Age Concern volunteer Angela Keay MBE congratulated by British Ambassador Giles Paxman over her New Year’s Honour
Angela Keay's New Year got off to a surprising start when she learnt that she has been awarded an MBE for services to the British community in Spain in the New Year's Honours List. Now Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Spain, Giles Paxman, has taken the opportunity of a visit to Alicante to meet and congratulate her in person.
Angela, who lives in Torrevieja in the Province of Alicante, has made a remarkable contribution to the development of the charity Age Concern which provides support to British expatriates across Spain.
Giles Paxman said “I am delighted to have met Angela and I congratulate her on a well-deserved MBE. The organisation ACASA is an excellent example of the many English-speaking associations that support our most vulnerable residents and tourists, and I’m pleased that the hard work that has gone into setting it up has been recognised.
“The work that our consular staff in Spain carry out in supporting British nationals is greatly helped by volunteers like Angela, who give up their time and energy to help others.”
ACASA is a partnership between Age Concern España, the British Embassy and Age UK, and is a national charity launched in 2011. It delivers public awareness campaigns on integration into Spanish life, offers advice and help via the infoline 902 00 38 38 , and publishes useful information sheets.
ACASA also offers a casework service that consists of in-home visits by volunteers who provide practical advice and help to source funds for individuals where direct intervention is required, as well as providing advice and support for expatriates wanting to return to live in the UK. For more information on ACASA, you can visit
She helped to set up Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur in 1997, as its Secretary and later President. She then became Secretary and President of Age Concern España. She is now Secretary to Age Concern España's national INFOLINE and Casework service organisation, known as ACASA, as well as being one of its Caseworker volunteers.