Retiring to Spain - or somewhere.

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29 Jun 2013 11:24 AM by DougG Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

Hi guys

I will be 65 in 4 years and, due to several wrong turnings throughout my interesting life, I find that my resources will be all but zero - two divorces didn't help! :)

Working on the assumption that I will have pensions totalling about £900 - £1000 per month (including the state pension), and maybe a little capital (no more than about £20K), I'm thinking of moving to somewhere in Europe where rental properties are considerably cheaper than where I live now (Berkshire). Spain seems a reasonable choice as the language is relatively easy to learn :)

I've had a quick browse around the internet, and long term rentals seems reasonable. I'll be looking for a really long term rent (like the rest of my life!), and preperably somewhere with dark skies: I do astrophotography (but I suppose that's not essential!)

Does this sound realistic, or am I clutching at straws?


Doug :)

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29 Jun 2013 1:30 PM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message

Extremadura region is where you want to be for the best dark nights.

Reputed to be the least light-polluted area in the western hemispshere.


Todos somos Lorca.

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29 Jun 2013 2:26 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

Portugal is supposed to be a pretty cheap place to live, but in Spain I reckon you'll struggle to better Murcia for basic living costs.  You can get a good menu del dia from 7/8 euros, including a drink or coffee at many locations and it's a degree or two warmer than northern Spain in winter, which will keep your heating costs down.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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29 Jun 2013 7:23 PM by DougG Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

Cheers guys. Survival is a possibility then would you say? Dark skies would be a bonus :)

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29 Jun 2013 7:56 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

Depends on priorities I guess.  But you mind decide to go to Costa del Sol - not much in the way of dark skies there, quite the reverse, but a massive amount of unattached ladies looking for company, some of whom will have some wonga...third time lucky?

Just joking - hope it works out with whatever you decide.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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29 Jun 2013 8:27 PM by DougG Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

Ha! As if! Cheers Acer :)

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30 Jun 2013 7:37 AM by pff001 Star rating. 126 posts Send private message

 I tried Spain for 4 years but then moved to Thailand where the cost of living is as cheap as chips. With a thousand pound a month you can live like a king.

Cigaretttes are in between 1 - 2 pounds a Pint bottle of beer from a pound and you can eat from as little as a pound for a Thai meal and 3 pounds for an English meal

Highly recommended especially if you are single.

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30 Jun 2013 12:14 PM by DougG Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

Hi pff001

Yep, no reason why it has to be Spain, although I doubt that being single will influence my decision! :)

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01 Jul 2013 12:14 PM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

eos_ian´s avatar

For you interest I saw this, if you're serious about astronomy it might be helpful as a guideline....for Spain at least! :) good luck
Light Pollution in Spain :
White : 0-15 visible stars (without planets) according to the conditions. Very high level of light pollution and all around. Typical of big urban centre and big regional and national cities.
Magenta : 25-80 visible stars. Principles constellations began to be recognizable.
Red : 80-150 stars : constellations and others stars appears. In a telescope, Some Messier object began to be observable.
Orange : 150-250 stars in good conditions. The light pollution is present all around but some darks areas appears. Typicaly the middle suburbs.
Yellow : 250-500 stars. Strong light pollution but the Milky Way can appear in good conditions. Some Messiers among the most bright can be visible with the necked eye.
Green : 500-1000 stars : far peacefull suburbs, Milky Way many times visible but very sensitive to the atmospheric conditions.
Typicaly, the glare of light pollution take a large place in the sky and reach at 40-50° of elevation.
Cyan : 1000-1500 stars. The Milky Way is visible most of the time in fonction of climatic conditions but without contrast.
Blue : 1500-2000 stars. Good sky. The Milky Way is easily visible, we began to have the sensation of a good sky, but, some source of light pollution damage the sky and in a second time the sky by reflexion at the vertical of the observer.
Night blue : 2000-3000 stars. Very good sky. The Milky Way is present and powerfull. The light glares are far away and scaterred, they don’t affect the sky quality.
Black (green by texture transparency) : more than 3000 stars. No light pollution problems revealable on the sky quality



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01 Jul 2013 1:14 PM by DougG Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

Thanks very much for that Ian - I saw something similar the other day. Very useful.

I'll be calling myself eos-doug as from tomorrow - just waiting for delivery of a modded 500D, having used a noisy old Nikon D70 up to now :)



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26 Jul 2013 3:06 PM by lizajennifer Star rating. 13 posts Send private message

Hi ,eos_ian , I am glad to read your suggestion,it's very useful , you are absolutely right .


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29 Jul 2013 11:12 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

I always recommend moving to well communicated small towns, there is much more life- in every sense-, in these places..


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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