Help!! Completion of Modelo 210 online
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Hi All,
I have attempted this year for the first time to complete and print the Modelo 210 form on line. When I Validate and Print I see an error message that the first name cannot be read. I had entered Surname First Name so I do not understand why this is happening. I have tried entering a comma and a decimal place in between the names with no success. I have tried entering a middle name and changing the format also with no success.
Does anyone know if there is a particular format for the name field that must be applied?
Also, when I attempt to save a copy of the document it saves in a 210 file format which is not compatible with Adobe it seems and so I cannot open it. Opening in any other programme causes the detail to be illegible.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
I only put in my surname and first name without anything in between so not sure why this is happening to you. Is it possible that the name doesn't exactly match what is on your NIE?
I only put in my surname and first name without anything in between so not sure why this is happening to you. Is it possible that the name doesn't exactly match what is on your NIE?
When I complete the form I show the surname, followed by first names, i.e. all first names. BLOGGS Mary Anne
Thank you for your responses. I had spotted that the pagatinas from the prior year dropped the zero at the beginning of the NIE. When I fixed this it worked perfectly!
Thank you again for your suggestions,
A very relieved Karen

Hi All,
Just one other small issue if anyone could help please. My Spanish is mediocre and after printing the form 210 I see the first two pages are describing what documentation must be included when submitting the filing to a bank or other.
If we are filing a positive return for urban property (type 02) without any reductions, it seems that we do not require any further documentation, is this correct?
Or must we supply proof of our NIF in our country of residence as I know that this is additional data that was not previously requested on the manual forms.
Any help would be very welcome,
Thank you,
The question about your NIE/NIF from your country of residence was on last years form (2012) as well. I included my national insurance number last year and this year. I took the signed forms (my husbands and mine) for the 2013 return to the bank today and they were accepted. Still haven't succeeded in submitting the forms online even though I have the secure keys on my computer. Some problem with Java 7 and chrome.
This message was last edited by lijaloo on 19/08/2014.
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