The Comments |
Hi every one,
my name is steve, and i just love the Spanish way of life,and pleased to have found this site.
At present planning my escape from the UK, i rather fancy one of them cave house,s they have down south, my son thinks i've gone mad, but its brought a gleame to the wifes eyes.
We have an apartment in Fuerteventura, the Canaries, but for me work is rather limited, so the mainland would be ideal. I'm in transport, and at present trying to set up regular run from the south of Spain to the UK, and vice versa, look forward to speaking to you all in the future, all the best steve.
_______________________ I'll move it!
Speed Courier Service

Hi Steve and welcome to the forum,
I seem to be the only one around at the moment so thought i should say hi
Im relatively new here too, but people are very friendly and willing to share their experiences and expertise, so if you have any questions just ask and probably someone will know the answer (or will know a man who does)
Enjoy the forum
This message was last edited by AuntieEm on 7/26/2007.

Many thanks AuntieEm, fantastic welcome.
_______________________ I'll move it!
Speed Courier Service
Hi fuelpump
Welcome to Eye on Spain and glad you found the site!
I find cave houses very intriguing and I've seen on some website some amazing convertions done by expats. Some of the due look particularly tempting!
Best of luck with it all and hope to see you round here again.
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
She sure is. Now mor, could you be a treasure and post the maps and directions to Garcias and water park again. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze . That Janice went and took 'em off before i could copy and paste and whatever I have to do with them
Ta Muchly
I have a very large hard drive, Justin.
Gina, you're a pain in the ****, mate. (Joking ) Copy & paste anything you see of interest when you see it & store it away as I do. If I recall correctly Bobaol gave you much more explicit instructions seeing as he's a driver. Maybe do a search for his post. If I find out I'll give you it, course I will. That Janice woman has a lot to answer for 
Sorted out your money yet ?
Have you tried typing with a cat sitting upright on your knee ? She keeps biting my fingers as I go to type.
You saw how I got lured into the thread, didn't you ? Hope I gave you good info anyway & I'll be forgiven.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 7/27/2007.
Great welcome guys, really warm, also thanks for the info on cavehouses, looking forward to getting to know you all, i'm sure there will be enough info here to aid me in my escape form the UK.
_______________________ I'll move it!
Speed Courier Service