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We have a satellite internet connection here in Murcia and are wanting to use a VOIP telephone service to Uk as an alternative to Skype.
We would like to connect a normal telephone and not have to have the PC turned on to make and receive calls.
Has anyone out there any recommendations for a VOIP provider? We have contacted Vonage but they do not recommend using a satellite connection.
Hi Jean
Have you used this company yet.My friend who used to live in France uses this service and he is perfectly happy with it.
Good Luck
Regards This message was last edited by nigel188 on 17/05/2013.
What's wrong with SKYPE? It's still probably the most popular VOIP service. If you use another one, do the people you plan to call also use it? If not, it'll only be of use for calling to phones. I've never heard of Voipstunt and don't know anybody who uses it, whereas pretty much everyone I know uses SKYPE already. Also, be careful if installing any lesser known programs, as they often come bundled with all sorts of unwanted junk that can play havoc with your system.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
I have been using Voipstunt for some years and have never has need to complain. Nor have I seen intrusive advertising etc.
Doing the following will take you to a good article about VoIPStunt
Do a Google search for "VoIPStunt - An Alternative For Skype? - Voice Over IP" - with the inverted commas.
Top of the list of results should be the link to About, it's worth reading.
This pantomime is because I'm not allowed to post links to web pages.
This message was last edited by ehw on 17/05/2013. This message was last edited by ehw on 17/05/2013.
_______________________ I do not object to folk who want to talk about Brexit, this is a free world
This message was last edited by ehw on 18/05/2013. This message was last edited by ehw on 18/05/2013.
_______________________ I do not object to folk who want to talk about Brexit, this is a free world
The questioner asked
"We would like to connect a normal telephone and not have to have the PC turned on to make and receive calls."
Along with SKYPE I have used several of the competitors, including stunt, and at `present (I call Philippines very often). All are cheaper than SKYPE, although most do not offer video-call. For calls they all work well, but all of those require the PC to be turned on. On each of those I have used I could call fixed line phones, in most of the Western World, free, that's what is wrong with SKYPE, it is a lot more expensive unless both parties are on SKYPE.
As an example: at one time SKYPE charged 23 euro cents per minute whilst voipcheap charged 9 cents
AYRES: I would suggest you Google - voip no pc required - a number of pages come up which may answer your specific question. If you are happy to be on-line when you call, than just shop around in Google for the cheapest rates, for the calls which you make most. Bit supermarkets, each make special offers on selected calls.
To answer Roberto the main difference between the concept of Skype and Voipstunt/Voipcheap etc. is that Skype is mainly for calling computer to computer with or without video whereas Voipstunt/Voipcheap are for calling computer to telephone. With the Voipstunt type of programme you pay an amount (usually 10 euro or pounds PLUS tax) and for the next 90 days you can call just over 30 different countries landlines for free and thereafter the calls are very cheap. Calls to non free countries are generally very cheap. To U.K./Europe about 1.5 cents. a minute and U.S.A. about 1 cent a minute. You can also make the calls from landline to landline (via the computer) for a connection fee of 5 cents plus the charge, if any, of the call. Although you can call landlines with Skype the charge per minute is more expensive than via Voipstunt. Both systems need either a VOIP telephone or headset and mic. Yes I know with most laptops there is a built in camera and mic. which work with both systems however with a telephone you can have a private conversation, maybe!
Just to confuse everyone a little more Skype is V.O.I.P. but VOIP is not Skype! In other words Skype is a brand name that uses voice over internet protocol (V.O.I.P.) and Voipstunt, and Voipcheap are also brand names that use V.O.I.P.
I have been using Voipcheap for many years with no problems to call landlines and also mobiles. I also use SMS on Voipcheap as it is cheaper and easier to use than with my basic mobile. I also have Skype for when I want to see who I am talking to. I have also 'registered' my mobile with Voipcheap so when I call someone I can select my mobile number to be shown in the receiving telephones display if I want to.
With both systems you do not 'lose' your prepayment if it is not used up within the timeframe, you just have to, on some brands, use it once every 6 months or so.
To sum up its horses for courses
Signed, Confused in Spain!!
_______________________ Stephen
Thank you very much for all your information.
I have looked at voipcheap and voipstunt and they appear to be the same and so will go with one of those. We have Skype and it is good for video calls but I am not very keen on video to be honest.
We wanted to have a voip system again as we used it through Telitec before we changed internet provider. Our new provider wants £90 for the phone adaptor box and I think that is a bit expensive when it is also £5.99 per month plus call charges.
Are these VOIP systems easy to connect? The instructions look a bit complicated to a technophobe like me.
Are these VOIP systems easy to connect? The instructions look a bit complicated to a technophobe like me.
You just download the programme and pay the up front credit fee (I pay 10 euros plus tax) and providing you have a microphone and a speaker, or a fixed line telephone, then you are in business.
There are difference between the similar services. As I said we call the Philippines, so some are cheaper than others, and for us that makes a difference. For most there will probably be no difference as their calls will be free.
Another advantage to the VOIP services is that one can call 'toll free' numbers in other countries albeit that there will be a small charge and 0845 etc. numbers in UK. Normally not available on say Telefonicia
"To answer Roberto the main difference between the concept of Skype and Voipstunt/Voipcheap etc. is that Skype is mainly for calling computer to computer with or without video whereas Voipstunt/Voipcheap are for calling computer to telephone." This is basically nonsense, as the poster then pointed out himself by explaining that Skype, voipcheap, Voipstunt et al are all just different brands of the same thing - VOIP. Skype, like any others, need to make money somehow. I strongly suggest you read the article recommended by ehw: My main objection to the lesser known pretenders is the way they market themselves by offering "free" calls (which you have to pay something for) and the fact that if you're not careful when installing them they may end up spamming all your contacts, who won't thank you for it. Prices vary, true, and Skype may not be the cheapest, but have a look at their subscription offers - unlimited calls to the UK can cost about €5 a month, which is nothing really. Also, as they're part of Microsoft, and the best known brand worldwide, it's unlikely that they're going to disappear any time soon with any remaining credit you have. I'm not sure what backing some of the others have. Don't know much about using VOIP without using a PC (or mobile device such as laptop, tablet or smartphone) but have a look at Skype phones available on their website:|2&filter=&manufacture=&price_range=~100|100~200|200~300|300~&page=1 By the way, I don't have shares in Skype, I just think that since the OP already has and is familiar with Skype, there's little point in changing to another VOIP service. Just my humble opinion, please don't shoot me down (or arrest me!!)
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Oh, and by the way, you don't have to use video on Skype, even if the person calling you is using it!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
I have a SKYPE account but hardy ever use it now. It was the first I heard of and was OK, but nowhere near as cheap as the competition. Many of which have been around for years.
I presently use but have used a few other similar services.
I have never had any problems with any of them, and have never had anything else downloaded with them.
FREE calls are just that FREE, no charge at all and no time limits or other restrictions of any kind, no adverts etc.
Sorry but anyone who chooses to use SKYPE instead of say Voipcheap, voipstunt, etc., for calls (not video calls) must have money to burn.
SKYPE RATES:- Unlimited Europe €5,99/month (€6,89 incl. VAT)
Voipcheap are TOTALLY FREE to:-
Czech republic
New Zealand*
Russian federation [Moscow]
South Korea Spain
United states (including to mobiles)
Viopstunt are free to :_
Canada mobile
Hong kong mobile
New zealand
Puerto rico mobile
Russian federation [moscow]
Singapore mobile
South korea
United kingdom
United states mobile
This message was last edited by johnzx on 18/05/2013.
Unless I'm very much mistaken, you have to buy credit before you get free calls? Perhaps it's just me being picky, but I don't like being offered something for free, then finding out I have to buy something first. And I don't like to brag, but I have (apparently) money to burn. Well, at least, I can cope with a fiver a month for unlimited calls to the UK. Each to their own!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Robert I am in no way criticising your choice but just wanting to make it clear to newcomers to voip calling, that SKYPE is not the cheapest and is no better either.
As I said early, many of our calls are to Philippines.
SKYPE is 18,5 euro cents per minute.
Voipcheap is 9.2 euros cents,
i.e. SKYPE is 100% more expensive.,
Again , Voipcheap to UK is FREE just for having credit:
Skype (without buying a package) is 2.2 cents a min = 1.32 euros for an hour.
As for paying up front, as I see it the same applies to SKYPE. No credit no calls. Or, not having used my SKYPE account for so long, have I missed something ?
This message was last edited by johnzx on 18/05/2013.
No, John, I believe your investigation is complete. Case closed.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
"As for paying up front, as I see it the same applies to SKYPE. No credit no calls. Or, not having used my SKYPE account for so long, have I missed something ?"
That's precisely how it is with Skype.
_______________________ I do not object to folk who want to talk about Brexit, this is a free world
And with all the others. My point is, that in order to get your "free" calls, you first have to "buy" some credit. Unless you're really strapped for cash (in which case you probably can't afford an internet connection anyway), or unless you make a LOT of overseas calls, the savings are going to be fairly small. The OP is clearly not very techie, and since he/she is already familiar with and using SKYPE, I was simply pointing out that there's not much point in trying a different brand of the same thing. And to illustrate my point about unwanted junk/spam - a friend of mine got a new smart phone this week, and set about installing all the apps he had on his old phone, including a messaging app called Tango -.utterly pointless since he also has WhatsApp, Viber, SKYPE, and God knows how many other apps that do the same thing. In the process, he obviously chose to import all his contacts into the app - and lo and behold, every single one of his contacts received a message, apparently from him, asking them to install Tango and then call him. He was quite busy explaining that he had not asked any of them to call, let alone explaining why they had gone to the trouble of installing an app they didn't want and don't need. It's this kind of thing that gets my goat. Hence my other point, which was to just to be careful when installing unfamiliar software. Rant over!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Some may call it thread drift,but I think it worthy of mention that for those folk with Telefonica/Movistar landlines they offer an International Tarrif costing 7.99 Euros per month which gets you 500 minutes of voice call per month 'free'.
No restrictions on time of day or day of the week... not exactly free but an equivalent cost of 1.5cents per minute....
First of all, don't turn an ear on everyone's advice and stay away from free VoIP service providers. Whatever you get free has no comparison with paid voip service providers Axvoice, Packet 8, Ooma etc. Secondly, if you can get unlimited calls everymonth at much less rate than 7.99 euros, why would you waste your money for telefonica thing.