Use solar energy in andalucia
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We have a property close to cordoba and spend quite a number of weeks there throughout the year. I am looking to cut down on bills and use solar energy more. Does anyone know of any good reputable solar energy companies in Andalucia? Is it possible to get solar powered air conditioning that actualy works? Area wise we have an area of approx 90 square feet for panels.................. maybe a bit more.
For a few week a year, the economics simply do not add up. A typical "full house" capable photovoltaic system is likely to cost in the region of €15-20K. Some elements (batteries) also have relatively limited life-spans, and are expensive to replace - so that has to be factored in too. The payback/break even time depends on how much use it all gets. For short term use you could be looking at decades to break even. AC systens draw a heavy load - so you cannot run them on a low cost, low capacity solar installation.
Having installed solar water heating over 12 years ago, I can confirm it is very efficient and cost effective, for those who live here.
Although I would not install it for just holiday usage.
hi all
on this subject just a quick question, am sure I read on one of the forums about spain looking into s imilar scheeme as in the uk ref solar panels, but not buying the excess electricity back abut useing it to turn your meter back, has anyone any info on this or similar in the andalucia
A friend of mine dealt with these projects a few years back when the Government was still subsidising solar panels, mainly for companies or comercial building with large rooftops. Even then it was incredibly difficult to connect up to the mains as a special connection was necessary and the electricity network is not at all prepared for this. I know some companies that do it, have the electrcity generated, deducted from their future bills but it is a question of luck, ie having a property that lies on a particular network/sub-station that is prepared for receiving electricity as well as delivering electricity. As far as I know all this has gone downhill now and the electrical companies aren't prepared to cover the costs of supplying the service to new customers. Many of the big international solar panel companies have shut up shop and gone home as it was such an ordeal to get anything done and the government didn't pay up. I would say that would be an almost impossible task right now, especially for such a small set up.
hi eos_ian thanks for your reply, wow would have thought that it would be a well established set up by now, but then as you said the companys don't want the expense of setting it up and I suppose they would be looosing money if people used it...... still got time to look at systems before we move out there
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