re many thanks to Costaluz lawyers

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24 Jan 2013 2:46 PM by tam30560 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

 Dear Maria ,

I would like  to thank you and all your team  for all the excellent work  that you did on my behalf of my wife and myself on getting back  all our legal fees and interest . It has been a long journey with our original lawyers leading us a merry dance  but costaluz lawyers has restored our faith in Spanish lawyers and would have no hesitation to recommend you and your team to anybody who would need legal help in Spain.
Best Regards,
Tam mclaughlin

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24 Jan 2013 3:10 PM by disneydog Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

Hi Tam
Congratulations on your victory,well done Maria once again,how long did it take from getting into court and receiving your money as we are awaiting the same result !!?
Regards Curtis

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24 Jan 2013 3:19 PM by tam30560 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

 Hi Disneydog,

It took about a year from when we won our case as the banks had 30 days to appeal but the usual court system seemed to let them take as long as they liked  it took six and a half years from when we paid our deposit to us getting our money back then about another 7 month to get the legal fees and interest  but we were only with Maria for about two years.



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24 Jan 2013 3:29 PM by disneydog Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

Thanks for that,yes we had our deposit returned Jan 2012,our claim for int and fees started straight after that but only got a court number in Nov so could be the summer before we hear something? And yes this has been going on since Jan2007 for us to.So frustrating as they never did build our apartment!!
Regards Curtis

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28 Jan 2013 11:22 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9420 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

 Thanks Tam!

We are happy you have been feeling safe and covered along the whole process.

We do hope you will be investing in great oportunities in Spain very soon!! Take advantage of the moment!


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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