Spanish/Gib border control not illegal.

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15 Nov 2013 4:00 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Seems Spain are not doing anything wrong according to today's EU findings. 


However, as it would seem Europe think Spain is being too slow in processing people,  they should insist  Spain increases it immigration services to ensure that people are processed at the rate which other Europe crossings experience.  At present that would probably mean more than a tenfold increase in personel and thus expense to Spain  !


Or, maybe UK should hand Gib  back to teach Spain a lesson.   That would  result in higher unemployment for Spain, less income for the surrounding area, resulting in La Linea reverting back to the 'third-world' backwater it was when Franco closed the border.


Also, UK should search and question every Spaniard arriving in UK by sea or air, at the same slow pace that Spain employs at the Gib border, i.e. making them wait up to 8 hours.


This message was last edited by johnzx on 15/11/2013.

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15 Nov 2013 7:07 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

Gib must stay a tax haven for the super rich or they may have pay their just share of tax

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28 Nov 2013 7:43 AM by ashleygreen Star rating. 11 posts Send private message

I agree that everyone must pay their share of the tax

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06 Dec 2013 7:41 PM by mr.kevin Star rating in Costa Blanca. 189 posts Send private message

mr.kevin´s avatar

There is a easy answer to all the border delays, the Spanish say it's to stop tobacco smuggling. Well, Gib. should raise the cost of all Tobacco products top match at least the price in Spain. This would stop the smuggling for the Spanish market, but if the prices rose to UK levels it would wipe out all tobacco smugling.

What would the Spanish use for a excuse then???

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22 Jul 2014 6:48 PM by Fishcakebreadcake Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Got to laugh at the so called "tabaco smuggling"

more a case of people blatantly stuffing cars,bikes clothes etc with fags insight of the Police then wandering back over to Spain. The whole tabaco thing is a joke.

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22 Jul 2014 7:04 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

I always thought it was cheap to live in Spain only a few years back every Spanish forum was full of British expats bragging about how how cheap Spain was and how shite GREAT BRITAIN was now the tables have turned  you have to steep as low as to smuggle fags and spirits back it to Spain from GREAT BRITAIN.

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22 Jul 2014 7:50 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

23 Jul 2014 8:59 AM by elaineG Star rating in Spain . 409 posts Send private message

I always thought it was cheap to live in Spain only a few years back every Spanish forum was full of British expats bragging about how how cheap Spain was and how shite GREAT BRITAIN was now the tables have turned  you have to steep as low as to smuggle fags and spirits back it to Spain from GREAT BRITAIN.

I suspect you were making a joke,  as of course Gibraltar is not part of UK and at least in theory, they do not charge duty on tobacco etc, but of course we know that the ‘controls’ Spain is currently imposing have nothing to do with stopping the illegal import of fags etc (as they do not thoroughly check vehicles) but just  a ploy by Madrid to take the heat off Spain’s real problems by focusing Spanish attention in a different direction.

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23 Jul 2014 4:17 PM by alant Star rating in Alto Guadiato, North.... 10 posts Send private message

Could not agree more, shades of the ilegal entry by Argentina into The Falklands

Now I am "retired", I wonder how I ever found time to work.

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24 Jul 2014 10:24 AM by elaineG Star rating in Spain . 409 posts Send private message

This is an extract from

'It's official. The infamous Gibraltar border queues are being deliberately created by Spain, according to new statistical proof. The recently launched Frontier Monitoring Programme records the number of cars that cross from the Rock to La Linea in one minute.

The flow rate should technically remain constant, irrespective of the number of cars waiting to cross. However, data collected on a single day this week shows a massive drop from 7.8 cars entering Spain per minute at 2pm, to 1.5 per minute at 6pm...


The full story may be seen at:--

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24 Jul 2014 10:46 AM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

We must remember that we no longer rule the world. Gone are the years when we bullied the world.We have a few little acrers in far flung seas that we call ours and think because, in years gone by we were the most powerful nation on the planet ,we can still claim to own little pockets thousands of miles from our shores. We now complain that all people we bullied  are now living  the U.K.


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24 Jul 2014 11:38 AM by elaineG Star rating in Spain . 409 posts Send private message

Haydngj   We must remember that we no longer rule the world.


In 2002 they had a referendum in Gib asking it’s people what they wanted

On an 88.9%  turn-out 98.48% voted to remain as they were.,_2002


PS      As for the peoples Britain 'ruled'.   At the Commonwealth games which started yesterday ,  71 Nations are represented, of which 53 are Commonwealth countries.   

Considering that Spain’s global empire was probably larger that Britain’s,  I don’t see any Spanish games being held  by the happy descendants of those they ruled,  so maybe that has some influence of the Gibraltarians wish to stay as they are.



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24 Jul 2014 11:57 AM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

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But you still don't welcome them to live in the Uk no matter how many games they play. You can hear 80% moaning they taking our jobs  As for the referendom they are not daft those tax dodgers. How many companies have their  main office in the Gib?

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24 Jul 2014 12:03 PM by elaineG Star rating in Spain . 409 posts Send private message

But you still don't welcome them to live in the Uk

What has that to do with the Gibraltarians and/or their right to decide their own future ?  

I am not British and I live in Spain  (where I pay my way).

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24 Jul 2014 1:22 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

you think i don't pay my way. I live in Spain and am Welsh, WHAT HAS THAT GOT TO DO WITH IT. The only people that are welcome in the uk are the very well off, Gib is a very sore point with the Spanish, a little like the falklands is with Argentina All park of the uk ????

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24 Jul 2014 1:28 PM by elaineG Star rating in Spain . 409 posts Send private message

You have lost me, must be some sort of male logic. 



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24 Jul 2014 2:00 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

didnt  try to lose you sorry for that

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24 Jul 2014 2:09 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

You have lost me, must be some sort of male logic. 

Then it should be more then easy for you to understand.

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24 Jul 2014 8:52 PM by Fartharder Star rating in Loriguilla.. 172 posts Send private message

Fartharder´s avatar

We went to Gibraltar last year although we stayed at a hotel in La Linear. One morning we joined the queue of cars waiting to cross the border at 09:50. At 13:45 we slowly crawled round the final corner to see one police woman stopping and checking every car that was crossing into Gibraltar while six Guardia civil officers stood arms crossed, chatting to each other but not helping out with any of the checks. At 13:50 and with just two cars between us and the border, the Guardia civil officers climbed into their patrol cars and drove off, leaving the slightly embarrassed looking police officer to wave through every car without giving anyone a second glance. This would explain why the flow rate is so much higher at 2pm, because the Guardia civil have gone to lunch and it's no longer important to carry out checks. 

So here's a top tip. If you're planning on smuggling a couple of hundred euros into Gibraltar, and swapping it for a few packs of Winston's to take back out with you, do it at lunch time because the Spanish authorities aren't really bothered.


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26 Jul 2014 11:16 AM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

If Spain says Gibralter belongs to them, who does Ceuta belong to?

Morocco perhaps?

Stinks of double standards to me.

 "Ceuta, the tiny Spanish territory lies just 18 miles across the water from Gibraltar in North Africa. While Morocco claims Ceuta as its own, Spain has no intention of giving up the exclave"

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