New Iphones and Ipads

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27 Oct 2013 3:24 AM by Bluesky1 Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

What do you think of the new Iphones and Ipads?

Do you think it's definetely the end of an era for laptops?


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27 Oct 2013 8:56 AM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar

Quote... What do you think of the new Iphones and Ipads?


Same as all the other iStuff... over-hyped, overpriced and over-rated yuppie toys

quote...Do you think it's definetely the end of an era for laptops?


Sorry but you did ask...!

(No-one told my dogs the clocks went back an hour during the night so rather than get an extra hour in bed, I am up an hour earlier than normal...I dont do mornings very well at the best of times,so I'm not a happy bunny).



This message was last edited by foxbat on 27/10/2013.



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27 Oct 2013 11:39 AM by casperruby Star rating. 165 posts Send private message

Apple products are grossly over priced end of, I have been using samsung tablets and galaxy notes for three years now and the amount of new tablets now on the market from china is vast, most are not very robust to say the least but when your paying 50 pounds against 500 pounds for a I product you get what you pay for but would an ipad out last a cheap tablet ten times longer for the same money ........... You only need to look at tesco now selling the hudle for 119 if tesco are selling own brand tablets the writings on the wall for desk top computers and lap tops will be close behind, sa now good tablets connect wireless to full keyboards and printers. To say its not tge end of tge road for laptops is like saying you cant get better than a model T ford tge end of the era is comming.

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27 Oct 2013 1:47 PM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar

All very tongue in cheek...

Having downed several coffees and a good breakfast I'm now in a better frame of mind, but... my opinion about Apple products remains unchanged. Yuppie toys aimed at those with more money than sense. An absolute 'must have' for the 'must have it right now' generation. Bit like Beamers...

As for whether or not the Ipad or any other tablet for that matter represents the end of the laptop, I would say no... the end of netbooks maybe, but there really is no comparison when viewing a film on a 17" laptop and a 7" tablet. Daylight readability on most tablets and phones is questionable to say the least; My Nokia phone has all the necessary attributes associated with smartphones but its a complete waste of space outside. The built in GPS is great but unusable during the day because you just cant read the screen! Similarly tyring to send a text message is impossible outside. And its not just my Nokia... OH's Blackberry is the same.

I might just try comparing Tescos Hudl with some of the cheaper chinese imports however although I suspect the Hudl is in fact a Chinese import itself! It would be interesting to know how the Hudl stacks up against the similarly priced new Kindle Fire HD...

But getting back to the original post... nah! Apple? Definitely over-hyped, overated, and over-priced. Fell for it once when I bought OH an iPod nano... £120 for a glorified mp3 player... you gotta be kidding!




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27 Oct 2013 2:55 PM by OMARELL Star rating in Baldock Hertfordshir.... 47 posts Send private message

I have an iPad iPhone nexus 7.useful when wanting quick connection to websites.But for serious work like filling a 210 form nothing can beat a laptop. nice big screen programmes like Word and Excel easier to use


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27 Oct 2013 3:31 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 posts Send private message

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Agree about Apple - overpriced toys. The iPad is little more than a glorified phone really. Try running a real "app" (ie real software on it) and you are totally stumped.

I've looked at the tablets that run on Windows and I have yet to find a tablet that I can load Microsoft Access on to. I use a database to manage my business and need it when out and about.  I have spoken to so many people about loading Full MS Office - including Outlook and Access - and all I get is a sucking in of breath and then they say "Oh that might work - you'll just have to try it". Sorry I'm not prepared to pay for a tablet and then find it doesn't run what I want.

We've recently bought a cheap laptop running Windows 8 to see if we can get everything working - and guess what? We can't. So I'll deffo stick with my Windows 7 17" laptop for everything.

And for travelling. my little old netbook running XP is so far winning hands down every time.

PS I've been a professional in this compter lark since 1975 so I like technology - normally. Just not the new stuff at the mo!

This message was last edited by pommers on 27/10/2013.

Cheers Pommers

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27 Oct 2013 6:39 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

Actually the age profile for Apple products is very diverse, with a lot of the silver surfer types opting for Apple iPads.  Personally, I love my iPad, iPod, iPhone and iMac and have long been a devotee of Apple products - way before they were mega successful!!  My first Apple was a white rather rounded desktop that I loved.   I agree they are a bit pricey, but they are very good at what they do.   I will be staying with them for the foreseeable future.   I do admit to running an Acer laptop because it is a fraction of the price of the Airbook or Pro   But it is not nearly as good!!!

I am not retired and so money not so much of an issue - but they are more than toys to me. 

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28 Oct 2013 11:04 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message


What do you think of the new Iphones and Ipads?

Do you think it's definetely the end of an era for laptops?


Haven't got an iphone for no particular reason, bought a few ipads for staff and got one at home, bought a few of the cheaper end pads, or what ever you call them, okay for what they are,  the reason ipads are the price they are is plain to see when you work one of the cheaper things, same with laptops.

To compare a Windows PC against Apple Mac of any description is like trying to compare Apples to Oranges.

Funny you say is it the end of laptops? speaking to a sales chap in Currys /PC world last week he even said with all the new bigger phones coming out, and what they can do with the ever increasing technology he thought laptops wont be around in a few years time, suppose thats okay if you want to carry a phone around as big as a box, thin as a wafer and squinting to see the words on the screen.

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