Spanish customs?

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08 Jul 2014 5:20 PM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

We have been travelling back and forth to Spain from the UK for 8 years, twice a year now, so 32 ferry trips, give or take, back and forth and only once have I been previusly stopped by customs and that was about 3 years ago travelling from the UK when I was hauled over and asked cheerily to open the boot, a quick look and freiendly wave on  my way and I still have no idea what they were looking for.

On Sunday last we pulled into the current chaotic refurbishment at Santander where both turcks and cars were being mixed up at check in with the resultant chaos when the trucks needed to back up etc.  Following the usual ticket and passport check we were pulled over immediately inside the gate (in the rain) where a pleasant Spanish official asked me for the passports that had just been checked, then asked me to unlatch the boot, squeezed some dirty washing bags and enquired whether there really were laptops in the computer bags and then asked me how much money we were carrying.  I wanted to ask what business it was of his, but upon reflection this was Spain so, deciding discression was te better part of valour, I told him.  He then took our passports over to the back of a van where another official with a computer took down our passport details and via a DVLA link confirmed the car was mine (could have asked for the log book, which by law I carry).  Anyhow, to avoid lengthening the tale, I was presented with all this information on a sheet of paper and asked to sign it., It was stamped in that loving official Spanish way with great care and flourish and I was given a copy.

The form is headed (top left) Agencia Tributaria  and (top right) Unidad Regional Operativia Vigilancia Aduanera Cantabria.  Then came all the details as I had given them (including the cash we were carrying, passprt no and car registration, where we had come from and port of destination) and at the bottom, the stamp; Agencia Estatal De Admon. Tributaria Cantabria / Vigilancia Aduanera Base Maritima, with a crest in the centre.

I think they did this to all the cars.  My point is why?  If they were simply customs, why ask for passport, money details and car data from DVLA (unless of course they were playing with a new toy)?  can anyone enlighten me?

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08 Jul 2014 5:32 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

AIRPORTS in Spain have stepped up vigilance in light of reports of a 'cannibalistic' drug which induces extremely violent behaviour in those who take it.

Metiendioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) is said to have been sighted in the Balearic Islands, particularly in tourist havens popular with young adults for their nightlife.

A psychoactive drug and noradrenaline and dopamine recapture inhibitor, it is known in English as Ivory Wave, Vanilla Sky, Blessing, White Lightning, Magic, Maddie, Black Rob, Super Coke and Peeve, among other names.

It is a stimulant with effects similar to those of cocaine and speed, and can cause anxiety, agitation, violent or suicidal conduct, cannibalistic behaviour, paranoia and hallucinations.

Physical effects include tachycardia, headaches, high blood pressure, raised body temperature, nausea and kidney colic.

These can descend into rhabdomyolysis – when the skeletal muscles contract and relax violently and at speed, breaking off and contaminating the system – as well as convulsions, kidney and liver failure, metabolic acidosis, and breathing and lung problems severe enough to require artificial respiration.


Perhaps this has something to do with it, doesn't have to be only at airports either, dealers in this drug would have / might have, a fake passport, bags of money, dodgy documents for car etc etc...The list goe's on.

Maybe just a step up to impress a new boss, or as you say a new system.

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08 Jul 2014 5:46 PM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

Nice one Baz 1946.  If only!  At 71 years of age I can't even say it withou my teeth falling out!, but I would like to know where to get false passports and bags of money :-).

I have to admit that the new Economie ferry (first and last time try) indiced similar effects crossing the Bay of Biscay including hedaches, nausia etc.  Anyhow, this guy could not have conceivably found anything during his cursory examination.  To have been caught, someone wild have had to confess up front that he had a stash of this metadieno.... stuff hidden in his dirty socks and that the computer bags were in fact stuffed with a couple of million euros, because he certainly would not have come across them.


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08 Jul 2014 9:29 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

We were stopped last September at Bilbao. First time ever and the boot and engine compartment were searched (though not very thoroughly). We weren't asked how much money we were carrying but have been asked that question at airports in UK and the US though not in Spain.

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08 Jul 2014 11:23 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

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Agencia Tributaria is the tax office, maybe a money laundering check




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09 Jul 2014 3:16 PM by randolph Star rating. 167 posts Send private message

Am I the only one to click on this thread expecting to read about bullfighting, flamenco dancing etc........! :/



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09 Jul 2014 3:20 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Looking that way...Unless someone else owns up.

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09 Jul 2014 11:52 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

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Personally, I think it's a check on people not registering as being tax resident - the Agencia Tributaria have recently been present at my son's school, photographing EVERY car dropping and picking up children and pulling over EVERY foreign plated car and have also, I am informed, been into the school some months ago and obtained bank account details from where fees have been paid (can easily distinguish between those resident and those boarding).

Maybe cracking down on people taking advantage of living in Spain without registering as being tax resident - not a bad thing!

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10 Jul 2014 8:12 AM by elaineG Star rating in Spain . 409 posts Send private message

the Agencia Tributaria have recently been present at my son's school, photographing EVERY car dropping and picking up children and pulling over EVERY foreign plated car and have also,


I am not saying this is not so but that same information has been circulating for years (I heard it 20 yrs ago).  But I have never heard of any action being taken.  It is the same sort of story which says Hacienda inspectors roam the street looking for signs showing properties for rent.  I understand Hacienda are so understaffed that it would be impossible. Again I have never heard of anyone being prosecuted.

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10 Jul 2014 8:36 AM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

This isn't something I've heard - I was there at drop off in the morning and pick up some seven hours later in afternoon.  They had blocked off the road and car park - every car was photographed and every foreign plated car was pulled over.  I watched them!  There were about ten men.

The information about the school having to provide bank details came from someone who works with the school - again, not just a rumour.  What they do with the information?  I'm sure we shall find out!


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