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Can anyone tell me how much the water monthly charge is as I've just been charged 58euro this seems to be much higher than it should be
Are you sure that's just for a month? How frequently you get billed depends on your area and your supplier ..... but I pay quarterly and that's more than I pay for a quarter! Mind you I don't have a pool or anything like that.
Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.
Strange one this, my water bills are about the same as yours no matter how much we used, and if we were there or not, my friend has a massive hot tub which he empties about once every now and again to clean it, and his water bills are the same as yours and ours. I even took a meter reading when we left and got back to see if it had changed while away thinking someone else might be using it...but no.
Every water supplier charges different prices, just like in UK, so what I pay has no relationship to what a customer of another supplier will pay.
Hi John.
The less water you use the higher the charging rate. Does seem a bit high though, we have just paid 107 euros for 6 months usage, and someone has been living here all of that 6 months.
Check your reading and multiply by 2.45 euoro (that is our community charging rate per cubic meter of water used) and is a good average for working out your bills.
Also have a look at your meter, if it's "whizzing" round you are have a leek somewhere ! (sometimes leeks aren't always visible)
Maybe not using enough water !
Sorry but I still say, different water suppliers charge different prices for the same quantity of water.
Its the same for IBI, vehicle circulation tax etc., each municipality charge their own rate.
Thanks for your reply's, the only thing i forgot to mention was that we havent bee there since september, what should the montly charge be.
Water bills come quarterly. Charges are around 55 euros a quarter, virtually all that is tax, rubbish collection, sewerage, metering etc. When we weren't here at all, we were still getting bills of around 56 euros a quarter. Now we are here permanent the bills are only 7 or 8 euros higher per quarter.
Clearly different suppliers charge different amounts. Different households use different amounts too. However this forum has always been very useful to draw on other people's experiences of average bills. I always find it VERY useful to read what other people are paying for utilities ... it doesn't mean I expect mine to be identical! It is a good indication. I seem to be paying a similar amount to Bob despite being (I think) in a different province and definitely with a different supplier - as my water is supplied by the Ayuntamiento (town hall).
I think the OP needs to check whether that is really a monthly charge (in which case, despite all the variables, it would seem high), or whether it is in fact a quarterly bill. It still may be wrong and it would still be worth him checking the meter himself, but he would then have the comparison that two other posters are paying approx the same amount, quarterly.
Obviously being there and showering etc, as opposed to not being there, makes a difference, as does having a pool or a jacuzzi etc, but I think people generally know whether they have those things and can work out for themselves whether that would have an impact.
Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.
Hi, before world war three breaks out, perhaps you could give a breakdown of your water bill
This is the bill for a 100 m2 apartment with one occupant. As you see total water used 7 m3, cost 27.56€ for 3 months

CostaBlade-that's a mighty thirsty leek! Might be better looking for a LEAK.
These water bills that others have quoted seem a lot lower than ones received on Camposol;However, no bills have been sent out on Camposol for 11 months due to ongoing problems-it will be interesting when they finally arrive!
In your private post, you said the bill you had did not include any charges for water.
As the bill I posted included 7 cubic metres, and was less than half your bill, I really cannot suggest why your bill was 58 euros.
Can you either post it here (with private info cut out) so those who know can advise you, or post it to me in a private message ?
For example in the Mazarron district there is a minimum usage charge of 15m3 for each two month charging period, whether you use that quantity or not you will be charged for it according to the BORM set out by Mazarron Ayuntamiento.
With all the other asssociated charges and fixed costs it means that the minimum charge is approx €47 per two months or €282 per year assuming of course you don't have some months that exceed the minimum usage.
For comparison the average water bill in the UK this year will be €464..... we get our water cheaply here in Spain, even in Mazarron which is one of the most expensive water supplies in Spain.