate Agent. No time to watch plasma TV....Is that a new satelite station then?? What do they show?? blood transfusions!!!!!!!!!


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11 Jul 2007 5:56 PM by susan s Star rating in Essex. 39 posts Send private message


You and me both! still here at work...if any of the bank notes you found are still a bit damp just hang them up for a while(throw the smudged ones away)

Wouldn't mind the 2 rolex watches back...can't get out to Turkey for a while!


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11 Jul 2007 6:10 PM by Gillespie Star rating in Costa Calida Area. 608 posts Send private message

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Susan, I think we should check out your sofa when you are next over here in Spain. Could be fun!!!


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11 Jul 2007 6:12 PM by Gillespie Star rating in Costa Calida Area. 608 posts Send private message

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Mmmmmmm I quite like this internet grooming milarky, feels very naughty he he he!!


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