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How to get the best rate sending euros back to the uk
Shop around, and always ask about the exchange rate as well as the up-front charges.
I just did a comparison for pounds to euros. For me have decided that getting my government employee pension payments made directly into my Spanish bank account for a couple of months ( to top it up) will be the best value (hoping of course that the exchange rate won't be a problem.)
I get my OAP paid directly to Spain. It is the best value as one gets the ‘inter-bank’ rate (on the day of transfer, that’s usually about 4 days before it reaches one’s account) through City Bank, and the receiving Spanish banks do not make any charge for pensions payments received.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 28/01/2013.
what is about the best rate i should be looking for at the moment to send my money back to te uk
thanks again
Pickles are we talking a large amount like as in a house sale, or small amounts like gifts or living exe's.
Lage amounts it might be best to use one of these money companys that give you a locked in rate, or tell you when the rate is at it's best, plenty of good ones about....just make sure you get a good one.
Small amounts, got a trusted relative or friend who is going to visit? get them to go to your UK bank and draw out Sterling, bring it over, go to the exchange shop in Spain as and when it's a good rate.
Me and my friend do this all the time for each other.
Btw, the pound will fall further this year against euro so if sending euros to uk, best to wait, and conversely convert pounds to euros asap. I work in City and they reckon 1.05 euros to pound might well return this year.. good for our property values, not so good if you have euro mortgages..
Thankyou very much
paulv ... quote... I work in City and they reckon 1.05 euros to pound might well return this year.. good for our property values, not so good if you have euro mortgages..
...and an absolute disaster (again) if all of ones income comes from the UK like pensions...
If things go the way the City so obviously do want them to go then I have no doubt that, by fair means or foul, they will find a way of making it happen... and fortunes will again be made by the few at the expense of those least able to afford it...
the pound will fall this year against the main currencies because the eurozone will recover this year (and next) faster than the uk will (Spain excepted). The City doesnt have a say.
The US dollar is pushing the pound down because it has a better recovery system than we do - ie, its a private sector driven recovery, not a state owned one (which makes someone on this thread's point absolute nonsense about it being better to turn our banks into public-owned).
And the City has taken a battering, (to make you feel better) - everyone i know has lost a job/taken a no salary/commission only role/small bonuses taken away. Its brutal. Come on baby boomers, you cant take take take for 40 years and still groan, when your retirement will be far better than anyone under 50 today's will. It's us lot who are doomed due to what the 70s/80s and 90s inflicted on us! :)
Totally agree with you paulv..
Im a forex trader ..and the euro seems to be geting much stronger than the pound..(check any 6 month graph)
My advice is to change any long term sterling savings you might have and buy Euro's ... best way is to open an account
with a UK forex company....When the pound bottoms (around euro 1.05) then convert back to sterling, subject to commision rates.
The UK savings interest rate in sterling is almost non existant ....even worse when your savings will be taxed at 20%
This message was last edited by fireblade900-1 on 29/01/2013. This message was last edited by fireblade900-1 on 29/01/2013.