The Comments |
The threatened visa ban on Russians will play havoc with the coastal economy of Spain. Russian investment in European Union is massive. If the EU carries out its threat, European Member states, whose trade with Russia is I believe 50 per cent of their exports, will be ruined.
This doesn’t even include the consequences of Russia turning off the European gas taps - and much else.
The visa restrictions are part of a package aimed at Russia unless it engages with an illegal regime of Nazi fanatics imposed on the Ukrainian people by Western backed coup d’état.
How the hell did we Europeans allow ourselves to become slaves to the whims of an unelected EU leadership whose foreign policy is dictated by the U.S.? Where this will end I have no idea; do I wish to know?

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
...unless it engages with an illegal regime of Nazi fanatics imposed on the Ukrainian people by Western backed coup d’état.
Your comments are more than a little discourteous to the people gave their lives in their right to peaceably protest about the way their country was being led and mismanaged.
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
Yes, a little respect for all people who give their lives for the cause they believe in is not a bad thing.
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
We need to worry Mike – both for the reasons you have indicated and for the fact that the UK have sent their chief trouble shooter over to sort matters out.
Why does that whingeing tyke (he of the chrome dome) appear on cue at every global dispute to recite the same message in his monotonic tone eat at lots of banquets and be photographed with his international peers all of who share the same dour countenance
Those of us who remember the precocious schoolboy who spoke at the 1977 Conservative party conference will always wonder how this guy even got into ‘the house’.
Thanks, Woodbug. Actually, very few of them achieve their positions through the polling booths, Cameron and Clegg included. Thepresstitutes are already describing ousted President Yanukovych as a dictator. In fact, he was elected on 48 per-cent of the vote. (‘History is the propaganda of the victors’ and ‘The first casualty of war is the truth.’) Far more popular than most Western leaders - those that have been elected that is.
I checked Hague out. I see he was invited to a top bankers jamboree in Switzerland. The costs were eye-watering. All free of course; he was a guest. What, you may ask yourself was a Foreign Secretary (not a Minister of Finance) doing being sucked up to by the world’s top bankers? This was before Hague started demanding invasion of Syria.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
Latest news...... what impact will this have I wonder (if it is true)?
This message was last edited by ads on 07/03/2014.
Just another example of the misinformation being orchestrated by the media. I quote: If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed. -- Mark Twain.
If you want balance - or Russian response - then ‘favourite’ Voice of Russia and Russia Today.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
The Swiss probably invited Hague to dinner so they can learn how to make loadsamoney without doing anything. Besides a basic of around £150k Hague holds five directorships and is paid advisor to two commercial organisations along with his estimated £400k P/A from public speaking, plus his income as a newspaper columnist.
Oh – and let’s not forget the wages from sitting on public enquiries along with that other greedy, lazy waste of space, the Rt (or should that be rat?) Hon Dr Vince Cable MP, Secretary of State for Business. Both these Cameron acolytes make a lot of noise, but do b****r-all that benefits anyone except themselves.
This message was last edited by Woodbug on 07/03/2014.
Corruption and greedy self interests are sadly endemic within both political extremes and left unchecked and unchallenged act as a cancer eating away at civilised society....