Road side fines from the Guardia

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22 Jan 2014 11:27 AM by barry222 Star rating. 30 posts Send private message

That is clearly because the aim is to get money, not to slow the traffic down.

The traffic coud EASILY be slowed down, there are countless methods to do this on accident black spots for example. But they would rather hide so that they get to fine people. Stopping non resident is even better because they have to part with cash on the spot, or their cars. That is why foreigners get stopped much more often (or rather people that look foreign)

Pensioners, Spanish people and rich looking people with expensive cars get stopped much less often

Thats why i started this topic in the first place, to find out our rights on this. Isnt it funny that almost nobody knows and understands what their rights are? I wonder why the goverments dont teach the people their rights? Is it so that we can be exploited much easier?


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22 Jan 2014 12:58 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

How sad it is whn you do not know that speeding is against the law in which ever country you live in

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22 Jan 2014 1:05 PM by barry222 Star rating. 30 posts Send private message

I must agree, if anyone doesnt know that speeding is against the law they are probably unfit to drive. I would guess that they probably couldnt even dress themselves, let alone pass a driving test.

Perhaps I am missing your point?

Im pretty sure you are missing mine.

Does anyone know ur rights or what the law says on roadside fines?

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22 Jan 2014 2:07 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

is it the fine you are worried about or where you pay it, if speeding the fine must be payed. The answer to your question would be best answered my a lawyer or the like . To come on a public forum and ask a legal question I will never understand

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22 Jan 2014 2:14 PM by barry222 Star rating. 30 posts Send private message

Really? you think its wrong or perhaps silly to ask a legal question on a forum?

Lawyers are epensive and very often dishonest. They care very little about our rights, only about making money and as much as possible.

If you are not interested in this subject why are you posting? Is it so wrong of me to have asked this seeminly simple question. Perhaps im in the wrong place.



This message was last edited by barry222 on 22/01/2014.

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22 Jan 2014 2:28 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Barry  That’s why i started this topic in the first place, to find out our rights on this.


But your problem is that when you get the answer, if you don't like it, you don't accept it and go off on a tangent saying things which are totally wrong

For example:  Pensioners, Spanish people and rich looking people with expensive cars get stopped much less often
which is nonsense.

Ask a question, get the answer, accept it or reject but move on.

This message was last edited by johnzx on 22/01/2014.

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22 Jan 2014 3:12 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

The silly part of it  you not liking the answers given on here, as to the leagal people being expensive perhaps the none payment of a fine would be even more expensive

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22 Jan 2014 5:16 PM by barry222 Star rating. 30 posts Send private message

Well ok then i guess i am in the wrong place, lets just leave it there shall we.

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