CPR stands for Condado Primary Response. A team of volunteers will provide emergency medical assistance to people in need whilst waiting for an ambulance to arrive on site. Everybody knows it can take up to 30 minutes or even longer for an ambulance to respond to an emergency call and this time could prove fatal for the victim. CPR will provide vital emergency medical care during this time whilst waiting for an ambulance. The volunteers are trained Ist aiders certified with Murcia Health Authority who will have oxygen, defibrillators and a full 1st aid kit and are now offering an emergency service.
The service is a registered charity here in Spain and has been funded by donations from a small number of home owners and renters of Condado de Alhama. The first responders and the committee to support them are all volunteers and give their time freely and without any remuneration. We have 7 first aiders trained, a further 8 volunteers who will be trained in March 2014 and a full set of emergency equipment.
We are hoping to continue to train more 1st aiders and maintain the vital life- saving equipment but to do this we need more donations from every house holder on Condado - if everybody donated 10 euros a year we would have enough money to run CPR efficiently and really make a difference. We would also like more volunteers, English and Spanish to come forward to train as 1st aiders and help with fund raising.
If you wish to donate to CPR, donations will be accepted at the Clover or Condado Club, there will be donation tubs around the other businesses in Al Kasar and donations can be made on-line by clicking the donate button on the website at cprcondado . com