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03 Mar 2013 8:07 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

The usual stock phrases such as 'it's Spanish culture, expats can't expect it to change for their sensitivities' bla, bla, bla, really, really annoys me. Cruelty inflicted on any creature anywhere should not be tolerated by anyone considering themselves civilized in the 21st century. It's nothing to do with culture it's plain and simple cruelty. There are many organization in Spain, organized by Spanish people trying to improve the plight of animals who are ill treated, and yes there is animal cruelty everywhere and yes there are some papmered pets in Spain but it's all a matter of degree and Spain is a very cruel place. The galgos are particular victims of this cruelty and it's not just a matter of them being treated as working dogs they are treated appallingly and there is enough evidence to support this. Please stop deluding yourselves, it does exist, Spain is a cruel place and trying to pretend it's OK because it's Spain or it's really not so bad does not change that fact. even if it makes you and your conscience feel a bit better. What animal welfare laws there are are woefully inadequate and barely enforced. Would I live close to a bullring, absolutely not, but I will support any organization trying to stop this barbaric torture of living creatures.



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03 Mar 2013 8:16 PM by tamaraessex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

tamaraessex´s avatar
Through a route too complicated to get into, I am having dinner on Friday night with the Spanish man from the International Fund for Animal Welfare who was largely responsible for getting bullfighting banned in Catalunya. We have emailed each other as I want to get his views on the most effective steps for the rest of Spain and what is the best way an incomer can contribute. Personally I agree that Catalunya only banned it to annoy Madrid, and that ironically that makes the job HARDER in the rest of Spain as they won't want to imply that anything that Catalunya did was the morally correct and progressive thing to do. However I am looking forward to meeting him and getting his perspective and experience on this.


 Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.

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03 Mar 2013 9:41 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 And of course the other reason for the gradual decline of bullfighting is football.   Most young Spaniards watch football on Sundays - rather than bullfighting.  Though God only knows how the football clubs are going to get out of the financial mess they are in..........That most certainly is for another thread!!!

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