The Comments |
The tourist have arrived this weekend and since Friday we have 2 families vying for who can play the loudest music
It goes on from dawn till dusk and I am not a party popper but there must be a limit to what is acceptable – we do not need to hear their music 3 streets away surely they can turn it down, enjoy it without disturbing everyone else. Then we have the loud fishwife cackles of laughter 
Why so loud?
Thankfully they go to the bars at night so we do get some peace – until they wobble home drunk
Completely disrespectful, ignorant and plain rude typical of the shell suit brigade that give Brits such a bad name
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Hi all you have to do is make enquiries as to the ownership of the property if the property that is being let out does not have a Turistica licence then it can not be let out to holidaymakers you can have an embargo place on the property good luck.
Tadd1966 lives in Los Montesinos. There is no compulsory letting licence in the Valencia region except for those providing bed and breakfast type accommodation, not individual lettings. You would need one if you had more than one property and running it as a business.
And, tadd, lucky you if they've just arrived. They've been coming here for the last 3 weeks and, whilst most are pretty good, the late night cackling sitting outside is annoying. They haven't started up the loud music but give it time, give it time.
One of the worst bits this year must be down to the new pet passport rules as more and more seem to be bringing over their darling little doggies. We haven't had a problem with the yap yap brigade before but they appear to have arrived in droves this year.
Still, they're not here very long. (I hope).
Sadly they are owners and not tenants it is the same every year and throughout the summer months
Simply ignorant people who have no thought or respect for others
I am sure the women are having a competition who can laugh (cackle!) the loudest it is so sad. Surley they cannot be that thick to realise how silly they sound - god help us all when they start on the vino!!!
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
some call them scum others call them chavs some even call them worse than that I call them shell suit trash but at the end of the day they simply have no regard or respect for others.
It is real shame as these are the type of people who give the majority of nice friendly Brits a bad name abroad i.e. loud, foul mouthed, rude and ignorant
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
"It goes on from dawn till dusk"
Usually people complain when noise is from dusk to dawn.
However, I sympathise, Tadd, I enjoy my peace. Rarely get it where we are either.
good news the loud mouthed cackling shell suit birgade have gone back - peace
bad news they are back next month
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
The visitors you talk about spend there money in the economy and pay for the services you enjoy for the 11 months of the year when they are back home, without them your life would be much worse as a whole so my advice is just and bear it.
Love Hugh
_______________________ Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK
i am sure the economy would not suffer as much as we do!!!!
No excuse for disrepectul behaviour towards others and I am sure my life would be much better without them - I would glady pay more tax etc to be rid of them
I have no choice but to grin and bear it thankfully I can let off steam on here
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Tadd sadly wherever you go there will always be others whose behaviour is, at best, inconsiderate and, at worst, a disgrace. Sadly you can't change very much about others' attitude (not legally anyway) so you either have to accept Hugh's point on the money which supports so many of those local businesses you like to use throughout the year or move away from the coastal areas which attract this kind of tourism. And on the bright side they'll be gone in September :)
I do sympathise with those who are obliged to put up with unwanted noise but it is almost certain that visitors/residents on holiday will want to enjoy the hot evenings and drink more than they would at home - so the outcome is inevitable. I can't quite understand why a full-time resident would buy a home on an urbanisation knowing that the close proximity of neighbours property will generate unwanted noise, be it from 'chavs, scum or shell suit trash', owners dogs or children.
If you bought a house in UK near an industrial estate, night club or hi-volume housing estate, the price would reflect the possible nuisance factor and you would do your own due dilligence, then take a view on the purchase. It's no use complaining if the source of displeasure was present before you bought your new home.
Perhaps a different approach and mind-set may help you, stop thinking about these people in derogatory terms and treat them as neighbours, invite them over for a few drinks one night and explain your problem to them - it may help.
Some good points
But the bottom line is lack of respect for others and low personal social standards becoming the norm and people making rather poor excuses for this type of behaviour
More excuses and more acceptance of low standards result in a disrepectful society and setting a bad example for future generations which will mean standrds will continue to fall and direspecting others will become totally accetable!!!!!!
If this is what you want then continue accepting and continue making excuses (economy, holidays, driniking - come on!!!!)
No excuse for bad manners anywhere, anytime
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
I see this whole post on both sides hut have to agree with woodbugs comments, if people are looking for a holiday home in a Definate holiday area in a rabbit warren of back to back apartments and townhouses they must expect that some of their neighbours will let out there homes to maybe make ends meet, to some noisy holiday makers after all it may be the only time they get away as a family. I agree its no excuse for fude rowdy behaviour.
Why do brits want to purchase such places amazes me the most troublesome joise we get in a village in the hills of northern granada is the 9.20 car horn blast for delivered fresh bread the noise of the bin man collecting the bins at 7pm or tge jingle of bells on tge goats during pasture changing oh and the village church bell! So why do they buy on an urbanisation and of course pay a fortune for a hot box that needs coolingbin summer and heatingbin winter
Why do brits want to purchase such places amazes me the most troublesome joise we get in a village in the hills of northern granada is the 9.20 car horn blast for delivered fresh bread the noise of the bin man collecting the bins at 7pm or tge jingle of bells on tge goats during pasture changing oh and the village church bell! So why do they buy on an urbanisation and of course pay a fortune for a hot box that needs coolingbin summer and heatingbin winter
Because otherwise we'd all be the same. And we know the only thing that keeps Brits happy is to complain about other Brits but, what really keeps them happy, is gloating over the supposed choice they have made over other Brits.
Of course, when the tourists have gone, we'll be back to relative peace and quiet, close to civilisation where we can walk to buy our groceries or have loads of restaurants to choose from. Not even goat bells (or smells) to disturb us. Where the weather is nice all year round and the roads are accessible. Where we have other neighbours to talk to about things that concern us. Of course, for a couple of months you can have your little gloating as you deserve it for putting up with the rest of the year. No heating in the winter in my "hot box" thank you very much. The double glazing put paid to that. As did the mosquito nets and air ducts to keep the cool air coming in without the nasty bitey things in the summer.
Lol , point taken. But the point being made is dont winge about holiday makers if you choose to live in a holiday hot spot some of us prefer to live in spain!!
I think the worst aspect of some British tourists is their sense of entitlement. They believe they can come to Spain and do whatever they like without sanction. They confuse traditional Spanish tolerance and hospitality as a form of weakness and a tacid acceptance of appalling behavior.
I am British by birth but left the UK over 30 years ago. For me the British I see in coastal Spain during the summer are an alien species. I don’t recognize them as originating from the country where I was born.
That may be because the Britain I once knew has changed since I left. From a distance it seems British society has become ill mannered, boorish and above all utterly selfish. I hope I’m wrong. The example of that can be found along the entire Spanish coasts and islands every summer. Perhaps Spain does something strange to ordinary decent people like a rite of passage. It turns them into monstrous raving drunkards like weekend nights in British towns and cities .
The Spanish are as equally appalled but they desparately need the revenue it creates. They deal with it in the same way as the permanent ex-pat residents. Count the days until they all leave then breath a quiet sigh of relief.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Very well put I would add that these Brits are simply an embarrassementt to the entire human race.
Sorry to say but Britain will suffer eventually if not already.
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Yes I think Britain has changed and been effected considerably in 30 years and I guess you would expect that. However core values should not and that's what we are talking about here.
The interesting question for me is if that's true and I'm unsure it it then why? As a society becomes wealthier it seems to go ever more backward in basic human values. I think we lose sight of what really matters and what does not.
It's the job of leaders of a society to provide a sense of moral direction for a nation. I see that woefully lacking.
This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 27/07/2014.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
It's the job of leaders of a society to provide a sense of moral direction for a nation. I see that woefully lacking.
I think it is the job of all of us to provide a sense of moral direction especiallly as we raise children and a good sense of morality and respect is woefully lacking in many areas - just look a some of the excuses used on here for teh behaviour of the shellsuit brigade!!!
It is joe public who accepts this type of behaviour or similar poor standards of behaviour so it stands to reason joe public should take the lead (vote for someone else, give more support for teachers, police, etc instead of blaming them, ban unacceptable media by simply switching off and do not buy)
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”