Dear Mungry,
We could all sit there like yourself in the current climate and ask that question, as it seems like a no brainer now, however going back 10 years when we first handed over our deposit it was a different story and things in Spain looked very good as did most places, Apartments were being snapped up and valuations were still rising even a few years after we had signed on an off plan development. If they had continued in the same direct or had the credit crunch never happened you obviously would have the answer to your question, Its easy to say "this was never going to happen" but it had done for many years before and very few knew exactly when that bubble was going to burst, fewer still could have forcast the extent it has reached now.
You may well be a financial wizard and could envisage what has now happened across the world and if you are then well done!! I just dont know, but I know of many people more knowledgeable than myself who have also been victims of the financial mess the world is in at the moment so I wouldnt be to quick to judge.
I am sure everyone has a different reason and circumstances why they invested what they did, which is the case in any type of investment, some are successful some are not. Although we didnt invest quite as much as the 460k you mention (I wont bore you with our story) but we have just been successful handing our keys back and walking away debt free with the help of Maria De Castro and her team at Costa Luz lawyers, and I am guessing (looking at the current market value) that we were approx 80-90,000 euros in negative equity possibly more, so there is hope for people starting down that line.
This message was last edited by RD on 08/03/2013.