Corvera airport

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04 Jul 2014 5:40 PM by Sten46 Star rating in Hatton, Derbyshire &.... 243 posts Send private message

Hot news from today's Costa Blanca News - date for Corvera opening is December 2014!

The same article goes on to say that, as current flight details have been set until mid 2015, no-one will ACTUALLY be flying into it; or that the details of the loans required before it can open haven't ACTUALLY been agreed yet; or the fact that the air-space over it is still under 100% military control and they have not yet ACTUALLY agreed otherwise!

I do think December 2014 might just be a tad optimistic!




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04 Jul 2014 7:26 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Won't be ready for Paramount's opening then?

 Oh, I forgot - that's not even started!

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05 Jul 2014 1:26 AM by duffy41 Star rating. 16 posts Send private message

It will open when it opens!!

Spain has a totally different culture, it's hard to accept some times.  As we play by different rules.   I don't see plane loads of spanish locating to uk or ireland though!!!!

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05 Jul 2014 12:43 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message


It will open when it opens!!

Spain has a totally different culture, it's hard to accept some times.  As we play by different rules.   I don't see plane loads of spanish locating to uk or ireland though!!!!


According to El Mundo 57,350 Spaniards came to the UK in 2009....Then in 2012 it had gone up to  73,659....The real figures in 2014 are 150,000.

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05 Jul 2014 1:59 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

And in 2013, almost 30,000 Spaniards moved to Germany. That makes over 85,000 in the last few years. Anywhere the jobs are, I suppose.

However, the pool we had for when Corvera airport would open has now been altered to guess the year rather than the month.



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05 Jul 2014 2:25 PM by Woodbug Star rating. 371 posts Send private message

Corvera is just another Spanish cock-up just like Valencias Castellon and Madrids Don Quijote ghost airports.  Covera is nowhere near ready to open not just for the reason that Sten points out but also because there are no systems installed or staff trained to operate them. There is always the issue of St Javier's future and the reluctance to close that airport a few km away before Corvera can open.

As for the Paramount comedy 'guaranteed to open summer 2015' - Premursa the owners don't own all the land yet, planning permission has not been granted and they have no money and will need private investors. Would you invest in a country with such dodgy property/land buying history, a country sinking under the surface of corruption and a country with no clarity to its laws and a failing economy?

'Nuff said'!

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05 Jul 2014 2:32 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Apparently they've applied to the EU for funds for Paramount.

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05 Jul 2014 4:51 PM by Woodbug Star rating. 371 posts Send private message

It appears that they have asked the EU for 18m euro to kick start the project and considering that the estimated infrastructure costs are around 70m - it's not going to do very much. Lenders and investors need to secure any money against asset along with an exit so they know exactly when they will get their money back and where they can take their profit and until the all the land has been acquired and the permissions in place - they don't even have a project to invest in.

If decent on-going funding isn't in place, then the building will just stutter, contractors will not get paid and it will all end in tears. I do hope that the money to build this much needed attraction can be found, but Spain needs to drag itself into the real 21st century before anyone takes it seriously.

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05 Jul 2014 7:22 PM by 2750H Star rating in North ants.. 46 posts Send private message

Can someone please enlighten us on what paramount is? We bought a propery last year and are hoping to get over later in the year.

thanks JeDi

Dianne P

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05 Jul 2014 9:15 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 posts Send private message

What is Paramount ?.......................................some may say 'a very large chunk of pie-in-the-sky' !!!

Here is the link to Murcia Today's historical reporting of the strory over the last 4 years. It makes great reading if you love a good fantasy.............or farce, whichever way you choose to take it. Happy reading laugh, some of us in Condado de Alhama still live in hope (some hope !).




( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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05 Jul 2014 11:07 PM by 2750H Star rating in North ants.. 46 posts Send private message

Thank you I will read with interest

Dianne P

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06 Jul 2014 10:15 AM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

When we first bought some 14 years ago, the patter from the agents was that it would be a Disney World type complex built in the area. It changed to Paramount studios some years ago. Then again, we were going to have the largest shopping mall in Spain with a train station built about 2k away from us and a huge botanical garden in the town.

Neither have materialised and we don't hear anything about them nowadays. Even the bus stop signs on our road have been removed and no buses ever stopped at them.

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06 Jul 2014 11:34 AM by eileen66 Star rating in Glasgow. 67 posts Send private message

We looked at properties on Lanzarote and the sales lady was very honest about the planned golf course etc not coming to anything for the next ten to twenty years, if at all. I really appreciated that and it would have encouraged me to buy from her.

Are the agents in Murcia being as honest or are they and sellers inflating their house prices unfairly on the back of the promise of Corvera and Paramount?

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06 Jul 2014 11:57 AM by Woodbug Star rating. 371 posts Send private message

Do the words Estate Agent and Honest ever go on the same line? Having said that, most of the get-rich-quick-brigade have gone and there are some well established firms/companies still operating - some good some bad.


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06 Jul 2014 5:46 PM by dotty199 Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

It is a lot of hype unfortunately just like what the developers say. Unless they get their act together and deliver what they promise within a reasonable time, confidence in what they say will always be lacking.

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21 Aug 2014 8:15 AM by Jimbofinn Star rating in Chiclana De La Front.... 225 posts Send private message

Jimbofinn´s avatar

Don't know how accurate this news is but here it is:

Air traffic at the new airport at Corvera must not exceed a million passengers for the first two years of operations or the company, Aeromur, will have to repay 50% of the public funds it has received.
This is one of the conditions set by the Director General of Competition for authorizing the loan. The first condition is the closure of San Javier airport by Aena which should take place between six months and two years of the new aiport opening.
To date the investment in the new airport is 257 million euros. Public Money can only finance 75% of the investment and that final figure may be less as the current loan agreement is for 171 million euros over 10 years.
The regional department of transport has now “guaranteed” that the airport will be operational in the first months of next year.


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21 Aug 2014 5:37 PM by johnmcmahon Star rating. 335 posts Send private message

Corvera will never open in my view

There aren't the passenger numbers to sustain it

As long as St. Javier is operating

Corvera's a dead duck

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22 Aug 2014 7:58 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

Latest news!

Corvera airport will open in December 31st 2014.

Flights to the moon from the airport will start in January 2015... Mars in April 2015, and Jupiter in May 2015.

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23 Aug 2014 9:19 AM by Neiljohn Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

I think the timetable for flights to Jupiter in May is a little optimistic.But let's keep positive!

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23 Aug 2014 11:58 AM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message

Surely nothing can happen until Brussels agrees that Murcia (A public body) can lend the operator the money. We all know that an application has been sent to E.U. but no news so far. In my tiny opinion this 'loan' is totally agains all E.U. rules and should not be sanctioned. Why should the taxpayers of Murcia pay for this white elephant that even if it does go ahead and San Javier (MJV) closes will, not in my lifetime, be profitable. It might have stood a chance if all the money 'raised' went to the construction etc. of Corvera instead of alegedly the pockets of some big-wig or other.

By the way I see on a previous poster that they will be offering flights to the Moon etc. I am sorry to burst your bubble but Air Traffic Control have not yet agreed the flight paths as they haven't yet received their 'commission' for the routes yet.


This message was last edited by steone on 23/08/2014.

This message was last edited by steone on 23/08/2014.


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