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Baz I think we should be saying to the UK benefit scroungers "do that job or you get nothing" now.
UK is too soft by far
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
But it is not true to say that nobody complains about them!! Certain parts of the press bang on every day, and to be fair, the government in the UK is trying to address the stupidity of the welfare state. It will take years to dismantle it, and by then Labour will be back in spending on baby bonds or whatever takes their fancy.
One of my Son-in-Laws brother is a benefit fraud officer, he can work on a case for 18 months plus, make it cast iron, only to be told from higher up to drop it at the last moment, and never given any reason why.
I know of a benefit fraudster..Big time...Who when he got a check over and had a reduction in his payments took the DHS to court and won the day, got all the back benefits paid back to him plus interest.
Now he brags about it to everyone who will listen, and helps them with advice on what to do.
Why should it takes years to dismantle the welfare system and get rid of the scroungers - the govt introduces taxes (e.g. bedroon tax, reduction in housing benefit, child benefit, increase to VAT etc) quick enough.
How difficult would it be to say anyone under the age of 21 who has not worked or been in further eductaion you get nothing.
How difficult would it be to say that benefits for people capable of working are reduced after 6 or 12 months.
The money saved could pay for reductions in child care costs and set up an old fashioned labour exchanges. there are plenty of jobs out there which are being filled by honest hard working people from overseas and take a look around the rest of the world most other countriess do not give freebies to lazy people.
Sorry but excuses and reasons for not doing something is not the answer - tough decisons and real action is needed now
We cannot complain about an EU citizen coming to UK taking a low paid (min wage job) qualify for family benefits and send these benefits back to their family when we have many more lazy Brits getting more benfits for doing nothing
Get our own house in order stop the free handouts to our own first then the other problem will simply go away
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
who is this person who frauds the UK people?
who is this person who frauds the UK people?
While i do know him i also cannot say names, it goes against everything i stand for but to snitch i cant, i thought when he was getting checked out he would lose everything but no not to be, and even i can see now that the powers to be are leaving him alone, and his rubbish woman who is the same.
Tadd - come on. You see the outcry everytime anything is cut. Add to that the problems with systems, bureacracy etc etc - they end up hardly saving anything at all. It is really difficult to change systems (and laws) in modern UK. I am not defending them - just stating a fact.
Roly2 - Fair point but we should try and support our great leaders on this and not make excuses . One small step in the right direction might help.
Just wish those complaining about the foreigners claiming benefist would put more focus and attention on the lazy UK scroungers
Baz - Those who do not "snitch" or "grass" are in many peoples eyes just as guilty as those doing wrong How far does your none snitching go?
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Baz - Those who do not "snitch" or "grass" are in many peoples eyes just as guilty as those doing wrong How far does your none snitching go?
We have done a post and answers on this one a little while ago, if I hadn't said anything on here then no one would have known I know, so I wouldn't have been just as guilty, i choose not to snitch on these people.
How far to go, if you can snitch then thats okay by me, and face it we all know someone, or some people who have done something slightly of the natural run of things, have you snitched on them?
The other point you make about more focus on the lazy UK scroungers is a good one, do you know anyone doing this? if so would you snitch? in the case i know of if the DHS wont deal with it, and they know about it, would it help if i did snitch again? do think they would then do anything because i said so?
As i said about the Son-in Laws brother, he hates what happens to the outcome when he makes a good case against someone, should he snitch on the powers to be? surely they are just as bad as the scroungers in that way.
We have done a post and answers on this one a little while ago, if I hadn't said anything on here then no one would have known I know, so I wouldn't have been just as guilty, i choose not to snitch on these people.
Your choice, your guilt and your conscience
The other point you make about more focus on the lazy UK scroungers is a good one, do you know anyone doing this? if so would you snitch? in the case i know of if the DHS wont deal with it, and they know about it, would it help if i did snitch again? do think they would then do anything because i said so?
Problem is many scroungers abuse the system to the point nothing can be done which is why I say change the rules and sort out the real needy against the lazy ones. It may be difficult and it may take time but one step at a time remember slowly, slowly catchy monkey and any help we can give in support is another step in the right direction
As I said about the Son-in Laws brother, he hates what happens to the outcome when he makes a good case against someone, should he snitch on the powers to be? surely they are just as bad as the scroungers in that way.
His choice and I agree with you
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Tadd, I agree with Baz on this. In the UK police are appointed, by the populace as their public servants to uphold the law and protect to them. Everyone has a civic duty to help police officers prevent crime and catch offenders. I would seem foolish that the populace would pay someone to do the job and then hinder them in doing so.
Splitting hairs I know but :
There could come a time when keeping silent could amount to “Aiding and Abetting and assisting.”
I am not suggesting that applies in Tadd's situation.
My understanding is that if you are uk resident on JSA for at least 6 months then you can move to another european country and claim for another 6 months while searching for work.
My understanding is that if you are uk resident on JSA for at least 6 months then you can move to another european country and claim for another 6 months while searching for work.
The law in this case is an ass, JSA is supposed to be what it says it is, an "Allowance while seeking a job" to help you get about, bus train whatever, make yourself tidy for interviews etc, I know a few who get it, think one of them, young girl, gets about £75.00 a week, another, much older man gets about £60.00.
Be honest here, if you were to get it, say £75.00 a week, and went abroad, could stay with family / friends cheapish, would you look for work? Or have a sun-soaked time for a few months, come back "Oops no work in Spain".
Why give it to someone who goes abroad to look for work, it was meant for help in finding work in your own country, not to help you have a jolly up.
Yes these pensions table are either out of date, been massged by government spin doctors or are just incorrect. Pensio age for women in the UK is NOT 60 It has been increasing by these so called elected no hopers constantly. My wifes pension age has increased almost monthly and now stands at 66 years. It is due to go up again when the wall paper mans son announces his next autumn statement.
Fancy digging roads till are are 70, fancy being operated on by a 70 surgeon with arthritic hands. Bestb Idea is to become an M.P. hugh pensions, if you'r lucky get a nothing job in europe and become a millionaire for fiddling expenses and then return to the UK and become a Lord on £350 a day for sleeping in some red chairs.
What a mess.
I'm not a cynic, just truthfull.
Don't think a surgeon will still be working...unless he wants 70. Would have retired years earlier on his more than comfortable private pension. As will many others in the private and Goverment sector whose pensions are available from aged 55. As normal it is only those in low paid work who will suffer.