feral cats - help !!
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I am having trouble with feral cats - does anyone know where I can buy a humane cat trap or hire one ? I have tried rescue centres but no luck so far or does anyone have any advice. I have put 15 bottles half full of water, as the spanish do, in the gardens - no luck again. Please don't suggest poison - I don't want to hurt them, only their miserable "animal loving " ex owners ! Most have been already neutered by a rescue charity but their numbers are still increasing.
ps. I am an animal lover too but this is out of control.
This message was last edited by fern on 8/3/2007.
Thanks, but I am in costa del sol - sorry I should have put that in my post. Hope we have a man here like him !
If you ask around, htere is sure to be someone........................do they have a forigners office where you are ? or a local free paper....................you could e mail them and they would perhaps know of someone. Good luck anyway!!

' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
sorry i cant help ... hope you find someone that can help you out in a humane way ...

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