Shocked by Judge's decision

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16 Mar 2013 12:11 AM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

eos_ian´s avatar

 I don't know if any of you saw this on TV this week, but I saw it live on the morning programme and it was one of the most disturbing things I have seen in a long time. How a mother lost a battle against her ex husband in the courts of Valencia in Moncada. Three years a go a mother, divorced from her husband who lives in Mexico, left Mexico to come back to Spain and find work to maintain her children. Apparantly the ex mistreated and abused them, eventhough the court here found no evidence of it. How would they? But just over a week ago a judge decided to uphold the right of the father and grant him his "visiting rights" meaning he could take the children back with him to Mexico.  But in a desperate attempt to avoid this the mother and the entire village managed to impede the police's work and they failed in taking the children into custody. The mother is convinced that the father will file against her to obtain full custody of the children back in Mexico as she isn't able to accompany them back and this apparantly is motive for loosing custody adding to the fact that she "illegally" took the kids back to Spain without the father's consent, the chances are they will grant him full custody immediately and she won't be able to see them again. So far up to now it appears that the mother made the mistake, but when you started to hear the children : 13 years old and 10 year old twins, you started to realise that what the mother did was in the best interest of the children and the ex is certainly not a good father or a good person. In fact he must be down right evil and the Judge too. The Judge called them into court to inteview the children, telling the mother that they were going to receive a psychological analysis before they took a decision. The mother wishing to get to he end of this took the kids to the court and as soon as the kids entered, the Judge ordered the doors to be closed locking the mother out. It was an ambush and a trap to get hold of the kids. From this point on it starts to sink in with the kids what is happening and they become distraut screaming and shouting through the door for their mother, saying they don't want to go back with their father and asking for help. It was incredible distressing. The screams and the cries were heart breaking. The mother realising what had happened started to loose it and become hysterical. About 30 minutes later a white van starts to leave the courts with the children inside screaming and shouting while the neighbours and the mother try to impede it's exit. While all of this is going on the father is sitting in the front of the van listening to his distraut children begging to stay with their mother. What kind of a father would do that? and what kind of a judge would allow this to happen and not allow a mother to say good bye to her children. The stress the children have been through is unforgivable and totally unnecessary. If this wasn't enough the judge allowed the children to go back to Mexico with their father fulfilling his right to have "holiday visits" but the Judge never defined a date by when they would have to be returned to Spain and allowed them to be taken right in the middle of the school term. As far as I see this it has been an absolute fiasco for the judicial system and a pathetic job carried out by the courts of justice and an embarrassment for the family judicial system. Surely the children have rights and seeing how they were clearly horrified and destroyed by the fact that they had to go back to Mexico, the Judge turned a blind eye and sent them back for ever. I was shocked. I don't know how certain people get to become Judges but this one should be retired immediately. Laws are laws you may say and the judges just follow the law, maybe, but you don't take a child out of school, nor do you ignore the wishes of the children, nor do you set up an ambush inside the court and you certainly let the children say good by to their mother before shipping them off to madrid in the back of a van. Sorry If I've gone on about this but it really affected me and everyone else watching and I was wondering if anyone else has been following the story.

You can read the news article on the EOS news blog, but there is some information in last paragraph which is not eactly accurate:

"The children have now been removed from the family home in Alboraya by the police and were due to fly back to Mexico today."

They were ambushed in the court and put in a van and taken immediately to Madrid airport!  I saw the whole occurance live on TV. My wife was distraut and crying non stop.

What sort of  a world are we living in? Does anyone see any sense in this?



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16 Mar 2013 4:55 AM by Mungry Star rating. 329 posts Send private message

you may think i am trolling here

but this is after all a third world country with old school attitudes.

i didnt see it and maybe i would think differently but `this is spain`

i know thats a statement that can cover anything but we chose to live in this country of bandits so we have to accept `the culture`


i coldnt stay away from you miserable whining whingers for some reason

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16 Mar 2013 9:28 AM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

eos_ian´s avatar
Well Spanish culture is totally family orientated, so I wouldn't say it has anything to with their culture and I think you are going a bit far by saying it's a third world country, but I'll take that with a pinch of salt! I think this is down to an aweful decision on behalf of one person, the Judge, who should have put the children first no matter what.



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16 Mar 2013 9:37 AM by Ian_n_Angie Star rating in Buckinghamshire and .... 35 posts Send private message

I haven't seen the story apart from reading what is on here so far - so am not commenting on this particular story but "change" in general.

 So "accepting the culture"..... no I dont think you have to.  yes there are bits that I say...oh thats Spain, but on a human rights issue, being Spain, or China, or Rwanda etc does not wipe away the crime or injustice etc  

Everyone has the right to express an opinion and if they feel strongly over something try and change things "legitimately" in the country they have residence in.

There have been many things  in the UK I have disagreed with and I have lobbyed, written to my MP, protested and marched on peaceful demostration for some of those things to change.

Surely if you are a spanish resident you have the same rights too???? Otherwise things will never change.


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