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23 Dec 2013 7:36 PM by macmac Star rating. 16 posts Send private message

Since Lloyds changed to Sabadell I cant log on my on line banking by using same Document and Pin number any answers??

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23 Dec 2013 8:49 PM by perse Star rating. 67 posts Send private message

I had the same problem, i suggest you contact Lloys bank who will tell you the simple procedure you need to make, an open forum is not the place to discuss how to access bank details

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27 Feb 2014 1:08 PM by kelju Star rating in South Yorkshire . 300 posts Send private message

kelju´s avatar

Received this today with my statement.

Dear Customer,

We hereby inform you of the new conditions that will come into effect as from 24th March 2014 and which will be applicable to the settlement of interest and/or fees of the sight account indicated in this document, that are carried out as from the next settlement period in the cases and under the terms stated below;

 - The maintenance fee shall be 15 euros a quarter.  If your accounts currently have specific conditions, the maintenance fee will not vary if these accounts are active or with an average balance over the settlement period in excess of 150 euros.

Now I take that to mean that exisitng account conditions e.g. there are no charges if my lloyds account balane is more than €2500, are to remain in place as long as the account is active.


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27 Feb 2014 1:25 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Kelju, it would appear the same conditions, more or less,  are being applied by most banks.

You might take a look at :-  https://www.bancsabadell.com/cs/Satellite/SabAtl/Cuenta_Expansion/1191346505022/en/

When Cajamar started imposing the charge on mine and my wife's resident accounts,  and on my son's non res account, I had a chat with the manager and negotiated a no fee deal on all 3  accounts.  

 It's always worth a try, although following my experience with Sol Bank, now Sabadell, you may have problems with them. 

 Good luck.to anyone who tries


This message was last edited by johnzx on 27/02/2014.

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19 Mar 2014 7:48 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 posts Send private message

davmunster´s avatar

We went to our Llloyds branch in Calahonda today to discover it was closed. We then drove a mile or so (no fun for anyone without a car) to the Sabadell branch are account is now with.

It was very busy and customer service was non existent. After over half an hour we extablished that we are now paying transaction charges and an account maintenance fee of 15€ per quarter even though we have a substantial balance in the account.

I gave them the opportunity to keep my business. They failed to take it. Let's hope the move to Cajamar is straighforward!



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19 Mar 2014 9:42 PM by CostaBlade Star rating in Riviera. 114 posts Send private message

We went from Lloyds to Cajamar last year, as soon as we read the "terms" of Sabadell bank.

It was no problem, we find them easy to deal with and staff are very friendly.

Buy some Cajamar shares (via the branch), use your debit card 49 times in one year and you will get free banking.

I guess you will be using the Cajamar branch at Calahonda.

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20 Mar 2014 9:04 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
We have now changed from Lloyds Sabadell to Caja Rural Central. The fees are much lower than Sabadell.

This message was last edited by morerosado on 20/03/2014.


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20 Mar 2014 9:05 PM by AdrianH Star rating in UK (mostly) / Los Mo.... 23 posts Send private message

Morerosado - how difficult was the switch ? Is Caja Rural Central a good choice in your opinion ?

We're coming out at Easter and although I'd rather not spend our time off changing banks I am singularly unimpressed by Sabadell and think its time to change.

Thank you.

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21 Mar 2014 1:11 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Adrian, we did NOT want to pay Sabadell's high charges after being used to paying Lloyd's nothing as long as we kept 600€ on average in the account. (All we'd paid to Lloyds was 9€ annually for one debit card).

We'd learnt about Caja Rural Central's lower charges from friends who, like us, are non residents & have property in Los Montesinos. We went to the Los Montesinos branch not realising there was a branch in Guardamar. (We'd searched for 'Caja Rural' & it went under 'Caja Rural Central'). They told us there was a Guardamar branch.

It was very simple to change banks as we are here in Guardamar currently & did the switch a few days before Lloyd's closed on 14/3.

(1) We opened an account with CRC's Guardamar branch, which is alongside the town hall, with 50€, to get an account number. You have to keep 50€ in the account. Take your passports & NIEs. They speak adequate English as did staff at the LM branch.

(2) Closing our Lloyd's account was free, no charges. We had to go together .. as it was a joint account .. & we had to take our passports & sign paperwork then the balance of our account was given to us.

(3) CRC had told us that we needed to go into the SUMA office to tell them we had changed banks as we pay IBI & our car tax to them by Direct Debit. SUMA changed the payment details on their computer but said, as our car tax was due around 25/3 we needed to go back to them on or just after 25/3 to be given the paperwork then we'd need to pay this year's payment ourselves at the bank as they hadn't time to change it this year.

(4) Back at CRC we gave them details of the contracts we had with the electric & water companies & they are sorting the changeover of those. We contacted our communities administrator ourselves to notify him that we'd changed banks ready for him to take the community fees in June & we rang our internet provider to notify them.


Sabadell: With Sabadell there is a 15€ charge every three months for the account maintenance plus 9€ annually for each debit card. There is also a 25€ charge every two years per person named on the account for the non resident declaration.
We asked about charges to transfer monies as we use Xe.com currently, shortly we are going to use Transferwise, which is a better option. We were advised there was no charge to do that but if we wanted to transfer from Halifax bank there WAS a charge.
We were told there were no charges to use Servired ATMs, & no charges for Direct Debits.
You have to keep 150€ in the account otherwise there ARE other charges.

Caja Rural Central: Guardamar branch

They have a non resident account that charges 4.50€ maintenance fee every three months, each debit card is 15€ annually, the non residents declaration every two years is free. Having declared our non residency status at Lloyd's in October 2012 which runs till October 2014 I asked if that was why there was no charge at CRC. She seemed bemused & said it was definitely free, there was NO charge! When we explained that we'd been advised there was a 17€ charge each at the LM branch only a few days before she said not at this branch! She even rang her boss asking for clarification & was told there wasn't any charge. This maybe depends where you have your Caja Rural Central account so something to check out if you prefer your account to be at the LM branch! There is a 0.50€ charge per currency transaction such as from XE.com or Transferwise. You only need to keep 50€ in the account. Your Debit card takes a week to be made,you have to collect it from the bank.


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21 Mar 2014 9:03 AM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

Your account with CRC seems a lot better and if you have friendly staff in a bank it makes so much of a difference.

However, I would take the no charge for non-res certificate with a pinch of salt. Can't see how one branch of the same bank charges and the other doesn't even in the wonderful world of Spanish banking. Would be grateful if you came on and confirmed that when your next one is due.


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21 Mar 2014 9:33 PM by AdrianH Star rating in UK (mostly) / Los Mo.... 23 posts Send private message

Morerosado thank you for sharing this. It sounds fairly straightforward and when we arrive in a couple of weeks I think we will follow your example with a move to CRC.

I agree the fees at Sabadell are ridiculous. Combined with the terrible transfer process and security concerns around the online portal I can't wait to get away. Just need to ensure we can manage a CRC account remotely and we will be in business.

Thanks again and enjoy Guadamar.

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21 Mar 2014 10:14 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Adrian, my husband says the online banking with Caja Rural Central is impressive so I wouldn't concern yourself about it. They'd said the debit card would be available a week after it was ordered &, after six days, the online account was showing the card as being 'available' although we have not been into the branch to collect it yet. They've taken 4.50€ for the first quarterly charge, as expected. We were told exactly how to access the account online which worked! The lady in Guardamar was very informative. Her name was Salome. She explained when we pick up the debit card we need to change the allocated password. I can post about that after we've picked the card up.


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23 Mar 2014 7:57 PM by AdrianH Star rating in UK (mostly) / Los Mo.... 23 posts Send private message

Morerosado thank you for all the information. Another one of those little annoyances of life in Spain but when I'm sitting in the sun and it's 26C I'll remember why it's worth it :)

On a different subject are the restaurants on the esplanade in Guadamar open or opening for Easter ? When we were out at Christmas it was very quiet and it seemed a couple more were closed for the season than in previous years which was a shame.

Thank you.

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23 Mar 2014 11:45 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
I've sent you a pm, Adrian, before we irritate others for going off topic ;-)


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