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23 Feb 2008 10:38 PM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

 No we have not been to Campo de Guardamar Market.  I would have to get my driving head on to get there. If we walked the Market would probably be over  But might go when we are over, why  do you think it is better?  Pat



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23 Feb 2008 10:51 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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It's MASSIVE, Pat, lots of cafes of every nationality all sited together so really buzzy. Cafes are also within the market stall area as other markets. Lots of the cafes are permanently sited. There's a bodega & a few units that have big ovens full of chickens, pork, ribs etc. These also sell chunks of cooked potatoes tossed in flavoured oil, & bottles of wine. We stroll over for a late English breakfast or lunch with a couple of pints if Mr. More isn't driving later. (In fact, we enjoy going so much & sitting in the sun with a meal & leisurely drinks we must ensure we have Sundays to ourselves, no driving). We often meet lots of people off our urb so we end up whiling away a lot more time than we'd intended. We bring a chicken home with a botle of wine for 6€ & just have salad later with it. I just prefer it.


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25 Feb 2008 3:34 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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The theatre at Almoradi is a must for parents if they are looking to keep the kids amused for a couple of hours.

Mine all went on a rainy(yes rainy!!!!) sunday afternoon this week.

All the latest films (well latest here...) you can take your own nibbles in(food that is) and they have special booster seats for the little ones so they can see properly.

Alvin and the chipmonks this friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And all for 1 Euro!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes 67p to get in the flicks,they were the days i here you shout,they certainly are!!!!

There is a nice brochure avaliable with a complete timetable for the next 2 months avaliable at the theatro.............. 

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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25 Feb 2008 5:02 PM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

Georgia  do they have things on for the Easter holidays. Just thinking when my grandson comes out 30th March  Thanks Yes that market sounds good More  will have to give it a go.   Pat



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25 Feb 2008 5:15 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Easter is early this year Pat with Easter Sunday being 23rd March.

A handy site for your faves ALGORFA


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25 Feb 2008 7:48 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi Pat,

Easter is probably the most celebrated holiday here.

You will have the processions everywhere with carnivals and rides for the children.

Last year in Almoradi they carried the solid gold saint from the church covered in hundreds of Lillies,when they reached the end of the processions they gave all the Lillies to the children,there must of been a thousand of them,then then had a proceesion through the town when everyone dresses up.

Even if you are not overly religous it is quite a spectacular site,worth a go,if you go into most Town halls they should give you a program of events.

Take care


_______________________ still here after all these years!

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27 Feb 2008 10:53 PM by jules1 Star rating in St Ives, Cambridgesh.... 264 posts Send private message

jules1´s avatar

More is the market you are talking about the same as the lemon grove market?



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27 Feb 2008 11:06 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
That's the one, Julia.


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22 Apr 2008 12:53 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Georgia told us he should've invited us to the paella fiesta at Algorfa. Unfortunately he hadn't taken our mobile number so we missed it. Here's a YouTube video of it though.


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22 Apr 2008 1:00 PM by jules1 Star rating in St Ives, Cambridgesh.... 264 posts Send private message

jules1´s avatar

Wow what a size! What on earth are those little stripey things they put in? It's put me off paella a bit actually!



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22 Apr 2008 1:47 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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They are snails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was so funny to see one guy(obviously English) trying to extract one little blighter from its shell,the Spanish people i was with watched this intently as he battled with it for a good 5 minutes,when it finally popped ot the whole table erupted in a huge cheer.

I always pick mine out as im not too keen.

Actually although the Paella is very nice its worth going just for the atmosphere and the free beer of course.

My daughter friends live in the House in the video and you could smell the paella starting to cook from there.

This is just the first of a great season of Fiestas.

I can't find your mobile number More,maybe you could post it on here for me

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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22 Apr 2008 7:54 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Geaorgia, I tried to get you to take my mobile number but you didn't so missed your chance. Anyway, snails ? UGH !


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23 Apr 2008 8:03 PM by jules1 Star rating in St Ives, Cambridgesh.... 264 posts Send private message

jules1´s avatar

UGH! Snails, no way Jose! I do like the paellas made with chicken though.



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04 Jul 2008 12:43 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Algorfa fiesta starts today.

Friday, 4th July

20:30 hrs
Algorfa Music and Culture Society will collect the Queens and Princesses from the Municipal Library to begin their procession towards the Plaza de España.

Algorfa Fiesta 2008 will be presented by D. Salvadore Cases Lorenzo, Area Director of Caja Mediterrano.

Crowning of the Queens and Princesses for 2008.

Dancing performance by Ma Trini.

Opening of the Open Air Disco.

Saturday, 5th July

9:00 hrs
Tambourines will be played through the streets by Moisés and Benjamín.
10:00 hrs
14:00 hrs
Grand Fair for little children - with bouncy castles and activities, in the Plaza de España.
19:00 hrs
Bull Fight - 6 brave bulls from D. Apilio and Juan Perez Tabernero from Salamanca. Challenging the bulls will be Luis José Amadore, Pepín Liria and El Cartegenero.
23:30 hrs
Music Concert Performance by Jeannette, Tony Ronald Micky and Lorenzo Santamaris - the Miticos 70. Venue: Plaza de España.
Mobile Disco and Bar. Venue: Municipal Sports Ground.

Sunday, 6th July

8:30 hrs

The Great Mascaletá will announce the departure of the Romería in honour of the Virgin Del Carmen. The Virgin's image will be accompanied by the flamenco group Alandra.


On arrival at the Ermita, the congregation will receive Mass. Following the service, a breakfast of sardines, bread and beer will be shared. Food prepared by Naútica Torrevieja.

Inside the Ermita the Musical Association of Santa Cecilia Choir will sing.

14:00 hrs Fireworks by Pirotecnia Fernandez. Giant Paella for all.
19:30 hrs Return of the Romería and of the Virgin Del Carmen, accompanied by the Choir, Rociero. The procession shall return will the Virgin's Image to the village's church in Plaza de España.
22:00 hrs The Rocking Blues Show from Almería. Venue: Plaze de España.

Monday, 7th July

19:00 hrs Baby bulls will be released in the bull ring for all the brave men of the village who wish to enter.
22:30 hrs Spectacular Flamenca Show, with guitarist Fernando Rodriguez and singer Isabel Rico (Finalists in TVE talent show, 'Rain of Stars').

Tuesday, 8th July

20:00 hrs

VIII Algorfa Walk (6km). Starting from Plaza de España to La Finca Golf Course and return. Prizes and refreshments for all participants.
22:30 hrs 'Group Therapy' a theatre group company will perform the entertaining play, 'Gloria' by Manuel Lucas. Venue: Plaza de España.

Wednesday, 9th July

19:00 hrs
21:00 hrs

Sport is Healthy - different sporting events in the streets: 3 x 3 football, mini tennis, basketball, volley ball and batuka. (Reserve a game between 18:00 and 19:00). Venue: Plaza de España.

22:30 hrs

Concert performed by the Association of Music and Culture Algorfa. Venue: Plaza de España.

Thursday, 10th July

22:00 hrs Evening meal where the Fiesta Committee invite everyone to a barbeque and a beer. Entertainment provided by the group 'Savanna'. Venue: Municipal Sports Ground.

Friday, 11th July

22:00 hrs

Dance Festival performed by the Algorfa Municipal Dance School and choreographed by Ma Nieves Girona.

Later we are entertained by Manu Sanchez.

24:00 hrs Disco in the Barraca Popular (open air, without a roof or covering, similar to al fresco).

Saturday, 12th July

10:30 hrs Trial Bike Exhibition for all ages. Venue: Plaza de España.
14:00 hrs Lunch provided by Charlot of Benejuzar for the 'Third Age Citizens' of Algorfa (Retired Citizens).
18:00 hrs Donkey Show with donkey races and rides. Venue: Municipal Sports Ground.
23:30 hrs Comedy Show with entertainment provided by Los Marancos. Venue: Plaza de España.
01:00 hr Disco in the Barraca Popular (open air, without a roof or covering, similar to al fresco).

Sunday, 13th July

11:30 hrs The First Classic Car Show. A procession of classic cars will pass through the main streets of Algorfa and through the Urbanisations.


20:30 hrs


Carnival Parade, with music bands. Prizes awarded to the most original and best float or group.

23:00 hrs The magnificent music group, 'Budú', followed by prize giving for Carnival winners. Venue: Plaza de España.

Monday, 14th July

20:30 hrs Various children's stories from 'Lumaquí', a local group.

Tuesday, 15th July

20:30 hrs Firework display announcing a traditional offering of flowers to Our Patrona Virgen Del Carmen. Procession setting off from the Municipal Library, accompanied by music. Procession followed by Mass.
23:00 hrs Spectacular Variety Show - Suspiros de España. Venue: Plaza de España.

Wednesday, 16th July

08:00 hrs Spectacular Firework Display to wake everyone up and to announce the Day of Our Patrona Del Carmen.
11:30 hrs The Algorfa Music and Cultural Association will collect the Queens and Princesses of Honour and accompany them to the Ayuntamiento where they will be met by the local authorities who will accompany them to the Church.
12:00 hrs Mass in Honour of Our Patrona Virgen Del Carmen to commemoration Our Patrona's 50th anniversary of her coronation.
21:00 hrs

Silent procession through the streets of Algorfa with Our Patrona Virgen Del Carmen, lead by the Queens and Princesses of Honour, local authorities and the commission of fiestas.

On arrival at the church, Pirotecnia Ferrández will surprise everyone with a spectacular firework display.

23:00 hrs Dance and Music with 'Zambra'. Venue: Plaza de España.



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04 Jul 2008 10:56 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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19:00 hrs Baby bulls will be released in the bull ring for all the brave men of the village who wish to enter
I cant imagine anyone would!!!!! but if for any chance anybody wants to see a tonne of prime steak with horns chase an estate agent across a ring,then i am being press ganged into giving this a go......................
Like i say i cant imagine this would interest anyone.

Hi More,
Glad to see you arrived back ok,wanted to spend a little more time with you on your latest trip but unfortunately this blasted work thing continues to intefere with my social lfe.

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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04 Jul 2008 3:12 PM by jules1 Star rating in St Ives, Cambridgesh.... 264 posts Send private message

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Best of luck to you Georgia! Sounds like you re going to have a very enjoyable week though looking at the timetable. Have fun!!!!!!!!!



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04 Jul 2008 10:19 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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I have no time for bull fights (they're barbaric even though many say "it's traditional") or anything to do with bulls being used as this BUT I quite like the idea of the bull getting its own back so I'm posting this. Good one bull. Funny I thought. 


This message was last edited by morerosado on 7/4/2008.


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04 Jul 2008 11:00 PM by jules1 Star rating in St Ives, Cambridgesh.... 264 posts Send private message

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Very good More!!!!!!!!!!



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05 Jul 2008 1:26 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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i am no fan of Blood sports and could never see myself at a bullfight,i have friends who have been and say that is quite horrendous.
The "baby bulls" is a chance for the bull to do exactly what is shown in the video below,a chance for equal terms.
The young bulls are introduced to the ring and the locals have to try and run from one side of the ring to the other,no weapons are used and the bulls are not harmed.
It is a pure match of speed and last year it was about equal with some of the men making fatal slips and finding out what the shap end of the bull feels like.
If you like me cannot stomach and do not feel that a bullfight is that ethical then the baby bulls is a happy medium and good taste of the culture here.
I have just got back from the plaza where they have the childrens day going on,bouncy castles,trampolines and a 10 foot transparent ball that tyhe kids climb inside and roll down a hill,great fun and all free as usual.
The festivities begin with what is always 2 weeks of great fun with something for everyones taste.
A chance to emerge yourself in the real Spain.
If anyone gets the chance and is the area come along,it is well worth it.

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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08 Jul 2008 11:39 AM by Acapulco Star rating in Costa Blanca South.. 342 posts Send private message

Acapulco´s avatar
Anybody heard if Georgia survived  ?


If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.


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