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20 Jan 2014 9:34 AM by mike_walsh Star rating in Torrevieja. 594 posts Send private message

mike_walsh´s avatar

Those who read my post and blog ‘Does PC Stand for Poor Cuality in Spain’ will be familiar with the background. Having suffered years of poor service from the Costas wretched computer shop ‘experts’ I was at my wits end. Always out of pocket, victim of sharp practice and laptops that performed as badly as did their repairers. Other than that I was tired of an eye-rolling attitude that suggested that these ‘experts’ were doing me a favour.

I bit the bullet. Through a business friend I contacted Sebastian, who looked after my PC stuff before I relocated to Spain. I found the remote computer repair service perfectly manageable. We made an arrangement to be on line last night (a Sunday).

For me it was bemusing to have a computer expert several thousand miles away, with a little assistance from me, working away on my PC and that of Nadia‘s. We chatted via Skype as he worked on it. As he worked he cleared the deadwood, brought programmes up to the minute, installed this and that.

I asked him why others couldn’t do the same here. Disinclined to criticise, he suggested that some would not be up to the job but perhaps in most cases they ‘just couldn’t be bothered.’ He added that the UK had its fair share of cowboy incompetents too.

When he had finished, my wife and I had two laptops, one of which is getting on in years, working perfectly well and fast. In fact, the performance of Nadia’s is so good that we have decided that replacing it is unnecessary. She can’t believe it was done remotely on a Sunday night. Not having to take it to a PC shop and losing it for days.

Sorry but this has reinforced my scepticism about Costa business complacency and mediocrity. It sucks and it betrays us all. Hallelujah to remote PC management.


Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email keyboardcosmetics@gmail.com for details


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20 Jan 2014 11:01 AM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

eos_ian´s avatar

Not sure if I would limit it to 'Costa business complacency'. This is a sector that is full of cowboys. The 'PC specialists' are the new cowboy car mechanics of the 21Century. A profession that can be learned at home or by your self will always be open to crooks and useless service. However when you do come across a professional, they stand out from the crowd straight away. They are far and few between, so when you find one, hold on to him/her. However this is not Costa, nor Spain in my opinion. This happens all over the country, all over Europe and all over the world. 




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20 Jan 2014 11:50 AM by Marbella29649 Star rating in Mijas Costa, Costa d.... 58 posts Send private message

Mike, I'm not sure why you have it in for the I.T Sector and if you like I can send you the contact details of my clients who are very happy with my service.

Remote PC Management is something I use every day normally free of charge to my clients to help them solve minor issues.

I was using Microsoft SMS Remote Management 14 years ago back in the UK.
I actually cleared a virus from one of my clients laptops while they were on holiday in Thailand and spoke to them via Skype while doing so.

Please do not label us all as cowboys. There are plenty of people in Spain who learnt there trade at Malaga Airport.
Even journalists have been known to make the odd faux pas by posting incorrect information.



This message was last edited by Marbella29649 on 20/01/2014.

Soltec I.T Services. info@soltecspain.com www.soltecspain.com

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20 Jan 2014 12:18 PM by mike_walsh Star rating in Torrevieja. 594 posts Send private message

mike_walsh´s avatar

Fair point, Neil. I can be self-effacing about my own trade and am under no illusions as to the shortcomings of the media. I am its fiercest critic. I am not picking on the IT trade, though I understand your interpreting it as such. I have morphed (another post) into criticism of complacency across the entire business community. I have done so very publicly on a number of occasions.

On this occasion I was relating my experiences garnered from my dealings with those in your trade. Ironically, you as a professional suffer the most from poor reputation created by cowboy operators. I had the same feelings expressed right across the various trades when I worked for the Guild of Master Craftsmen. All tradesmen suffer from cowboy competition. What is needed is a trade association and Trading Standards office with teeth.

I accept that you are a needle in a haystack. I just couldn’t stomach another six years looking in vain for a Costa Blanca needle. No offence intended.


Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email keyboardcosmetics@gmail.com for details


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20 Jan 2014 12:27 PM by Marbella29649 Star rating in Mijas Costa, Costa d.... 58 posts Send private message

Hi Mike, No offence taken by the way.
One problem that I have and I'm sure it happens in other trades is that some people let an "Expert", who is normally someone from the local bar, try to fix the problem to save money but they only succeed in making it 10 ten times worse.
So when they do eventually take it to someone who knows what they are doing they are shocked by the amount of work involved.
With any trade especially on the Costa's ask people for recommendations and then ask the business what experience they have and more importantly how long they have been in that particular business.


Soltec I.T Services. info@soltecspain.com www.soltecspain.com

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20 Jan 2014 12:43 PM by mike_walsh Star rating in Torrevieja. 594 posts Send private message

mike_walsh´s avatar

Like I say, for twenty years I have assessed and mentored small businesses for the Guild of Master Craftsmen and the Federation of Master Builders. I am well experienced in the topic. Ironically, I had it in mind years ago to fill a much needed gap by starting a genuine trade association here. Membership would require proof of qualifications, several randomly chosen customer references, proof of insurance, etc. A set of rules with the power of conciliation and where it merited it loss of membership. I went off the idea when it became apparent that too few on the Costas would qualify to make it viable.


Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email keyboardcosmetics@gmail.com for details


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20 Jan 2014 12:53 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Buy Apple MacBooks or desktop ones, I have, at least this way because next to no one knows anything about them you don't get ripped of for bum repairs or "Experts," so you have to dump them, makes for a much smoother life.

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20 Jan 2014 1:04 PM by ElviriaDreamer Star rating. 99 posts Send private message

ElviriaDreamer´s avatar

Hi Mike

At least you have two good PC's now...so all ended well.

Just out of curiosity, how much are these "experts" charging for these repairs?

Thinking a pair of cowboy boots could look quite good on me...IF I should need some quick cash for nout trade :)

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20 Jan 2014 1:41 PM by mike_walsh Star rating in Torrevieja. 594 posts Send private message

mike_walsh´s avatar

Hi Baz….. Point taken but I have enough on my own profession’s plate to learn other trades just to avoid rip-offs. I have no wish to be a builder, car mechanic, landscaper, roofer, plasterer, etc.


Hi Elviria, How much are they charging….. How long is a piece of string. There is calculation based on how much maximum they can get for a bullshit description of what they claim they will do. This is further calculated by their undertaking 10 per cent of what they claimed to have done. When it is pointed out that this, that and the other has not been done then these are Acts of God and one must live with them. This can be translated as ’ I have not the foggiest idea of how to fix it’. They are close cousins to politicians. Yes, all is well that ends well. Thank God for Rumanians. Sorry, I am angry. I suppose it shows.


‘He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.’ Aquinas


Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email keyboardcosmetics@gmail.com for details


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