How to get a Spanish Driving Licence -The truth

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22 May 2013 6:17 PM by orda Star rating in Manilva Heights. 203 posts Send private message

orda´s avatar

If you don't apply for a Spanish driving licence and you get caught, then the fine is €500's.  

Don't listen to all this guff about medical checks and tests, etc, it's rubbish unless you are over 70, or you have had your licence taken away for health reasons.  I know, I've just got my Spanish licence and it's no thanks to all the rubbish written in "so-called" ex-pat friendly journals and ex-pat advice shops that charge you but don't want you to know how to do it.

You go to Trafico and ask for the documents required for the licence.  Even of they don't speak English they will understand if you show them your UK licence and just say "documentos españoles para la licencia de conducir" or write it down and give it to them. The forms are easy enough to fill in, they are simply your NIE number, a copy of your signature, copy of passport and residencia. Any problems use :

You need a driving licence regulatory photo and you pay €27.10's on the day you submit the forms to the cashier.  You will then go to another booth to give the completed forms and the paid receipt.  You have to go in person and produce your passport, which is why there is no point paying someone to do all this as they are not allowed to produce anything without you.

You leave the forms with them and they give you a receipt to say you have done this.  Sometime later Trafico will write to you and tell you to go back to their office and present your UK plastic and paper licence.  You hand these in and they give you a cardboard temporary licence.  The real replacements are then sent to your house by post.

This incidentally was done in La Linea, but there will be little difference in the forms or the procedures elsewhere.  The price may vary though.  Good Luck and don't get fined.

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22 May 2013 6:43 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Don't listen to all this guff about medical checks and tests, etc, it's rubbish unless you are over 70, or you have had your licence taken away for health reasons.  I know, I've just got my Spanish licence and it's no thanks to all the rubbish written in "so-called" ex-pat friendly journals and ex-pat advice shops that charge you but don't want you to know how to do it.


                I hope you have bought a lottery ticket as you have unbelievable luck.

However, I am not sure it will keep running for if you get a traffic ticket or have an accident.    


When I exchanged my UK D/L about 20 years ago, I did not have to produce a medical cert either, but I discovered later that  I had to have one as my DL would have been invalid without it. .  When I renewed the Spanish DL I had to produce the new medical cert.


And remember in Spain, unlike UK, one must have a valid DL to have cover.    In the UK one must have or have had a DL, so if it has expired the insurance cover is still valid.


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22 May 2013 7:41 PM by Alan63 Star rating in Orihuela. 50 posts Send private message

Alan63´s avatar

Yes its all good and easy sounding and I tryed to do it myself and after a good few (well just 3) visits to the nearest trafico which is a 45min dirve there each time wait in the lines for ages, fill in the wrong forms and fill them in wrong as well... even the photo was wrong because it wasnt a white enough background. When I got my guy to sort it out for me I did have to have a medical ( which was a go on a video game, eye and hearing teste and a bit of jargon about if Ive been on anti-depresents etc.) or my licence would have only lasted untill my u.k. card run out which was about nine months after. He went to the the traffico for me with my passport and a consent form signed by myelf, filled in all the paperwork for me brought it to my home and off he went. when he came back he ad a tepory licence there and then and five weeks later a new 5 year one arrived at my house. I did feel a bit of a fool making such a balls up of it all but Im sure if I was half fluent I could have done it on my own. but I think the money I paid the interpriter was well spent & Im happy with the service. 

Thats life!

Just enjoy life!

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22 May 2013 8:18 PM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message

My mate has just applied to changehis licence as it is coming up to the UK photo renewal date so a medical is required. A medical is only NOT required if you have plenty of time to run on it.

Here theyissue you with the temporary spanish  licence on application.

You can also pay only 10€ if it is for cars only , no vans,towing trailers ,etc.


Todos somos Lorca.

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22 May 2013 9:45 PM by orda Star rating in Manilva Heights. 203 posts Send private message

orda´s avatar

 Well folks, scoff, boff and huff ** EDITED - Against forum rules **  I have my licence, so obviously, I'm lying. Goodnight LOL. 



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23 May 2013 7:09 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Well folks, scoff, boff and huff all you ********************************  I have my licence, so obviously, I'm lying. Goodnight LOL. 


Offensive language is not called for. 

(Rules:-    BE FRIENDLY - Tempers can get frayed sometimes but please try and be polite and friendly in your responses, even if others do not agree with your comments

All that is being said is that from the considerable experience of the poster we believe the issue of your licence was not in accordance with the legal requirements.  No one is saying what are telling us is not what happened in your case.

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23 May 2013 8:37 AM by orda Star rating in Manilva Heights. 203 posts Send private message

orda´s avatar

That's an awful lot of stars for one 6 letter word. I've told you a million times not to exaggerate.

LOL. Wasn't being offensive.  The guy on information at Trafico in La Linea explained that even the Guardia Civil don't understand their own regulations because of all the gossip and rumour that is being put about. He said all this in front of a friend who is fluent in Spanish. He was adamant no medical is needed unless there are special circumstances demanding it.


This message was last edited by orda on 23/05/2013.

This message was last edited by orda on 23/05/2013.

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23 May 2013 9:12 AM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar
Now, which lane was it you had to be in going round a roundabout?

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23 May 2013 11:10 AM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message

&  don't put the handbrake on during your spanish test as that is an automatic fail !!! lol


Todos somos Lorca.

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