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25 Jul 2007 12:00 AM by Grown Up Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Hello to most Eye on Spain Members,

A friend recommended this site to me.  I am not sure why, as I thought he was a very good friend.

I have had a good look round and have established that the bad outweigh the good in the postings.  This forum seems to me to be a closed shop for a few only.  I have not witnessed such high school antics - well, since high school. 

This forum could be good, no excellent, if some of the tedious postings were removed.   It is mentally exhausting trying to unravel information and advice from the silly bling stuff, the self appreciating drivel and the continual conversations between a favoured few.  What on earth is the PM for??? 

We all appreciate a laugh and a joke - There is a thread for this.

No doubt, I will now be slaughtered by a few 'strong'  (ha ha) characters.   Which will only keep genuine NICE and FRIENDLY members to stay away.   Some members will be AFRAID to post on this forum, incase they are subjected to the lynch mob that dominates it.

Anyway, Justin - THANKS, BUT NO THANKS.  I will go elsewhere.  NO DOUBT THIS WILL BE EDITTED.  Before you do, who owns this site?  Certainly, not the creator.


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25 Jul 2007 11:34 PM by Candyfloss Star rating in Cardiff / Mar Menor. 1605 posts Send private message

Candyfloss´s avatar

Hi Grown Up,

A very warm     .

Hope you will enjoy the forum as much I have. I have made some lovely friends and we enjoy our times together when we have the opportunity to meet up in Spain now and again. I have had a lot of very useful information during the ups and downs of our stressful purchase and have been made to feel at ease when I wan't sure which was the best option to take sometimes.

I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have.

All the best

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26 Jul 2007 12:03 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar
Hi Grown Up

I appreciate your comments.  At the end of the day this forum won't appeal to everyone but the good feedback I get FAR outweighs the bad feedback so I don't think we need to change things too much.

Forums by their very nature will always be complex as they bring together so many different, and often conflicting, personalities and this one is no exception, particularly as we focus on a market rife with problems, corruption and many unhappy people.

C'est la vie.



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26 Jul 2007 1:01 AM by brian755 Star rating in your mind and any wh.... 52 posts Send private message

brian755´s avatar


Hello Grown up!

It’s a pity you don’t live by your user name, just because you don’t like it does not mean it’s not a great forum.

You answer typically like a kid that has not grown up, so when you are mature enough to appreciate and respect other people’s efforts and comments then the world will be a better place for all. You say and I quote "the silly bling stuff, the self appreciating drivel and the continual conversations between a favoured few" Then you say "No doubt, I will now be slaughtered by a few 'strong'  (ha ha) characters.   Which will only keep genuine NICE and FRIENDLY members to stay away.   Some members will be AFRAID to post on this forum, incase they are subjected to the lynch mob that dominates it."  Well all you have done is show your self up to be a poison pen Bully! I am certainly not afraid of you or any one else that shares your mentality and if any one is showing signs of high school antics its you! Grow up your self and when your big enough come and meet with me and I will show you some manners. Please do not let us keep you from your "thanks but no thanks" enjoy your speedy exit! Don’t hurt yourself on the way out will you? Also get your self some anger management; a good start will be to drop the RED PEN business!



Its not what you are- its who you are that matters in life!

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26 Jul 2007 3:03 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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26 Jul 2007 6:47 AM by nfm2862 Star rating in Welling, Kent & Al A.... 1460 posts Send private message

nfm2862´s avatar

Grown UP (which you are not!)

If you didn't like the forum why not just click your mouse & take yourself out of it - no need whatsoever to post in the way that you did.

The forum is extremely useful & it is totally your loss if you do not use it.

The PM system has enabled us to make contact with numerous people on our development, which can only help in establishing a sociable community.

Justin, my only gripe is : The new feature of being able to look at just the last 20 posts is great, except that it does seem at times to have been taken over by the "bucket" pictures which don't necessarily add any value or information. I know that the people that are posting all these pictures are obviously enjoying what they do & if that is what they want to do, then that is fair enough.

However, for those who are looking for real information/advice it defeats the object of having the last 20 posts. Perhaps the solution would be to start a "bucket " thread which is excluded from the last 20 posts? Perhaps there will be some that will agree with me, perhaps there are others who will shout me down, but I hope I have put my point across in a more pleasant way than Grownup did.


This message was last edited by nfm2862 on 7/26/2007.





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26 Jul 2007 7:02 AM by saltay Star rating in Pinoso (Alicante) an.... 41 posts Send private message

saltay´s avatar
Bucket people, please don't stop! You make my day! I wish I could be as creative as you. My son's girlfriend is doing a graphics design course at the moment so I'm thinking of recommedning her to join this forum just to get some tips from you guys!


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26 Jul 2007 7:51 AM by AuntieEm Star rating in Scarborough. 287 posts Send private message

AuntieEm´s avatar

As a novice "bucket person" (and proud) I can see both sides here.  I for one (and i believe most others) try to keep my "serioius" bucket postings within the section entitled "chit chat" as by definition this is not meant to be a section of the more serious "information and advice" type postings.

Maybe as a compromise there could be a way of having some sort of last 20 chit chat posts and last 20 "other" posts and then members can be more selective?

I have to say that what attracts me to this forum is the fact that on here we can access good quality advice and information (better than i have seen on most other similar sites) but also that there is that very strong social networking element ... and fun!  But that does mean that sometimes you have to expend a bit more effort to find exactly what you are looking for ... but its worth it! And if you have any problems finding specific information you just need to ask and one of the members will direct you to the posts that you are looking for.  The best of both worlds i would say!

As for Grown Up (a misnomer if ever i saw one)  ... I dont believe a friend recommended this site to you ... not because i do not believe you have any friends  ... but because any friend of yours should be aware that your attitude does not lend itself to friendly social interaction ... but maybe thats why they did? (lets leave that one stuck to the wall)   Well  lets hope that "Grown Up" has found something to his liking elsewhere ... i could make some suggestions, but i dont think that would be friendly.


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26 Jul 2007 8:28 AM by nfm2862 Star rating in Welling, Kent & Al A.... 1460 posts Send private message

nfm2862´s avatar


I just want to clarify that I didn't ask them to stop but simply suggested that an alternative way might be investigated.





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26 Jul 2007 8:31 AM by san miguel Star rating. 288 posts Send private message

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This message was last edited by san miguel on 2/4/2008.




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26 Jul 2007 8:50 AM by AuntieEm Star rating in Scarborough. 287 posts Send private message

AuntieEm´s avatar

Isnt it interesting, san miguel, that someone whose views closely resemble your own (spookily closely, in fact)  is told that they are justified and have a right to express their opinion, and yet those whose opinion differ to yours you are quick to label "aggressive" and "intolerant" - what happened to their rights to express an opinion?

I think a long hard look in the mirror is called for ...



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26 Jul 2007 8:57 AM by nfm2862 Star rating in Welling, Kent & Al A.... 1460 posts Send private message

nfm2862´s avatar

San Miguel

The phrase "Pot calling the Kettle Black" comes to mind

"You have shared your view and this should be respected. Others who disagree should take their own advice and not post in reply and intimidate."

If Grownup had the interests of this forum & it's members in mind when posting, then maybe their views might be respected. 

I have only been a member for 3 months & I can only sympathise with those who feel so intimidated that they feel they cannot post. I have found the forum to be interesting, informative & humorous - yes at times it can be irritating but I take the view that I either live with it or don't bother logging on.


This message was last edited by nfm2862 on 7/26/2007.





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26 Jul 2007 9:07 AM by AuntieEm Star rating in Scarborough. 287 posts Send private message

AuntieEm´s avatar

hi Noreen

I would expect that no-one would "shout you down" for expressing your opinion, as you have done so in a helpful and constructive way ... which is  not true for some others who have posted here!  I hope that all such constructive opinions can be taken into consideration and suitable compromises found so that all reasonable members can continue to enjoy this excellent forum.



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26 Jul 2007 9:13 AM by nfm2862 Star rating in Welling, Kent & Al A.... 1460 posts Send private message

nfm2862´s avatar

Thanks Aunty Em

I am glad that you haven't been "intimidated by my aggressive response!"  (The smiley is about my limit!)

It is obvious that you & Morerosado & others enjoy your "bucket" exchanges & I would in no way want to stop you having your fun.

It was just a thought that Justin might be able to tweak the system.






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26 Jul 2007 9:28 AM by san miguel Star rating. 288 posts Send private message

san miguel´s avatar

This message was last edited by san miguel on 2/4/2008.




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26 Jul 2007 9:42 AM by nfm2862 Star rating in Welling, Kent & Al A.... 1460 posts Send private message

nfm2862´s avatar

San Miguel

As only 2 (now 3) of the posts on this thread respond to your comments, how is that the pack turning on you? Or is that a touch of paranoia?





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26 Jul 2007 9:44 AM by AuntieEm Star rating in Scarborough. 287 posts Send private message

AuntieEm´s avatar

well San Miguel all i can say is that if you think 2 reasonable ladies posting some very non-aggressive remarks on a post constitutes "the pack turning" on you then you must have led a very sheltered life .... or are reading something not written! 

Im sure if you (and/or anyone else) wants to express your opinions in a reasonable, measured, constructive and non-aggressive way then people would equally be willing to listen and consider what you say .... otherwise it is all hot air and frankly not very interesting.


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26 Jul 2007 10:00 AM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

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I just turned on my trusty computer and logged in here.........................and I cannot believe the animosity I am reading. What happened to            Then I wasn't going to use the photobugket, but I thought, why not??

This forum is great, I have learned loads about Spain, about computers and how to apologise if I am wrong or upset someone............I think that is being grown up.

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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26 Jul 2007 10:06 AM by susan s Star rating in Essex. 39 posts Send private message

Thought I would add a small comment that I did join the forum a while ago and since then I have been following the posts on the general forum and it does seem to me that it is mainly taken over by large personalities and unless I am following a development then I think I will give up looking for general interesting items.

I do feel quite intimidated when I look at the last 20 comments and they are all full of,what feels like ,a closed club.


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26 Jul 2007 10:15 AM by nfm2862 Star rating in Welling, Kent & Al A.... 1460 posts Send private message

nfm2862´s avatar


I hope that you don't feel that you have to stop with the photo bucket because of what I have said.

That was not my intention - merely suggesting an alternative way that these posts can be managed.

As I have said to Aunty Em in a PM, I enjoy the humour behind these posts but they do rather overwhelm the last 20 posts at times. It just occurs to me that if the bucket had it's own thread that was excluded from the last 20 posts then they would not be so dominant but would still be available to the frequent users & the curious alike.






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