The Comments |
Does anybody know of any dogs walks ,off lead,. in the Mojacar area . I know that dogs are not allowed on the beaches but just somewhere they can have a run around.
If I remember correctly, in Spain, dogs are not allowed to be off a lead, which must be fixed one and no longer than the metric of 6 feet (oddly) anywhere in a public place
Yes John is right, but you shouldn't have to go far to find a "non public" place, walk out into the country and let them go.. as long as they are not "potentially dangerous" dogs like pitbulls or which case make sure they have a muzzle on at all times.
If you are looking for parks, that might be more complicated you would need to ask your local council is they have any parks with areas prepared for dogs.
A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.
Keep your dog on the lead or you will have problems with any Spaniard who wants to take you to task. Also make sure that you have adequate insurance for your dog should it cause any injury or damage to third parties or property.
Shiny happy people - where?
I believe that if any one complains that any dog has acted aggressively towards them, even a chiwawa barking at them, then that dog is from on treated as being a dangerous dog and all the rules that apply to such dogs apply to that one too.
No me I hope !!!!!!!!!

quote.. .If I remember correctly, in Spain, dogs are not allowed to be off a lead, which must be fixed one and no longer than the metric of 6 feet (oddly) anywhere in a public place...
quote... Keep your dog on the lead or you will have problems with any Spaniard who wants to take you to task.
Depends entirely on where you are!
Where I live I am forever being taken to task for not letting my pack off their leads to run free... If only they knew!
One English Greyhound and a Saluki with absolutely no notion of recall could create absolute havoc with the local herds of goats and sheep and the 5 Podencos and Breton Spaniels would very soon deplete the local hare and rabbit population, and as for the village feral cats... well just maybe I'd be doing folks a favour by turning my pack loose. They all hate cats with a vengeance!
Slowly but surely the villagers are getting the hint though that (especially so far as my lot are concerned), keeping their dogs leashed when out walking is a great idea.
Meet the Chief Rabble Rouser...

45 mph Couch Potato...
This message was last edited by foxbat on 06/04/2013.
Thanks for the replies , I guess I will just keep them both on long leads
When we moved to our village a dog on a lead had never previously been seen and when foreigners started to walk around with dogs on leads, people looked on in amazement. All the dogs owned by Spaniards are free to roam, free to loll in the sun in the middle of the road until you beep the horn and they casually stroll off. It makes me laugh to hear there are Spanish laws saying dogs should be on leads; most Spaniards pay no heed to these laws.
My account of moving to Spain."><img
Maybe these laws do not exist then!
I think you will find that these dogs do not have any registered owner, in which case when an accident is cuased or someone is bitten there will be no-one to sue. I assure you that when a dog owned by an extranjero cuases a nuisance or causes an accident etc. a denuncia will find its way to them.
Shiny happy people - where?
I have a sheltie and cavilier king charles spaniel ,both small. I see a number of spanish taking the dogs on the beach but i dont in case i get a fine
Well if you are afraid of getting a fine you're best not to do it. But to be honest with those breeds I wouldn't be too worried, some may jump on me and say that's breaking the law but I have had golden retrievers here in Spain and never had any problems, here in Valencia at least. The beach is a problem but only really in the summer. In the winter people take their dogs down to the beach and let them run free all the time but best to find a beach away from a promenade and off the beaten track. In the centre of Valencia there is a large park called Los Viveros and every Sunday it is packed with people and their dogs, all off a lead and running around. Also in the new park by the zoo their are dog groups that get together and let their dogs runs free and these are both public parks. There is a clear distinction as to what breeds are considered dangerous and one's that are not and although you are supposed to have your dog on a lead in public places it is not always abided by. When considering your breeds personally I wouldn't think twice, let them off the lead, at most I think you would get a warning but I doubt very much you would get a fine straight away. In all my years with golden retrievers I have never had a warning or a fine. When it comes to the country side definitely let them off the lead these are not public places so to speak and the dogs are always let off their leads, unless you know your dog is dangerous in which case you shouldn't let it off a lead anytime at all. But a king charles and sheltie are hardly dogs that scare people off so if they are nice natured I'd just relax and let them have some fun. I am afraid I don't agree with "I love Javea" when he says "you will have problems with any Spaniard who wants to take you to task", I have never had any problems with any Spaniards over having my dogs off their lead and at least from my 16 years of experience, the Spaniards aren't out to get you fined. Well at least in Valencia they aren't. I don't know Mojaca very well so I'm not sure if their is an anti-Brit atmosphere there or not. The police in general are very fair and understanding and if you are being careful and letting your dog of a lead in an area which is safe I doubt very much they will say anything or even see you as the sort of places you would take your dog to run around aren't normally supervised anyway and I can't possibly imagine anyone reporting you to the police for having a king charles off a lead!
Let them live a bit and run all they want, find a good piece of countryside in the summer and let them have a dip in the Mediterranean in the winter. If you are still worried find a dog training school in the area meet other people with dogs and join them when they go out, if you are with Spaniards doing as Spaniards do even less chance of having a problem or being singled out.
Good luck
I have a pal who used to take his dog to a quite beach near Estepona in the early morning and let it run.
He said there was no problem and that everyone did it, but of course that was before he was fined 300 euros.
Yes you are right if you are afraid of getting a fine best not to do it. I never took my dog in Spring or Summer only in the winter when there was no one on the beach, just other dogs, and was fortunate enough never to get fined. However that doesn't make it right... I admit the beach can be more risky in terms of a fine sometimes.
Thank you for you thoughts , you are right I will relax and follow the spanish, my dogs are so friendly they wouldnt hurt a fly.
regards Muriel
There is an article on the website where the town hall in Cartagena are clamping down on dogs off leads,owners not picking up their mess, insurance if classed as a dangerous dog and muzzles on dangerous dogs.
Last year they issued 44 fines for various dog offences. In the first 3 months of this year they have issued 102. The fines range from 30 Euros to 300 Euros. They are also targeting the transportation of dogs as they must be behind a security screen and not just sat on the seats.
The last time I was over in Calahonda I met an English lady who said she took her dog on to Calahonda and Cabupino beach v.early in the morning before anyone was around and also to "the lakes" - I wasn't aware that they were lakes near Calahonda. I'm finding this thread informative as I have two miniature (more large Spaniel sized that miniature!) Labradoodles and when we finally move over to Spain I'm concerned about where I can take them to run free.
As I try to live here and ensure I keep to the rules, i now have a short lead for my dog, which is a lab/boxer cross, a muzzle, its passport in the car, chip, public liability insurance oh yes and poop bags, and we no longer enjoy a stroll aong an empty beach at 7.30am. It is so nice to have the Spanish come towards me of a day with their yapping lap dogs with no leads and crapping everywhere wish me a good day!
Whats even nicer is the Mijas Ploicia Local seem only keen on checking paperwork of the foriegn looking dog owners.
Having a dog was once a great joy here in Spain..........
_______________________ David J M Rowe Funder at La Chispa Consulting