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This is info published by UK Government, which may be helpful
This message was last edited by johnzx on 13/03/2014.
When will they extend the new 2012 rules to all expats currently residing in Spain - lets hope it is soon!!!!
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
You ask why a few reasons
Far too many expats (Brits included) are living here illegally, working illegally, claiming UK benefits, driving illegal cars etc etc etc
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Tadd, I too am confused
Anyone who is illegally in Spain i.e. not registered, is of course subject to the rules as they exist now.
As for those who are in Spain legally i.e. registered, but who may be doing something illegal, your guestimated sweeping list. I cannot see how the new rules have any effect upon that kind of behaviour, by anyone, Spaniards included.
simple if you have to declare how you support yourself as a foreign national then maybe the illegals will get caught easier. we all have to do tax returns so it should be easier
For the Spanish same rules apply for tax evasion etc. but they have the right to live in Spain as citizens of Spain.
Non Spanish ctiizens from EU countries (and non EU I guess) do not have right to reside in spain without complying with the new rules no matter what they have done in the past and they should update their financial staus annually along with tax returns to enable them to continue residency
maybe residency should be renewed annually with proof of income etc for all foreign nationals - maybe that is the next plan!!!
Alternativley foreign nationsla could take up Spanish citizenship if they qualify
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Sorry Tadd but I believe all EU citizens have the absolute right to reside in any EU country.
Spain has the ‘Residencia’ system which they illegally applied to EU citizens (as well as legally to non-EU nationals) that was why in April 2007 the system was changed with regard to EU citizens..
Your suggestion would, I believe, only further inconvenience law-abiding citizens, who are subjected to too many restriction already.
There are sufficient laws in place to deal with those who commit crimes. The problem is that Spain does not enforce those laws.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 17/03/2014.
You are correct but as Spain has passed the laws and ignored the EU then we have to live with it and accept it as Spainish law. I think (and happy to be correcetd) the EU insisted on the old photo residince card was to abopished and conceded the intordcution of the paper verson we have today - so mayeb the residncia is not as illegal as you think.
Spain des not enforce the laws as the authorities, like many other EU (and non EU) states simply do not have the resources, the culture or the will to do this
Is EU law a law or simply a directive - could debate this until the cows come home 
if law abiding citizens did more to assist the authorities in reporting these illegals then maybe they would not be subject to so much inconvenience, but as we law abiding citizens repeatedly turn a blind eye to these activities then we have to suffer the inconveniences which are deemed necessary to combat the faults of the minority to protect the law and the safety of all.
If law abiding citizens have nothing to hide and are not willing to do any reporting then an inconvenience is maybe a small price to pay.
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
This message was last edited by Julianx on 17/03/2014.
Tadd, whilst not wanting to bore those who have read my post before, but as you will see from my profile, I have considerable knowledge on law enforcement, and thus, I can assure you that in Spain it is not a matter of insufficient resources, neither money or manpower, nor the lack of people informing on their fellow-countrymen, that results in so little enforcement. They just don’t do it.
You are probably right
However, one thing I do know is if you report a Brit car here in Spain illegaly to the DVLA they DO take action
Same if you report anyone living in Spain claiming UK benefits illegally the UK benefit fraud office DO take action (best go direct to UK rather that the number that was set up in Spain, not sure if it ever wroked or even if it is still opertional)
It is always up to the individual whether they snitch or not - either turn a blind eye, be honest, civil duty or simply honour amongst thieves
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
However, one thing I do know is if you report a Brit car here in Spain illegally to the DVLA they DO take action
Not sure what action, other than deleting the registration in the UK, that they would/could take. After all, it not exactly a serious matter, provided they have insurance, and the police in Spain have ample powers to deal with that.
... if you report anyone living in Spain claiming UK benefits illegally the UK benefit fraud office DO take action
That I can understand, as they are committing a criminal offence and thus can be arrested in Spain on an arrest warrant, and deported to stand trial in UK
Back to the thread.
I have been assured that Fuengirola National Police have varied the service which they have been providing for several years. Although one can make an appointment to present the papers, Mon to Fri, one must attend on a Monday or a Friday to be told what the requirements are. Apparently it has been ‘discovered’ that the volunteer who was last year awarded a the highly prestigious Government ‘White cross’ for his valuable work as a translator cannot speak Spanish, and thus now is allowed only to make appointments.
I also understand that the info provide by the UK Government (as quoted in the first post here) has been brought to the their attention, thus making it unnecessary to attend on Mon or Fri, but they are choosing to ignore it. I hope that those who are inconvenienced, by having needlessly to return and join the queue, will ask for the Complaints Book, as the situation seems ridiculous.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 22/03/2014.
However, one thing I do know is if you report a Brit car here in Spain illegally to the DVLA they DO take action
Not sure what action, other than deleting the registration in the UK, that they would/could take. After all, it not exactly a serious matter, provided they have insurance, and the police in Spain have ample powers to deal with that.
As I personnally know 2 people who have been prosecuted and fined heavily for having a UK car in Spain illegaly - action can be taken. One was registered SORN in UK and the other no tax and no MOT, the car without tax and MOT was impounded in Alicante and still is, the other transferred to Spanish plates PDQ (sorry but we really should stay on thread )
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
OK Todd, but I would imagine the action was taken in Spain and not by the DVLA. I do not think the DVLA would have jurisdiction outside UK.
Nice of you to remind me the we are off thread, as I started the thread !
Sorry johnzx but the fines were done in the UK and the Spanish confiscated the car. Don't know what is happening with the car but if I find out I will let you know
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”