They blocked my bank account! HELP Please.

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27 May 2014 12:34 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Just start with the branch.

Use both: English and Spanish:

Estimados Señores:

A día de hoy no me consta ( s.e.u.o) haber sido informado por su entidad de la penalización de bloqueo de cuenta que la falta de acreditación de mi residencia lleva aparejada.

Siendo esta obligación de acreditación de residencia, una obligación de interés fiscal y siendo la mía una cuenta corriente que no genera intereses, no encuentro la razón que pueda motivar el presente bloqueo por lo que les solicito procedan de inmediato al desbloqueo de la misma a fin de no producir daños en mi administración económica.

Solicito la medida anterior en un plazo de 24 horas previo a lamentablemente diririgirme a comunicar la incidencia a la atención al cliente/ autoridades de consumo y cambiar de entidad.

Confío en que entre todos somos capaces de solucionar la situación sin incurrir en ulteriores problemas,






Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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27 May 2014 1:07 PM by puret0ne Star rating in Los Barrios, Cadiz. 21 posts Send private message

I've just sent the fax to the branch and it's gone through.
I will keep you posted here.

Once again, thank you Maria.

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27 May 2014 1:21 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Yes, please, keep us posted



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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29 May 2014 3:10 PM by puret0ne Star rating in Los Barrios, Cadiz. 21 posts Send private message

Hello Maria & all,

As of now, I haven't heard anything yet from the bank.
I added in the fax to contact me by the email, but nothing.
(I don't think my account is unblocked, then again I cannot check.)

Considering I haven't got much time till my bank balance runs dry, I will have to make my mind up quickly on the next move. I'm also checking with the police station as to what I need to do.



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29 May 2014 3:14 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Considering I haven't got much time till my bank balance runs dry


If it is blocked then I do not think any bills will be paid from it.

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29 May 2014 3:20 PM by puret0ne Star rating in Los Barrios, Cadiz. 21 posts Send private message


As seen below, payments are ok, I have a problem with receipts and my balance is going low for direct debits. I can check the movements of my account online. I've recently sent some money to the bank (as he said my account was unblocked) but it's not credited. I'm sure it will return as it's blocked for 'ingresos'.


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30 May 2014 12:25 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Have asked at the police station where I work.

They say, you need to go to a documentation office of the National Police (So for you I think that could be La Linea).  Compete the application form for the Cert of Non Residency showing you need it for the bank, get the payment form and pay the fee, 6.96euros, at any bank,  produce your passport and a copy, produce your NIE cert and a copy.  They will (should)  issue the cert.

They have never heard of anyone needing any paperwork from the British Consulate.

I would suggest that if you do that, and there is still a problem, politely ask for the complaints form. I do not think you will need to complete it, as the police, like anywhere else do not want a complaint.

Good luck,

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30 May 2014 5:19 PM by puret0ne Star rating in Los Barrios, Cadiz. 21 posts Send private message

Hi johnzx,

I also called two Comisarias, one in La Linea and the other in Algeciras.

I got two slightly different answers - maybe the procedure varies per each police station. :

La Linea - Fill in the form and come between 9-12 (there might be a long queue), you pay the fee at the bank and you come again three days later to pick up. You need a domicilio en Espana, people use a hotel address or friend's address, but you need a Spanish address. You can only apply for this certificate from the same localidad police station where your domicilio is.

Algeciras: Just turn up with your passport & a copy and some cash. But you need to make an appointment by calling this number xxx. Call this number one day before you want to come, between 10-12 in the morning. We will provide you with an application form and a fee form, so best come first and fill in here. You don't need a Spanish address, use your address in your home country. It takes around 1/2hr and you need to come back 3-4 days later to pick up your certificate.

I will probably call next week and go to Algeciras - I spoke to two gentlemen to make sure I understood correctly. Both of them sounded very kind and competent which put me at ease a lot.

I will do ask for a complaint form if there's a further issue.

Thank you for your interest and help in this matter.



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04 Jun 2014 2:56 PM by theline Star rating. 84 posts Send private message

Based on my experience with the one in La Linea, I'd recommend avoiding it (it's staffed by a complete pair of gilipollas integrales). I don't know if the one in Algeciras is any better, but the fact that you can phone to book an appointment certainly sounds like an improvement on La Linea's cattle queue system.

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20 Jun 2014 1:30 PM by puret0ne Star rating in Los Barrios, Cadiz. 21 posts Send private message

Hello guys,

As of today, the moneies I transfereed is finally in my Santander account.

I'd like to thank people here that help me through this and I will write a step-by-step guide how to get a certificado de no residente from experience.

I went to Algeciras extranjero office to apply for a certificado de no residente en Espana (9 June). As I already made an appointment (you have to call one day before to make an appointment), I didn't have to wait at all. I just gave my passport number and they located my NIE from the system. I filled in the application form (actually I prepared it at home already) and used my gib home address. Then they filled in tasa 012 so that I could go to a bank to pay. It was €6.96.

I returned to the office and gave the receipt. They told me to come back next Monday and also gave me a number to call to find out if it's ready or not. I called the same week Friday (13 Jun) and they told me it's ready for collection.

So I went back to the office on Monday 16 June and showed my passport. They gave me the certificate and then the same day I presented it to the bank. And the bank told me it would take 1-2 days to unblock and inform me of that. One particular guy at the bank (forget the other two idiots who bounced me around with the wrong information) was very helpful, I wish I had dealt with him from the beginning!, and he emailed me yesterday 'Buenos días, Con fecha de hoy he verificado que su cuenta no tiene ningún bloqueo.' 

I transfereed some fund immediately yesterday afternoon and today I see the monies in the account.
Gosh...finally it's done and dusted. I've got some bills coming out on 7 July and my balance was below €20!

It was a hassel but anyway now I don't need to bother for a few years I guess. If anyone in Cadiz area who's in the same situation, and need further information, let me know. I will do my best to help!

Happy Friday to all!





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21 Apr 2017 7:27 PM by ljinuk Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Recently my bank has also been blocked. So I wanted to set my ING account in Spain up to my Paypal which is so difficult to do because I don't know how to find a sort code? I went onto my online banking entered my very easy password to remember 3 times and then they blocked me but I couldn't undertand everything in Spanish. Before ING had an online chat which was helpful and now there's just a number that you can't get through too. I don't live in Spain now so I can't just pop in and there's no ING bank close to where I live. I have emailed Spain but as usual Spain hasn't gotten to grips with the email system and just tend to ignore you! I just don't know what to do. I have had bad luck in the past with Bankia who kept taking random money out my bank and not explaining why? so in the end I closed Bankia account. I just think the banks are disgusting in Spain, they rob you off for using your card at any cash machine and charge for a new card and oh just everything. I don't know how I can solve my problem? Oh and yes the only way I can activate my account is by entering the numbers they sent to my spanish phone! My spanish sim won't work over here.

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21 Apr 2017 11:20 PM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message


It would be helpful if you advise  whereabouts you opened your Account in Spain. Do you now live in UK. Is there not a Branch of ING Bank in London which could help you???




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22 Apr 2017 9:08 PM by M1614 Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

Hi, I just had a similar problem with Sabadell, I kept being told that my connection had timed out, I contacted my bank head office and I was told that it had been blocked by the opening branch, apparently it was tied into some recent communication I had with my bank with them requesting copies of passports and additional personal information this was something to do with the prevention of money laundering, which was strange as I use my other account for that, anyway they emailed and text my UK mobile with details to reset the password they even phoned me until they got hold of me to make sure I could get back online, which was nice.

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23 Apr 2017 9:38 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

It happened to a lot of people about a year or so ago. All banks have to check the ID of their customers and were given, I think, something like 5 years or so in which to do it. The Spanish banks were a little lackadaisical about it all and waited until virtually the last minute and panicked. People who didn't have their current passport scanned into their records were getting their accounts blocked until they did so.

The problem with us Brits is that we don't get an ID card. Our passport runs out and we get another but, unlike ID cards, they have a different number on it. It's a right pain in the neck going to America as well because you get an ESTA valid for two years but, if you change your passport before the two years is up, the ESTA won't match up with the new passport number.

You should make sure that, if you change your passport, you take it to the bank to have it registered. The banks will check up now and again as well.

As a non-resident, you need a certificate of non-residence every two years. The bank normally does this for you but they will, especially now, check that the passport details are the same.


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